View Full Version : anxious with the thought of a blood clot or a stroke?

09-07-11, 22:03
Hi. I have lower painful back spasms occasionly. bad numbness. like when i cross my legs after two secodns there dead and when i stand again i cant walk. i get pulses anywere in my body that are really big pulses. just had one in my upper arm. i get them occasionly. I get foot cramps just below my ankles occasionly which hurt so much and my toes spread apart and i cant move them back together. all these things happen like once every few weeks.

09-07-11, 22:38
also recently been getting this feeling on left foot between big toe and 2nd toe :\

11-07-11, 22:09
just got the pulse thing really bad in my chest. its not my heart but its felt like on the skin. also got the feeling again between big toe and 2nd toe. i dragged my self on a 20 min walk even though i felt rubbish but thats all ive done.

14-07-11, 19:10
im now getting tingles/nubmness in foot. this is NOT anxiety as it occurs when sitting down for less than two seconds. i cant even cross my legs without it happening. I touched my foot and couldnt even feel it- it was dead. i know im in trouble. ive spent the last year basically bed bound with the thought of dying and havnt done much exercise. BUT i first noticed this when i got my pc two years ago and one night i had to walk for half hour to get a feeling back in my leg.

eight days a week
14-07-11, 19:24
You've had it for a few years right, and it comes and goes?

So, it's definitely not a stroke or a blood clot - these are permanent! Every piece of evidence tells you it's not - keep reminding yourself that :)

Have you been checked out by a doctor for circulation problems?

14-07-11, 20:31
thanks. i asked doc and she gave me a two second reply. i got as far as "i get nubmness" and coulnt get any further. i always thought circualtion issues cause blood clots and strokes

14-07-11, 20:32
honeslt cant rememver when it started. maybe last june or two years :S i forgot lol

14-07-11, 21:14
I am sorry ur feeling this way but i have this now and again it can come from having a bad back or just the way u have been sitting or medication u maybe taking i went the doc about mine and even saw a specilist and it was nowt so it would be best to go back to ur doc but when u last went she didnt say it was anything specific I really wouldnt worry and the pulsating can happen when u give ur body too much attention as i had that in my gullet and it turned out to be nerves lol hope this helps

Cathy xx:unsure:

14-07-11, 22:08
If it only happens when you sit down it could be that your pinching a nerve? Exercises or stretching could sort out the problem maybe?

saffy f
14-07-11, 22:28
it sounds like a nerve problem to me,i get it in my neck when i have high anxiety.the muscles tense up trapping the nerve and cause numbness headaches and all sorts.I go to an osteopath. you might need a massage to loosen the muscles from all the tension xx

15-07-11, 04:12
You might be overreacting , I do it all the time and can find it hard to realise when I'm doing it.
Right now I'm lying in bed and my foot is numb and it's sore too, it's more common than you may think just most people dont notice it,
As far as numbness goes I get it like you, my legs goes numb very fast after sitting down,
I think it's because my diets not the best and I'm not as active as I used to be and I tend to sit in odd positions ,

16-07-11, 19:18
Thank you so much for all the replies really has helped me x

20-07-11, 13:01
sorry for bumping this but was watching this morning a couple of hours ago and it said a DVT can be caused from sitting down a lot. now all these symtpoms are worrying me again. I only move for college and thats hard work- i just feel so ill and down all the time.

20-07-11, 13:23
Are you sure they didn't say more than just that???

If it was just from sitting down then I would imagine over 90% of people would have them as they sit at an office desk al day!

20-07-11, 14:54
What they mean by sitting down is sitting down for a long period of time, usually in one position, without getting up, such as on a flight, where the risk of poor circulation is that much higher, which can cause a clot. They are not really on about people who sit down for a period of time, as most people do get up at some point in their day!

If you had a clot, you would doubtless know it. The pain is strong, the area where the clot is balloons up and becomes quite discoloured. You would be hard pushed to put any weight on your leg.

