View Full Version : warts

Rachel W
10-07-11, 17:49

I first noticed small flat bumps about 4mm diameter on the back of my hands about 12 years ago. They are hard to see and are only noticeable if I clench my fist so that the skin is taught and the light shines across as they are duller. They just look like slight raised freckles otherwise. Since this summer and the fact that I have been on the beach a lot with research I think I may have a few small additional ones as well as patches of sharp bumps which I hope are just blocked pores.

Theoretically I may have had them longer,and for many years did not check them but assume that they were there.

I have OCD so I wash my hands a lot and when I first noticed them was when I worked for a biotech company and was wearing gloves a lot. I was also a zookeeper from 2002-2009 and from 2004 was wearing plastic gloves a lot then.

I am worried that they are flat warts and that they are a sign that I have a weak immune system. Is there any other reason why warts may hang around like that without there being a systemic reason? I get over colds the same speed as others and don't get sick that often at all, but wonder whether that is because I don't have close contact with people. I had a really strong TB skin test reaction back in 2002 (I was inoculated and had a negative skin test in 2000 which I heard can act as a booster shot) and I heard that if you have a weak immune system then this wouldn't happen, although some people get skin manifestations if their immune system 'reconstitutes'.

I have found yet another thing to worry about.

10-07-11, 19:00
I have warts and they are big and ugly not flat at all.

The doc can confirm if they are warts or not and freeze them if necessary.

10-07-11, 22:56
I have what the Dr called and sorry I cannot spell it so will do a phonetic spelling of sebashios warts that are not warts as in a wart virus but are sun damage and look like squashy pale brown patches on top of the skin.
They appear after age of 40 usually or younger if you have had alot of sun and are harmless. Mostly on arms and head/face.