View Full Version : Something (I don't know what) slipped down my throat..

11-07-11, 00:49
Now this may sound crazy...

But was just downstairs in the kitchen getting ready to put some ceral in when I felt something slipping from the back of my tounge down my throat. Now the last hting I had eaten was hours and hours ago, and this thing felt like it hurt and lodged on the way down.

Tried not to panic but upon swallowing mouthfuls of cereal and milk I noticed they hurt at the spot where it felt like the object/whatever slipped down.

TBH I'm more worried about what it was that I swallowed and if it was harmful.

Not long after I'd finished eating I had a wierd taste in my mouth and burning sensation at the back of my nostrils (a bit like swallowing vodka haha) and I dunno if that's related to what I swallowed.

Oh dear.