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absolute nightmare
11-07-11, 14:56
Hi everyone,
I just found this website!!! cant believe it at last there are people I can relate to on here; been suffering with anxiety on and off for a while now been staying at my mothers for six months; been home for a few hours but too scared to take the big leap.

I feel stuck, because of the anxiety and the depression, been having CBT which I have found helpful but unfortunately the lady has gone on leave for a week and i feel lost without the sessions.

Sorry to moan julia

11-07-11, 14:57
Hi absolute nightmare

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

11-07-11, 18:39
Hello Julia, i'm a newbie as well, it seems like a very good website. Use it often, the people are nice.


11-07-11, 19:48
Hi Julia,

Welcome! You'll find lots of support here.
Keep fighting!

Emily xxx

paula lynne
11-07-11, 20:23
Hi Julia its great to have you with us! You are not alone, this is a fantastic forum and you will find lots of help and support here, and make some good friends too, welcome.x:welcome: