View Full Version : Stomach Churning all the time

11-07-11, 23:46
I have suffered from anxiety and stress related problems all my life. I felt that I had got things under control and was able to manage my symptoms and recognise when I needed to relax and that any new symptoms could be put down to stress, with the help of this board and the book by Clare Weekes things have been going OK..... until now.

Well about 12 months ago I gave up drinking alcohol as I had been having terrible trouble with my stomach and have (according to my G)P IBS and drinking was just making things worse but since then I have had awful stomach churning and loss of appetite and I find it very hard to unwind, I am 42 now and started drinking from an early age and I remember now why I started having a drink in the first place, mainly to give me confidence. I have lost nearly 2 stone in weight in the last few months due to having no appetite and everyone keeps telling me I am too thin. I get very nervous about even simple things. I lost my job back in April and have not been able to find another job, but the longer I leave it the more difficult it becomes to apply for jobs because I get so nervous about the whole process. I am lucky that my husband supports me but we really need for me to be earning money and I really want to be out in the world of work again and start to feel human again.

My question is, how on earth do I stop this constant gut churning and constant worrying over things? I wake up in the morning and my stomach is churning and it goes on all day :weep:

Thanks for reading this :)

12-07-11, 05:13
You and me both Delta-so how do we stop it? I have a brief respite from it in the evening and some other times- exercise is good-a good blast on the bike or a swim , so is the stuff taught to me by my biofeedback therapist. She's a psychologist too, so we've done lots of talking aswell. It's been expensive, but well worthwhile. The other thing is that I know it will go away sometime. I've been through times like this before and come through, so just giving it time and being kind to myself.

12-07-11, 09:08
Hi Cattttt
Thanks for your reply. I would say I also have a brief respite from it in the evening and I go walking at weekends and I have to say it doesn't happen much then either, so yes exercise is good. When it happens I'm trying to think about my breathing more, I wondering if I hold my breath when it happens, I'll try it today to see if it helps. I'm thinking that maybe I've forgotten all my old coping methods and am getting impatient with myself which isn't helping.
Take care :)