View Full Version : been in a dark hole for six years

10-07-11, 18:58
hi everyone,im new to this forum i am so glad the crises team told me to join as i thought i was alone.i have suffered from anxiety and panic attacks for 6 years now,i am on alot of meds for it but i don't seem to think they are the answer well not as many as i am on in total 12 tablets aday.i am also agoraphobic,i have three children whom i feel really sorry for my youngest gets bullied cause of the way i am .i am trying everything in my power to get better but what a struggle.any one with any tips i would be so grateful as things for me just go from bad to worse.well i say that but just these past couple of days i have had doctors coming out to me as i cant go to them but it took six years before they realised how bad i really am.so people don't suffer in silence get help as quick as you can.what ever i learn be sure i will share it with you all xxxx:hugs::hugs::hugs:

10-07-11, 19:00
Hi natasha75

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

10-07-11, 19:04
Hi Natasha,

Sorry to hear you're having such a hard time but joining the site is definitely a step in the right direction.

Emily x

10-07-11, 19:06
hello Natasha :)

you have come to the right place for support ............sorry you have had such a rough time .
welcome :flowers::flowers:

we all understand here xxx

10-07-11, 19:14
thank you all so much i am so glad to be herexxxxx

10-07-11, 19:36
are you having any therapy Natasha ?

A lot of us have agrophobia in different degrees on this forum so cruise around the posts for advice .........also the info on the left has lots of tips as well .

we can and will get better .............the biggest thing for me was finding this forum and realising I was not suffering alone. that makes such a difference if having a bad day ....type for help ..it takes time sometimes to get replies of course .....but always someone will hold your hand for a while and if not advice .......a cyber cuddle .:bighug1:

10-07-11, 19:56
Only hole im in is a social hole and its pretty deep lol

13 years of anxiety hell lol past 6 years ive been on citalopram it has been decent with blips here and there.

10-07-11, 19:57
Hi Natasha,

Welcome :hugs:
It took me 6 and 1/2 years to see and speak to my doctor.
In between that time, I suffered in silence for as long as I could until one night, I just couldn't take it any more. A huge breakdown.
I was on the verge of ending it all, cried myself to sleep until I awoke and thought enough was enough. Just a few weeks ago, I took my first brave step and finally spoke to my doctor. It was a great relief to know that I too was not suffering alone in this world. I though it was just me and dear god, I felt so alone! I came across this truly amazing forum recently and was overwhelmed with the welcomes and replies. For the first time, I truly felt that I was not alone. I can understand everyone and most importantly, they can understand me. My best bit of advice to give you is to not fight it, as tough as it may be. The more you fight, the more difficult it becomes. Just let those shoulders release some of that tension and let all your thoughts, worries and fears slip away via here, writing a diary or in therapy. We are all in the same or very similar boat. So know, like I have told others that you are not alone. Don't be afraid and don't hold back. If there's something niggling at the back of your mind, pop on here, get a little post going. Regardless of what it contains. I am sure many as well as others will be here to help and guide you through your difficult journey. Know also that we will catch you if you fall. Sending many hugs your way xx :hugs:

10-07-11, 20:00
that was a beautiful post Broken mum .said it all :hugs:

10-07-11, 20:04
i am not getting therapy just yet,they said they have to calm my nerves first sort out right medication and then they will send a therapist.i am so grateful that there are people to help i never knew there was i felt alone this has opened a brannew life for me i am so happy to be on this forum i never thought anyone understood but to me this is like a dream come true. i think if i didn't suffer from panic attacks i wouldn't be depressed or agoraphobic but i have suffered for so long i could be wrong.i sorry if i dont make much sense my head is fuzzy all the time i can't concentrate much.but i am so greatfull to you for taking the time to talk to me if i find an ything that helps me i will be sure to let everyone no:hugs:

10-07-11, 20:14
hi broken ,mum thank you so much for advice.i am so sorry to hear about you suffering in silence you where so brave going to the doctors that is a brave step i no what it's like.speaking to people who understand makes it alot easier to talk about,i have a great supporting family but i feel like a bird on at times so it's great to speak to all you lovely people any-time thank you so much for welcoming mexxxxxxxxxxx:hugs:

10-07-11, 20:29
God bless, Thank you Snowgoose xx

Natasha, you make perfect sense.
So please, don't ever worry.
I myself always feel the same, the fuzzy brain :doh:
We all have it. The amount of stuff that comes out of my mouth is all gobbledygook to me, yet to others it all makes perfect sense.
Apparently I sound rather intelligent :ohmy:
My brain tells me otherwise :roflmao:
You may find at times that its difficult to reply, don't worry!
We all understand. Sometimes it all becomes too overwhelming and you begin to self doubt then in regards to how and when you should reply.
Don't worry about that either. I used to think that I am a post killer, I reply and then there is nothing. Then theres me thinking that everyone has done a runner - Crazy bird on the loose (LOL). So many members/readers are quite shy (it takes them some time to reply - including me) and it's our job as members (new too) to bring them out of their shells and join in. Anyway, I have probably bored you by now LOL. But I just wanted to say again, Welcome!

I am off to search my secret stash for coca cola frosties. Yum!
Need my sugar fix :yahoo:

10-07-11, 21:00
she did too snow hunnyxx

10-07-11, 21:04
:welcome: natasha your gonna get loads of hugs and support in here your not on your own we all thought we were this site is like a breath of fresh air

10-07-11, 21:28
thankyou tatt2 hunny:hugs:

10-07-11, 23:50
brokenmum thank you so much for being so understanding and letting me no how things work on here,and yes you do seem very intelligent you seem such a lovely person. i would never get board listing to you i think your great.im going to listen to my relaxation cd then hopefully go to sleep.hope you enjoyed your cola frostiest:hugs::hugs: lol take care hunny

11-07-11, 05:50
Hi I just wanted to say that your son doesnt get bullied because of who you are he gets bullied because of who the bullies are. I am sorry he is being picked on.

11-07-11, 15:08
thank you michel just feel so guilty but i suppose the way i feel all the time doesn't help xxx

11-07-11, 20:40
Hi natasha75
:welcome: you will make lots of new friends here

11-07-11, 21:42
thank you shaka hunny i do already feel very welcome.love this forum id like to thank you all so muchxxx:yesyes::yesyes:

11-07-11, 21:54
hiya natasha, :welcome: to the site its the best place to find friendly people who are in the same boat as yourself :)

Sorry to hear you are going through a bad time at the moment, things will get better though I am sure of it :) everyone on here will help you and support you, I have found so much support on here its been amazing.

I am fairly new here myself but am amazed at how many people have similar thoughts/fears/feelings as i do and its so re-assuring to know.

Kayleigh xx