View Full Version : Lord... it just keeps going on and on.

10-07-11, 16:44
Right so as i have posted before the right side of my face is very heavy/swollen and feels droopy and even weak! but looks absoultly normal thats the annoying thing.... its so hard to explain to anyone as they think you look fine nothing is wrong with you!

anyway yesterday i was driving and i had the worst pain in the back of my head and it woul come in waves from every 5 min to 20 min i obviously got freaked out and went to a&e( as my doctor was not open and i couldn't get an emergancy appointment!)

anyway they checked out everything and said i have a ear infection as its red and a hole in my ear drum? i don't know what thats all about ( i got stuck with this young doctor who quite honestly seemed stoned) also he said " you look fine nothing is wrong with you) which i said yes i look normal but my whole face is giving me some agro!

ANYWAY i have some ear drops and thats fine but i am still having this heavy sensation and my forehead hurts to touch...

ITS HORRIBLE could it be sinus? anyone?

Please write your advice/surgestions i am freaking out

10-07-11, 23:28