View Full Version : new from Lincoln

10-07-11, 20:38
Hi everyone. I am 32 yrs old, married and have a 6 yr old son. I have suffered with anxiety and panic for 15 years on and off. Recently it has become quite severe and i have symptoms everyday, I feel anxiety is my life and it rules me. I beat it once for a couple of yrs and want to do it again. Symptoms i get are depersonalisation, lightheaded, fidgety, blurry eyes. So scary, got pills here but am confident I can do this without them, starting CBT next week. If anyone suffers the same would be great for some reassurance I am not alone.:blush:

10-07-11, 20:39
Hi lincolnkate

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

10-07-11, 20:55
you are not alone here Kate

we understand and know how it feels .........read lots and look for tips to coping on left of screen .

welcome and post any worries ........someone always answers ...but dont worry if it takes a while . :hugs:

welcome :flowers:

10-07-11, 21:24
Hi lincoln kate, :welcome:I'm from lincoln too, and suffer anxiety related to health issues.You will get lots of reassurance here:)

11-07-11, 07:55
:hugs:Thanks for the replies so far - lora, it is nice to know that there is someone on here local to me, sometimes you just feel like you suffer alone

11-07-11, 10:05
Hey Kate,
I'm new on here too, found this site out of desperation! I'm from Newark not too far from lincoln. Your not alone hun. I started having panick attacks about 15 years ago too and suffered for a long long time! About 4 years ago i noticed they were happening less and less and then i didn't have one for about 2-3 years but have started again recently very severe, almost every day. The doc has gave me 2mg diazapam to take twice a day for 3 weeks, they are helping but don't want to be taking these long term. I sat down yesterday and thought i have got to take controle over this and i wrote down a sort of mind map of anything thats been stressful, traumatic, worrying, upsetting, made me feel down about myself in the past year, it may sound silly but i think i have pin pointed what has caused it to happen again. and i feel more possitive about getting through it, i am going the docs to ask for councelling to deal with the issues i have came up with. Give it a try its worked for me. Good luck! x

12-07-11, 22:06
Hi lincolnkate ,your not alone we are all in the same boat.:bighug1:

12-07-11, 22:32
hi welcome to the site hopefully you will egt the help you need here

paula lynne
12-07-11, 22:50
Welcome Kate, youre not alone. x
Im up in Hartsholme country park in 3 weeks, beautiful place....my sis is in Lincoln, just in front of the cathedral.
Im glad youve found us hun x:welcome:

13-07-11, 06:59
So lovely to hear from people, makes me feel better inside knowing that I am not alone. I feel this site will help me so much along my journey. I have started thinking more positive already and hopefully this is a start of things to come.:D:)

13-07-11, 16:19
Hi Lincolnkate, welcome you are by no means alone. there is always someone on here to talk to. i only joined yesterday and have made a few friends already.

08-11-11, 16:44
Hi Kate,

you certainly aren't alone. I'm from Lincoln too and recently finished a course of CBT. I found it very helpful and it's boosted my confidence a huge amount. It's certainly not an instant cure but at least it's given me the skills I need to keep going and keep improving. I have been looking to see if there's a local group where people can share experiences but there's nothing in Lincoln that I can find.

I would be very interested to hear how your CBT goes - I really hope it does the same for you that it did for me.
