View Full Version : Elusive sleep!!!

11-07-11, 11:12
I remember what it was like to sleep....just barely! ;)

Last night I went to bed early, didn't turn the computer on and read for a change thinking it would help me to get to sleep....NOT SO MUCH!!
I feel asleep for an hour! 1 HOUR!!!! Then I'm awakened because sometime after I hit 40 my bladder shriveled up to the size of a bloody walnut!!!

Get back in bed...the dog now has to go! GREAT!!!
So I'm standing at the back door at 1am arguing with the dog that it isn't necessary to make 5 trips around the yard to find a good place to do her business! FINALLY she sloooooooowly comes back in and I go back to bed AGAIN!
Then my mind starts to mess with me....
What was that noise??
Well it was either condensation dripping from the air conditioner or a very drippy sounding burglar! OF COURSE I convince myself that someone is in the house waiting to pounce and rape,pillage, and massacre me and my dog!!!
I lay in bed trying to convince myself that I'm being silly UNTIL my walnut bladder calls to me again.....could have been the 3 glasses of tea I drank before bed from the dry mouth symptom that has decided to grace me with it's presence lately!!!
Sitting there on my porcelain throne I honestly thought about just throwing a blanket on the floor next to it and cut out the walking time back and forth!!!!!
So up again and back to bed....
Didn't last long!
So now I'm on the computer trying to tire myself out, the birds are chirping, my dog is looking at me like I've lost my ever loving mind (which at this point is highly possible), and I'm drinking YET ANOTHER glass of tea.....the vicious cycle continues ;)