View Full Version : in need of help

fire blade
11-07-11, 02:05
hi i have not cut for two weeks i am streesed out to max as i am going into hospital monday for out pay surgery and want to cut to releas my feelings that my head is going to explode but carnt because of whare i have to be monday :weep::weep::weep::weep:

11-07-11, 02:10
Hi fire blade

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

11-07-11, 20:04
Don't do it!!!
Go to a boxing gym and punch f*** out of something or take some bottles up the back of the garden and smash them all but don't do that.
I did that for years and years because I thought it made me feel better but it doesn't. All you're doing is hurting yourself when you need to rebuild yourself.
It took me a good number of years to realise this but my body now reminds me everyday of what I did to myself.
You need to fight it. Take it from someone who has been through it and cone out the other side.

If you need to talk you can pm me

Emily xxx

11-07-11, 20:44
Get a big lump of blu tac and slice it up with a knife instead of yourself. You can make pictures and patterns that way as well.
I understand the pain is part of the release, and doing it to objects is not half as effective, but when you get out of the habit you send the messages to your brain that you don't have to do this anymore because you are strong and love yourself.
When you want to cut, you could also try reversing it and get into that habit, for example, do something loving and kind or have a sweet snack or comb you hair. Something positive to reverse those emotions.

11-07-11, 21:35
fire blade hunny don't hurt yourself,my mum used to do that to release pressure just like yourself,look at it in the long term when you get better which you will, you don't want scares to remind you of the bad times.you are a better person than that please don't do anything like that hunny,you are hurting enough without inflicting more pain on yourself. have you got some one to stay with you and talk?if i could do anything to help talk to you on the phone or anything i will hunny please think about what your doing it isnt worth it you are better than tha xxxx:hugs::hugs::hugs: .

fire blade
28-11-11, 02:14
hi nat sorry its took so long to get back to you ,i have bein cutting for 3 years now its a way of live now its not what i want to do i have to .

macc noodle
28-11-11, 06:50
Fireblade - you don't have to do it - that is the point of the people who are trying to support you on here.

You need to get some help to enable you to free yourself from the vicious circle of self harm.

Pancho's idea sounds worth a try at least - if not the bluetac idea then the "treating" yourself idea.

Wishing you love and luck for today

Macc Noodle