Try not to worry, you're fine.xx:flowers:

20-07-11, 14:57
I have actually had a blood clot, it moved to my lungs. They are incredibly painful. And they do not last several days. You do not have a clot. You are ok!

20-07-11, 14:59
Gee, you poor thing lisaki...when it moves to the lungs it is very serious stuff.

Glad you are ok.:)

20-07-11, 17:50
Thank you. Sorry to hear you had a clot... gald you are ok now though.
I do move to go the loo/eat and talk to family sometimes etc but not that much and i can sit in some odd posistions aswell.

20-07-11, 17:59
Thanks, it was scary and I am fairly certain that is how my health anxiety started. You will be ok.

20-07-11, 18:27
Emma - at your age you should be out doing some exercise more rather than sat inside to be honest.

20-07-11, 19:27
The exercise is really something im going to work on when i finish college for the summer on friday- i suffered terrible bullying at school- almost all of my year 7 class would constantly call me names- fat, ugly etc all day long until i cried infront of them- now if im out and see a teen i try to cross the road and get away. I was told i was to "fat" to exercise- i was 8 stone at the time- 9 now. Thats why i have a fear of exercise. I know it shouldnt stop me but sometimes it just does. Its something i want to work on though with my counesller once i start getting sessions.
At the moment got really bad pain in upper right arm.

20-07-11, 19:53
Em.ma...I can sympathise and can see how your anxiety may have been triggered by your horrible experiences. I think the bullying I received at school triggered my anxiety too.

Whoever the complete and utter thickarse was that called you fat at 8 stone is needs a brain scan to check for grey matter as that is UTTER RUBBISH, and clearly stems from an ulterior motive like pure jealousy. Do not allow these pathetic people to stop you doing something that really will help your mental state. I exercise and it really does help release the body and mind from the grip of anxieties, if only for a short while.

Take care.xxx:hugs:

20-07-11, 19:58
Thanks, I think part of my anxiety stems from it. it wasnt one person it was about 25 people out of my class who would constantly shout out names.
Over summer gonna get a bit of exercise in though- at the moment got bad pain in upper right arm which is worrying me. could it be from using the mouse on the pc to much- i notice when i do my fingers cross over to.

20-07-11, 20:10
Thanks, I think part of my anxiety stems from it. it wasnt one person it was about 25 people out of my class who would constantly shout out names.
Over summer gonna get a bit of exercise in though- at the moment got bad pain in upper right arm which is worrying me. could it be from using the mouse on the pc to much- i notice when i do my fingers cross over to.

Whether it is one or 100, they are jealous prats and people who belittle or demean others usually do so to make themselves feel better as they are sad individuals. Just because there were many of them doesn't mean they are all right and you should bow down to their 'opinion' which is again, RUBBISH. It usually takes one big mouth bully to then egg on others who are nothing more than cowardly sheep without a mind of their own.

FORGET THOSE LOSERS. You can bet your life they pay you no mind now without a care in the world, and yet you are living with the consequences of their actions. DON'T LET THEM WIN.

I for one totally understand you. I was bullied throughout the final year of Middle school by an ex friend and also all through high school by a particular girl and her cronies who would call be nasty names about my appearance. I often wish I could go back to school the person that I am now and confront them.

Yes, the pain could be related to repetitive activity, but it may just be general aches and pains. I get that now and again in my typing hand and arm.


20-07-11, 20:32
Thank you :)... I wish i had the guts to confront them but i dont. i still get the occasional comment even now. it got as bad as habing a lighter that was lit put mu to my hair before. Im also getting slight numbness in right hand to. i really hate anxiety.

20-07-11, 21:16
Maybe you are unconsciously holding you muscles tight and this is causing numbness. I get this in my hands and face and naturally feel that I'm having a stroke. I have had so many 'strokes' and 'heart attacks' by now that if I ever had one for real I will be an old hand. Lol.

