View Full Version : What is the point livng? Your thoughts please?

11-07-11, 22:45
I have pondered this since early childhood. Everywhere I search for this answer I find hundreds if not thousands of peoples thoughts on the subject. I am not suicidal or anything but just curious to hear others reasoning to the point of living.Im not obscessed with this merely curious to others thoughts here. at NMP . Thanks

macc noodle
11-07-11, 22:52
Well having just read your earlier post about aches and pains etc, I guess that feeling low would lead you to raise the question.

But I guess that your post has also answered the question - you have had a full and varied life but at this particular point in time are having a tough time with mental health issues which are more than likely creating physical effects which you are finding tough too.

We all have high and low points in life but thankfully most of us prevail and make the most of whatever hand we have been dealt.

Sorry to sound glib but life is most definitely for living and we should all seize the day.

We may have to adjust our expectations along the way but that is just life.

Sorry could not offer a more philosophical argument for our continued existence - it is just that it is what it is :winks:


11-07-11, 22:59
No not it at all....this post has nothing to do with other post. I am not depressed or feeling down. Im just pondering lifes great questions and asking what your thoughts are. Really this has nothing to do with anything other than your thoughts,not mine yours.:)

saffy f
11-07-11, 23:11
I like to think I have a many reasons for living.
I know that some people have been in such a dark place that they have reason to question this and for people in that situation I feel really deep sorrow.
The point in living is different for everybody. Some want money, Others want power. Me? I just want to be as happy as possible,Winning the euro roll over the week end would be a definate bonus as well :-)

11-07-11, 23:25
I guess maybe I phrazed the question wrong....What is your point to living? Why do you think your reason for being here is and what do you think we were born and we die and like I said YOUR thoughts on your existence and your point to living..:)) hope that is easier to understand....your thoughts on what the oint is to your life or to life in general ? :)))

12-07-11, 00:00
Hmm maybe nobody understands this one :))) movin on down...movin on down the list to the end.....:)))

paula lynne
12-07-11, 09:29
My reason for living??? HMMMM......
Well, I have such a lot of love to give and was born to nurse (parents nurses)
I think I was meant to help others
I think Ive been through tough times including rape, homelessness, failed marriage, and addictions for a reason. I believe those experiences shaped me into the person I am today. I take nothing for granted.

My anxiety and panic has actually opened the doors to a new life in another country with a new husband who is my soul mate, and i dont regret leaving nursing one bit. I can now follow my dream of floristry, soap and candle making, and cooking. Thanks anxiety!

We are all born to contribute SOMETHING and leave our very individual marks. We all have something to give. Its not about solving world hunger, or inventing a time machine.....contribution means....smiling at a stranger for no particular reason, helping out in a homeless shelter for a day, giving away your time to a friend who needs a shoulder, accepting yourself and making the best of it, being grateful for your family, counting your blessings however small, not sweating the small stuff, giving up your seat on the bus, laughing at your body when it wont co-operate, taking time to sit and smell the flowers.........all these things make you a rounded person who has something to offer...you. You affect others lives, you touch them, and it makes you better.

Thats why IM here. To make a difference, however small. It makes me....better.:) In a nutshell, I need to "contribute" to feel fulfilled. For some its climbing the career ladder, for others, its sporting achievement, for others, its travel.....for me its giving. Thats when I feel like Im really living. Now, what about YOU? LFA.............x

12-07-11, 16:09
i dont think i can answere this one allthough i do love life and live life to the max and allso love everyone in my life i think thats about all i can say but very intresting question

12-07-11, 17:25
Why live? Well...what else is there? And any way, you can't not live. Also living doesn't exist anyway, there isn't any such thing as life.
When you are "living", doing something totally productive and life enhancing, you are in the moment and not thinking about what the point of this is, or why does it matter. Perhaps that is the point of living. Not realising we are alive.

12-07-11, 17:26
Ha ha ha that doesn't make any sense now I look back on it. Good luck with that one!

19-07-11, 01:06
I wanted to tell everyone that posted here in my thread " thank you" and or those ht just read it " thank you " too. Its always nice to start a discussion and actually have contributions. Once again,Thanks! Michae