View Full Version : Chest discomfort and breathing.

10-07-11, 12:03
I know chest pain and breathing are both symptoms of anxiety but recently (Over the past week or 2) I've had random discomfort in all areas of my chest since last night it's been the left side of my chest and at the side of my left breast and every few hours I've had a random feeling with my breathing, feels like I'm hyperventilating.

My uncle has recently had heart failure and it's making me more aware. Also I'll be flying sometime over the next 2 months and I would hate for anything to happen whilst I'm 37,000ft in the air!!!:scared15:

Any advice/Info and is it worth visiting the doctor to be told "It's just anxiety" I don't want any blood tests done, had them in October and there is no way I'm going through 9 injections again to get my blood!.. :weep:

Raf xx

10-07-11, 16:59
It sounds to me like panic. Your anxiety levels could have well gone up because you've had your mind on it because of your uncle's recent condition. (isn't it annoying that the symptoms of anxiety have to be so alarming!!?)
As regards going to see a doctor, if you think it'll help put your mind at rest -yes. I went 3 times during a recent bad episode! -also with breathlessness and chest symptoms. I doubt they'd even mention doing bloods again if you had them in October, but you don't have to have them even if they did say so (it's your body! They're just trying to cover everything) They might send you for an ECG, which is far less painless and bothersome than blood tests!

All the very best,


10-07-11, 17:18
Thanks for your reply, what do they do in an ECG? and thanks for your advice, I've dissapointed myself because I've been brilliant over the past 4 weeks it's the first time I've ever thought "Well done, your back on track" in about 3 years time!!!! Going to try and book a doctors appt for this week just to put my mind at rest.

Thanks again
Raffy xx

10-07-11, 19:26
Aw, well done you for getting back on track! And don't let this discourage you -I know how it is, but sometimes there's just a blip to get over. It sounds like you are so much better than you were, so remind yourself of that *hugs*

An ECG is an electrocardiograph - they stick a few little stickers to you (chest, wrists and ankles), attach a few wires to the stickers, then the machine prints out a graph thing -and that's it. I was so nervous the first time I had one as I wasn't sure how it would be but it's really nothing scary, you don't feel anything -it's purely taking a reading of your heart rythym.

However I only had that because my heartrate was quick, so I assume your doc would just give you the routine checks :)

Let us know how you get on! (if you want to)