21-07-11, 16:57
Hiya thanks. today i went on a 4 hour bus journey to give somthing back to a friend.... my upper legs hurt and my upper right arm hurts to especially when i use my pc......... im in tears at the moment im just so scared im going to die

21-07-11, 17:13
Notice when you describe your pain that you are sitting for long periods or time or doing a repetitive motion? This happens to the most healthy of people. You will not die from it.

Same as Mirabelle I have had many strokes and heart attacks (in my head). My job requires a repetitive action with my left arm. That baby will go numb if I have done a lot of that portion of my job in one day. For the first year I was sure it was a heart attack. Finally changed the way I do that task and it has relieved the arm pressure/pain. Same thing when I use my mouse for long periods of time. I am short so my wrist ends up being pressed against the desk and 9 out of 10 times my arm, hand and wrist will go numb. Try a wrist rest, try to get off of the PC and try to exercise!

Best thing to do right now is stop worrying, go do some nice smooth stretching exercises, the distraction alone will be the best benefit for the way you are feeling right now.

21-07-11, 17:29
Thank you. I think its made worse by the fact that ive had a horrible day :\. The last thing i have to rant about is the fact that my mum was being disgusting and has left her sick down the blinking sink :@! over night... i didnt realise till i looked in it and i just drained my food off in there and also shes been washing up in there. :(... i now have to clean it up my self and try not to worry that its gonna make me ill

21-07-11, 19:09
I did do do some exercise but my muscles are so sore i can barely move so it was just strecthing. i have a bad pain in my wrist now and in my upper right thing still. and down my leg

21-07-11, 19:29
i also plan to go on at least a 2 hour walk tommorow... got really bad pains in right leg at the moment. I cant beleive my anxiety is back at full force again

21-07-11, 19:58
Emma please stop worrying about this, these are normal pains. you are not used to excercise, ive been excercising lately aswell and ive got all the same pains as you. Please dont worry about it. Maybe you need to speak to a doctor who can explain that pains like that are normal with excercising, especially if your not used to it x

21-07-11, 20:58
i can reassure u now u do not have clots i had 2 in december feel free to pm me about it if u want xx

21-07-11, 21:50
Thank you. Every day this summer im gonna do something whether it be a walk or going out... BUT if the weathers really bad and i stay in can anyone recommend some exercises i can do in my own room?

22-07-11, 01:23
All sorts you could do. Google exercises for small spaces. That should give you plenty of reading material and ideas. I personally took up Belly Dance to lose weight and feel better about myself. There are instructional videos online and you don't need much room. Just find something you think you would like to try and do that for 30 minutes a day in your room.

22-07-11, 12:45
Thanks. I went out walking for 45 mins today... but i couldnt stop the feeling that everyone was laughing at me so came home :( my upper thighs really really really hurt.
also was in kictehn and i dont know if i stepped on something but it really stung a part of my foot.

22-07-11, 12:52
There are loads of things you can do with exercise at home Em.ma

Follow an exercise dvd and or get a step machine are two things. Both are not that expensive. You can get a step machine in Argos very cheaply. You can also do some weights at home as the hand held weights are easy to find these days, and again not very expensive.

Before I joined the gym I did 10 mins on the step machine at home and a bit of weights. Even a little bit of exercise does help.

If you have a Wii at home then it is easier than ever do exercise at home. Sadly, I don't as they're a bit too pricey for me!


22-07-11, 16:43
Thanks. Ill get my wii out the cupboard lol. What ever i trode on earlier is really hurting when i walk- i cant describe the pain though. its only on the bit were i trode on something. What if it was broken glass or something :(

22-07-11, 21:30
the last thing that worries me about a blood clot is i get a weird feeling betweek my bog toe and 2nd toe on one foot. like nubnmess but different. cant explain it.

