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obsessive b
10-07-11, 14:23

I have been taking cit for 6 weeks now and I am still having irrational thoughts panic etc. Should these tablets have kicked in fully now I am n 20mg. I wnet to docs friday cus I have a rash he told me it was a common reaction to a bug but since then can't stop thingking it is something worse - I thought these tablets were supposed to help stop thoughts esculating.


10-07-11, 15:50
I have been taking Citalopram now for 6 weeks also. I have already found them to be effective especially when I go out and about. Before I would get anxious and panic when im out but now I bearly get anxious at all. I am also on 20mg.

I have had them before though so maybe they are just taking a while to get into your system. Either that or you need to try an alternative. Good luck

10-07-11, 16:54
I struggled with 20mg and have moved onto 30 and that really seems to be working, maybe go back to see your doctor, if they arent working they are there to help