View Full Version : Does anyone know the diff between urine tests?

11-07-11, 13:55
What's the difference between the quick urine test they do at the docs when they testing. For a UTI and the ones they do that they send to. Lab?

11-07-11, 14:18
the one they send to the lab is looked at under a microscope and the one at gp is just a dip stick test im having trouble with urinary issues at the moment and the dip stick test always shows blood but when sent to the lab none is found x

11-07-11, 14:30
I am getting the results from the urine test that was sent to the lab later on today, and I was just wondering if they are able to detect more than a simple water infection. And considering I only had it done on Friday I wouldn't have thought it would come back as quick if they were gonna be having a proper look at it. How I wish I didn't have to over analyse everything!!

11-07-11, 14:58
hello :hugs:

the one done in the lab is put under culture to see what bacteria grows if infection. takes two days at least to grow result.
then when they know the bug causing the infection ......tell your doc which antibiotic to use . some antibiotics are very specific to what bug they cure .
so random antibiotic prescribing may not cure the particular germ . gps use the most usual drug for urine infection first off until sample back from lab.

dip stick is general indicator ...for blood ,diabetes ,infection, liver ......very very general indeed .

hope you feel well soon

11-07-11, 15:29
Thanx for your replies guys, anyway just phoned the docs but my results aren't back yet so I gotta call tomorrow at lunchtime. I'm kinda hoping I do have some kind of bacterial infection cause if I don't then I will just worry about what is causing the bladder pressure and frequent urination. Why do we always have to think the worse :-(