23-07-11, 21:17
right arm hurts again and just got stinging pains in right part of chest. and the feeling between toes a few hours ago grr

02-08-11, 02:43
Emma, how did you ever get with dead arm and walking and stuff?

02-08-11, 12:09
what do you mean? "how did you ever get with dead arm and walking and stuff" :S.

and just saw this on facebook:

So someone died from a blood clot induced by DVT from "Playing Xbox for 12 hours a day". Maybe they should of tried parenting instead of just blaming video games.

http://static.ak.fbcdn.net/rsrc.php/v1/ym/r/y-2LR9eyI1L.gif22 hours ago (http://www.facebook.com/DJ.Whyte/posts/1693789685062) via Facebook Mobile (http://www.facebook.com/mobile/?v=web) · LikeUnlike ·

posted by a friend on fb:(

02-08-11, 12:11
sometimes on days when im exhausted i can be like that... i just feel so ill and tired

02-08-11, 12:40
the most worrying smytmpom is legs hurt whilst walking. just got up to have a quick shower now and i cant walk as its all numb and it hurts to walk on. i am going to die from this.

02-08-11, 16:21
i really cant cope. i feel sick, tired, ill. I am going to die. I cant walk without it hurting. ive had this for years but i can get pain in lower legs near feet when walking. i get bad tingles. the other day i was just sitting and one lower leg went numb and severe tingles- which actually hurt.

02-08-11, 17:40
everytime i get up i get pains in legs. i fear this is the start of it. i may not be having one now but eventually whether it be days, weeks or months i will do. i am now getting a pain behind my knee. funny thing is i still have my appetite.

02-08-11, 18:12
how much have you done today? have you been sat alot? as that can make you get pains in your legs x

02-08-11, 18:17
If you sit at a computer all day you will get all sorts of aches and pains.

You should really try getting some gentle exercise

You are not going to die but I urge you to get some help with all of this asap.

02-08-11, 18:29
hi thanks. well ive been out- took my brother back to hospital(mental health ward) and been shopping with my mum (food shopping)
Nicola do you mean get help with the anxiety?

02-08-11, 18:38
Yes Emma the health anxiety and all the aches and pains

02-08-11, 18:38
Emma you need to see a councellor urgently, please just keep on at them and get your app straight away. x

02-08-11, 18:40
Thanks. I guess its through the gp again though as i push and push the counessling and get no were. Nic what do you mean get help with the aches and pains? :S

02-08-11, 18:42
I mean get someone to tell you they are all normal and are probably still growing pains.

02-08-11, 20:43
do you have a womens center or sure start center most offer free councelling and you can ring and book your self no need for the gp

03-08-11, 11:05
"growing pains" i never even thought of that. Maybe it is :)
im not sure but ill look it up and see if we do have places like that near by.
today im not going out till 3:00pm to meet a friend. causing more panic that i have nothing to do till then

03-08-11, 11:20
I was just watching channel 5 and it said "after the break we meet the man whos son died suddenly after playing pc games for over an hour at a time" :'(

03-08-11, 11:40
im also getting noises in upper leg- nearly as far up as you can go like my stomach makes :S

03-08-11, 11:53
the pain is worse today aswell in legs.

03-08-11, 12:23
Emma, you almost certainly dont have a blood clot, and wont have a stroke - you are far too young, and would have to be very very inactive for a long time to have any chance of it.

What you do have is very severe health anxiety, and this is what you need to get help with :hugs:. You cant keep going through life worrying about every ache or pain, or if you may have banged your head and forgotten about it.

