View Full Version : cramp in legs and arms taking citalopram

09-07-11, 20:25
is this normal please think i am going to go mad

09-07-11, 21:54
I had a few cramps and twitches in my limbs when I first started it. Didn't really bother me too much though.

10-07-11, 09:24
is this normal please think i am going to go mad

Hi, I hope this helps. I've been on Cytalopram for about 10 weeks. At first I felt nauseus, I had cramps, loss of appetite and sleep, sometimes I had the shakes, racing heart, hot & cold sweats and generally felt a bit weird.
I was prescribed them for depression, I felt so sad and on the edge. I was crying all the time didn't want to do anything see anyone etc.
The side effects of this drug actually didn't seem as bad as feeling shit emotionally everyday!
I have to tell you that the side effects don't last forever. Remember you are taking something that your body is not used to. It will take time to adjust. All of my symptoms stopped after about 6 weeks.
I feel absolutetely fantastic now! I am so glad I stuck it out, well worth all the side effects I experienced.
I am genuinely happier and I feel totally with it. I'm still sharp, able to function at work, socialise and I wake up happy!

10-07-11, 12:13
hi thanks for your post but with 2 small children i gave up taking them last night and decided to give cbt ago instead i had a mild panic attack around tescos today but manged to make it pass very quick which i am proud of myself for doing so just need to wait for the side effects to pass and move on x

12-07-11, 00:04
Sorry to hear you couldn't cope on cit, I hope the cbt helps you, good luck