View Full Version : Soooo tired.....

10-07-11, 10:11
Last night I went out for the evening, hadnt done this for some time, came back absolutely exhausted! it was only 10pm, my parents had more energy than I did! had to go straight to bed when I got home. Is this part of the anxiety condition? sure is difficult to handle being tired all the time.

10-07-11, 10:45
Hi hun

This is something Im really suffering with at the moment so I totally sympathise with you. Its a kick in the teeth when your parents outlast you isnt it lol.

It is a totally normal symptom of anxiety & depression, & side effect of antidepressants if youre taking any? I recently had a period of being very restless & couldnt sit still, so I think that tired me out & my body is trying to retain some energy. I also find the hot weather drains me aswell x

10-07-11, 10:53
Hiya hun, thank you for your reply and your kind words, yes it is quite a struggle with that symptom, makes you feel so unmotivated as well. Yes it isnt funny when your parents outlast your energy! :winks:

Yes Im taking fluoxetine 20mg at the moment. Yes agree with the hot weather draining you, happens to me too.

10-07-11, 11:08
How long have you been taking fluoxetine for?

Ive only been on citalopram for 13 days now so am wondering if you havent been on it for long the tiredness might subside a bit once weve been on them a while x

10-07-11, 11:47
I was on citalopram but it made me rather sick so was changed over to fluoxetine, Ive been on it now for maybe about three months

10-07-11, 14:43
Hey, I find I'm always really tired when I actually go out and do something!
I figure it's because I'm not used to doing anything so my mind + body has to work overtime.

10-07-11, 15:13
At the minute if i go out i come back feeling shattered as my mind is always more active while i am out trying to tell myself to calm down and relax. but then also when i get home i find that although i am shattered it takes a while fo me to calm down.

10-07-11, 15:49
I rarely have any energy, it sucks. if I go and actually do something I'm fine but being motivated to get out of this state is quite hard.

By any chance are you overweight?

10-07-11, 16:46
It's rubbish isn't it? I can feel drained, crawling to my bed at 9pm some nights from doing nothing. Except with anx and depression you're not really doing nothing....the worrying and upset uses so much energy it's untrue.

I'm not even on any meds so god knows what I'll be like when I do eventually start!! :winks:

10-07-11, 19:15
yeh agree its rubbish, I get that drained feeling too can sympathise x