Anxiety and worry can increase even small pains and twinges, or even create ones that arent really there.

paula lynne
03-08-11, 13:58
Emma, turn off the tv! Watching stuff about blood clots is only feeding your anxiety, can you see that? Its not very sunny today, but its not raining...how about a walk to the shop? Treat yourself to a magazine and cold can of pop......and enjoy the fresh air.:hugs:

03-08-11, 14:06
Thanks. Both of you. Yes i turned it of staright away. Going out to meet a friend at 3pm and walking over to his x
its so sunny here today still i live in the south of england :) forecast to rain all day tommorow though :)

03-08-11, 22:22
last thing is i sometimes get big red patches on legs. got one on foot at the moment. its not a rash just red skin

03-08-11, 22:28
it feels funny there too, this has reinforced the idea im gonna have a blood clot

03-08-11, 22:34
when i get them they appear for a few mins then go. im close to crying

03-08-11, 22:39
why do they come up?

03-08-11, 22:40
i cant do this anymore

03-08-11, 22:52
i just wanna go to bed and i can not. why do these red patches pop up. :(

03-08-11, 23:04
will i make it through the night? i cant do this. my upper legs feel funny again.
I was thinking though up until this last year ive been at school 5 days week and nans most sundays but i used to spend a lot of saturdays doing nothing. how ever college isnt all day everyday so free time is mostly spent being unhappy sat at home. i want my life back. i dont want to feel guilty for sitting down at night time.

03-08-11, 23:16
is it maybe cause i was pressing against it. but i dont feel like i was? im having a panic attack. im sweating im typing fast i cant do anything

03-08-11, 23:22
i think i may go to bed. cry my self to sleep (lol)! and hope i wake up in the morning...

04-08-11, 00:09
i just turned of my lappy to go to bed and the tears started flowing again. I cant deal with this. I have to google and see if this is a sign of a blood clot :@. Its not the first time ive had one and when i got up and walked around it went. why oh why?

04-08-11, 00:49
i cant beleive this has kept me up to nearly 1am

04-08-11, 01:00
last thing is i have what i think is a tiny bruise on one leg. its like a tiny light brown mark- barely visible and can hurt to press. ive had it since sunday though and its not going. also had tiny one on other leg. i dont remember knocing it
yet again turned laptop of to sleep. remembered and saw it and im back :( why

04-08-11, 01:11
actually kinda glad i wrote this all down, could show doc and/or counseller it. :)
at bottom of leg looks funny to me. like a patch were the colour os off

04-08-11, 11:49
Em.ma, you MUST stop examining every inch of your body for marks, patches, etc. etc. What good is it doing you hun?

All it is doing is making you think things that simply are not true. For ages now you have been worrying you have a blood clot and you are still here which proves you DO NOT HAVE A CLOT as by now it would have amounted to something.

The body examining is crucial to stop - it feeds your anxiety as it gives you something to focus on in all the wrong ways, as marks are JUST marks, nothing more. I have bumps, bruises, pains (I have pain in my armpit and swelling) and numerous other annoying ailments and I just can't be bothered with worrying about them as I have better things to do, like venture out to do some food shopping when there is a break in this crappy rain, lol.

Distraction - it works, I promise you. Think of how much of your life you are wasting on body fixation and health worries.

Get back to your GP and reiterate your need for counselling hun. Don't take no for an answer and make a BIG stink about it if you have to.

I hope things get better for you asap.xxxx:bighug1:

04-08-11, 23:51
Thank you. Been trying not to look at my legs today how ever earlier i did manage to spot another red patch- same as on foot yesterday except it was on leg today. I went out today but only for 3 hours and have been in since half 5 and my right leg really hurts.Ive mad a gp app. how ever as i didnt make an on the day one i have to wait 9 days- im not complainng though i dont consider it urgent- hate taking up NHS time/money lol. Why is this happening to me?

04-08-11, 23:59
oh last thing is earlier for ages it felt like something was stuck on bottom of foot btu nothign was there. :\ not the 1st time ive had this

05-08-11, 00:09
ive felt fine all day then realised ive done nothing all evening and now im worried again. the pain in leg is a lot worse than yesterday

05-08-11, 00:11
Emma - please listen to people on here and think before you post each time. You do not have a blood clot, you are not dying. You do not need to keep posting over and over. Just leave it a few days and see how things go.

