View Full Version : Called back for emergency blood testing, Freaking OUT

11-07-11, 10:36
OMG I am freaking out can someone please reassure me PLEASE>

SO I started having swollen lymph nodes in my underarm, groin and behind knees and on elbows on Wednesday last week, saw the Dr on Friday and thought they were associated to my having had the Gardasil vaccination (first dose) the following week-

Doctors have just called me back to say it is unusual, and having spoken to the Infectious Health team (that deal with vaccinations apparently) they said to treat it as though it is unrelated, and I have to come and have blood testing done immediately so the labwork can get done today.

I Am so seriously freaking out!!! I am going through all the things in my head it could be like cancer or lymphoma or infection or HIV or something Oh god someone please..... I don't even know what to think, I feel like my body is going to jump out my throat

11-07-11, 13:24
Hi Landers, I'm so sorry you're going through this. I have lymph node issues too....in my neck (back and side), around my collarbone, and what I think are lymph nodes in my elbows. I know how you're feeling! I still freak out about mine, but I've had tons of tests and nothing scary has shown up. How big are yours? What do they feel like?

11-07-11, 16:18
calm down there only doing bloods like they would for any normal person. i suffer with these really badly and have lots at the mo due to pollen. ive had every type of test ypu can think of all came back clear apart from one which was glandular fever and since that i have problems with my galnds

take a deep breath and worry about the results when you get them i know its easier said than done but try x

12-07-11, 21:20
It was OK. The Doc was very thorough, checked everything... basically they cant say yes 100% it is X unless they rule out other things, but the symptoms have all disappeared almost, so he doesn't think there's anything wrong (and since the last time I saw them about it, almost all the nodes have gone down in size, and the really scary big one I can't really even feel now). And really scary stuff doesn't go away like that the way it has.

It wasn't the receptionist fault but when she called me she basically said "Don't worry BUT they think you need to get all these blood tests and you need to come in this morning so we can get them done today" Which totally freaked me out, couldn't help it.

I'm back to fighting my brain every now and then but fear about this one is on the way down, sometimes having a really convincing Doc is good.

Only thing we DID discover:
I had been really worried about the nodes on the backs of my knees but it turns out that wasn't them at all and is actually just related to that I don't stretch enough when I exercise lol!!