View Full Version : Obsessed With Dying!

09-07-11, 18:09
Hey everyone
im sorry to bother you all but i have to talk to someone.
Im obsessed with my health
I get a chest pain, i think i have a heart condition. I think that because im quite overweight that im going to have blocked arteries and secretly have angina and im the only one who sees it.
My friends next door neighbour is 33 and had 2 heart attacks and now im obsessed thinking i will be the same. I do it all the time.

Bottom line, im obsessed with dying, im petrified, i dont know what to do.

Im really out of shape and everytime i get puffed out, or dizzy i think im dying.

Can someone help me through this? is anyone else the same?

09-07-11, 19:05
hi, hope your ok, am the same, i fear every day that am going to die, am 39, am going to die of a heart attack at any moment, have had pain in my left arm on and off all day, done wont to leave the house, but must think positive, just my anxiety,you will be ok, take care

09-07-11, 19:15
thanks so much for replying, its so much better knowing im not the only one suffering with this, im so frightened
are you okay? pains in your arm, whether its left or right, invaribaly tend to be muscle strain
Hope youre okay

09-07-11, 19:30
hi, doing ok for now, thank you, only been on this site couple days, feel abit better knowing am not the only one going thru this awful thing, but still scares me whatever pain i have weather in arm, chest, head, leg, neck, dam i hate living like this, but am still here, hope your ok, x

09-07-11, 19:41
me to hun, im exactly the same. any symptom, even thing like mouth ulcers and i worry myself stupid that im at death's door. right now, my chest feels really hot and im freaking out. just gotta tell myself im gonna be fine but it's not easy. lots of love, you are so not alone. xx

09-07-11, 19:49
Hi Holly, I think that's the reason 90% of people are on the site :( Panic and anxiety are often related to an irrational fear of death. Best advice would be to take your health into your own hands, and try and be more healthy :)

10-07-11, 23:02
yeah your among a good bunch friends here we all must stick together , i'm 32 and ocd with dieing young mainly since theres been alot of people just die so young its indeed scares me also and even right now i think i'm gunna die tonight as got pain in body and chest " yet i no i've been doing lifting at work and that hurts me but oh no mr scarey pants worrying ere :( " so anoying isnt it tho :( ,, hope you ok x

11-07-11, 01:09
I'm 19 and the same. I panic all the time that I'm dying. Chest pain heart attack, headache brain tumour and so on :/
Also I get scared to go to sleep in case I never wake up. :(

11-07-11, 01:17
Hi Holly

I too think I am gonna die of a heart attack it all started 2 years ago for me and I am still here so try not to worry ( easier said then done I know) I to am over weight and am 30 years old and I get chest pain daily and pains in my arms and dizzy feeling in my head and every heart attack symptom you can think off.I have been to e.r 20 odd time. In 2 years and had every test the doctors can do and the all come back normal but I still think I am gonna have a heart attack so your not alone. Try not to think about it and the symptoms will go away

11-07-11, 09:52
i could have wrote this post im 23 and for the last 6 years ive been obsessed with my heart i check my pulse and i cant bear to feel it beating if im cleaniung up ect even though i know its normal to beat fast ive had all the tests and there clear but im still obsessed it started after my dad died of a heart attack x

11-07-11, 11:49

I am the same. I think thats why we're all on here:) Its awful isn't it? Its surprising how many people actually suffer like this. I had a bit oif a breakdown in Dec thinking I was terribly ill and my mum told me she does the same but I never knew this - shes just very good at hiding her anxiety! It really made me feel better. So I'm sure there are loads of people who are exactly the same over their health but just don't show it. I don't think the news, magazines and papers help matters as they are full of stories of ill people and bad health stories and well the internet...don't get me started, DR google is not your friend.

You're not alone - lots more people suffer from this than we know!

Loads of love - hope you feel better.


11-07-11, 18:12
Hi Holly,

I feel exactly the same. Last week I was convinced it was a brain tumour and this week I've told myself it's a heart issue. It's so draining but whenever I start to freak out, I log on here and it's a great comfort to see how many other people are viewing the Health Anxiety pages. We're clearly not alone!

Amelia x

11-07-11, 19:31
Hello there! I, too, over the course of the last few years, have had the same fears and thoughts as you. Every little knick and ding my body makes, I am certain it is over -- I have a heart condition, I have cancer, a brain tumor .... I was once told by my psychiatrist that I am easily impressionable. If something happens to someone, it makes me fear it will happen to me. I can't watch the news anymore or surf my symptoms because I will think I have whatever it is. For me, my problem is I have been surrounded by death, so it seems, for over 3 years now and I am having a hard time coping. What I mean is I lost my grandmother in 2008, which was where this all started; I had a health issue in 2009, my grandfather and precious cat died in 2010, and already this year I have lost another precious cat, a friend to cancer, and another to an overdose. I once wondered why I thought about death so much, and I believe the reason is because of all these losses. I am obsessed with it -- I can't stop thinking about it. My symptoms have made me agoraphobic ... I am a mess. But, I do plan to get on top of things. I've had so many medical tests, even just finished a month with my cardiologist and I keep hearing I am healthy, but I just don't feel healthy, which makes me worry.
I am right there with you, and when I read your post I had wondered if you had experienced a loss lately or were going through hard times. What we can't express for whatever reason turns on us and causes these physical manifestations in us. If you are ever in any doubt, do go see your doctor and get another full exam just so you know everything is ok, and then so you can figure out what is going on externally to make you turn internally. I really think you are going to be ok. This is simply a reaction to your neighbor's death -- and if there is more going on, to that, as well. If you need to talk, feel free to PM me. I've been through Hell and I am on my way back. I hope what I have been through can give others support and reassurances that they need. Hugs to you -- Wiskers ~

11-07-11, 22:51
Your not alone I suffer from health anxiety centred around my heart and my blood pressure allways checking my pulse and was allways checking my blood pressure had 1 reading of 211 over 103 had ecgs all fine on beta blockers for anxiety keep thinking my pulse is going to fast or to slow can't win can I don't want to check the blood pressure

11-07-11, 23:02
I do that!!! Constantly checking, I steal my bosses blood pressure monitor off his desk when he's not looking ha ha, you have to laugh at yourself!