People are not replying to you as they are not sure you are real or taking the mickey and I know that sounds harsh but that is how it is.

You have to make changes in your life and we keep suggesting this and you ignore us and then just post over and over again.

05-08-11, 00:18
I know it may seem like that but i can promise i am not taking the mickey. Just gonna go back through and read the thread through another time.
I find it hard to go out- but thats not due to my health anxiety thats something else. like for example notes used to get pass round the class "sign this if you think Emma is ugly" etc. And i used to get things thrown at me from accross the classroom. I still think its one of the reasons the health anxiety started along with the big stone accident hitting me on the head in May 2010... wow i cant beleive that was over a year ago now.

05-08-11, 00:20
forgot to say im only waiting 9 days for a gp app as i want to see a specific doc as i really feel i can say anything and talk to him about everything else. ive always felt better talking to males than females for some reason.

05-08-11, 00:23
I think you really need an urgent referral for some help and you need to get your mum on side with this and to push for it at the GP's.

You have a lot of problems that need addressing and I am sure if a doctor saw all your posts on here they would be very concerned about getting you urgent help staight away.

You give advice to Duke on here as well - is she a friend that you know?

05-08-11, 00:26
Thanks. Getting my mum on side is the hard bit. with my brother you can see he is very ill. his been on mental health ward for nearly 4 months soon. his seeing things etc and just walks around all the time and doesnt talk to you. with me its less obvious as i look fine but i dont feel it. i feel thats why she wont listen to me.
Duke (Beth) is someone i know yes. Shes a big help to me at the moment and we get on. we live about 15 miles from each other. Shes being seen by CHAMS. when i got reffered they said i didnt need that level of help and reffered me to someone lower than them which has taken months.

05-08-11, 18:06
Emma, you definately do need cahms! Your anxiety is probably on the same level as mine. Has it got worse since then or..? xx

06-08-11, 15:42
Well it was terrible last October/November- like it is now but worse and it calmed and got worse again... today was round a friends and i said about the weird feeling like something is stuck on my foot and he says yer i get that i think its just blood trying to get to the foot. just got it again now. its always in the same place to and only happens if i sit down. the minute i started walking it went

06-08-11, 16:25
it now hurts in that area. its on the sole of my foot between the big toe and 2nd toe

06-08-11, 17:24
id be less concerend if it didnt go when i walk. when i walk it goes. then sometimes it comes back like now. Im seeing the doc on Friday so hoping that instead of online cbt they can refer me for actual cbt.

06-08-11, 17:48
Emma you are fine its all normal, i have this all the time, xx

06-08-11, 18:49
thanks i just cant shake the feeling. the stuck on skin feeling is horrible.
Ive been on the wii (sports) for a couple of hours but im still scared

06-08-11, 19:42
i cant sit down for 2 mins without it helping and it i dont move it goes all tingly

06-08-11, 20:00
I just googled and this came up:http://www.healthboards.com/boards/archive/index.php/t-301066.html

this is the closest i can get to what it feels like! :O

06-08-11, 20:36
just didnt realise causlaty or something was on tele but i heard the words "that can be a smpyotms of a dvt" :O. is it just a coiencdence or does it mean something?

06-08-11, 22:34
There you go! :) Lots of people get it aswell, but don't google again. :) Even though this outcome is good, most of the time google makes things much worses. But im glad that youve found something that can help you. :) Your going to be ok xx

06-08-11, 22:55
Thanks. I dont know what it is though still
i also get ankle cramps occasionly (near ankles) havnt had this for ages- they hurt so badly and my toes spread apart
also sometimes get lower back spassms which make me catch my breath and i have to clutch my back in pain

07-08-11, 10:27
woke up with the feeling again- going to clear out room today but its chucking it down here and windy do dont think ill be going out. i also ntice when sitting my feet (sole) are a browny colour and weird colours