View Full Version : Paul signing in!

11-07-11, 12:56
Hello my panicy chums !:ohmy:! My name is Paul, 34 Married with 3 kids, I have suffered terribly with Panic attacks and Hypercondria since I was just 16 when I witnesses my 13 year old sister die of a Liver Tumer in her bedroom at home. I worry constantly about my health, cancer, brain hemorages my latest one is heart attacks. My wife is very very very supportive and although I can see it sometimes gets her down when i have a really bad week of it she always looks after me and helps me through it. Its so good to so many people in a simlar situation and I hope we can all help each other out :)

11-07-11, 12:58
Hi doctorsnightmare

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

11-07-11, 13:05
Thank you for the welcome :D

11-07-11, 13:14
Hi, Welcome to the site. I am new on here too, had panick attacks for 15+ years and it is such a relief to know that there are so many people in the same situation. not in a bad way! Its so good that you have such a supportive wife, that is a massive help.
Vix :)

11-07-11, 13:26
Hello Vix73, I feel a tiny bit better already just knowing I am not the only one! :)

11-07-11, 19:45
Hi Paul!!

Welcome!! I've suffered for 10 years but I'm on the road to recovery.
There is hope!

Emily x

paula lynne
11-07-11, 20:21
Welcome aboard Paul, glad you found us! :welcome:

Michael Dunn
12-07-11, 00:10
Listen Paul, we have all got to go sometime, so why not try to take advantage of the time you have with your kids and sod it. You may have more time than you think.

12-07-11, 02:10
Hi there! :welcome: to NMP!

I too suffer with health anxiety (hypochondria to everyone else) but hey, it must have been pretty traumatic watching your little sister pass away.
I'm just wondering wether you have ever had any counselling regarding your sisters passing and your fear of illness. Maybe CBT will help someone like you.

12-07-11, 02:12
Welcome Paul,

You will get plenty of good advice here. And even find it helps to try and gives others advice from your experiences too!

12-07-11, 09:27
morning Paul, you sound just like me, always been afraid of death and anything that may cause it, ive been so much better since joining here, and made some life long friends who totally understand me, i do hope we can help you in some way to,

regards Emms

14-07-11, 15:09
hi pinkpiglet, I was refered to phsycology last week so hopefully the answers will start to be found, it was very difficult seeing my sister go that way and I am sure it is what has caused me to be like i am. Thank you everyone for the kind welcome I know we will all be a great help to each other :)


14-07-11, 15:41
hi doctorsnightmare
:welcome: you will make loads of friends here.

love shaka