View Full Version : JimT is FREAKING OUT

11-07-11, 23:50
Hello, I'm Jim and I'm a 59 yr old male who is FREAKING OUT over my symptoms. I know that I am a hypochondriac, and that I have many anxiety problems, especially social anxiety, although I have never had an outright panic attack. I got a chuckle out of a post I read on this forum where someone said she had had 20 fatal diseases in the past 4 months. I can identify with that! :D

For the past month I've had severe vertigo, which I have never had before. I would be content to try and live with a diagnosis of ear infection or anxiety related vertigo, but for my other symptoms that have me worried -- worried to obsession. That's the problem, I can't stop thinking about it and worrying about it.

I have some symptoms for MS (multiple sclerosis). The most telling is that the slightest amount of heat makes my vertigo enormously worse. I can walk out to get in the car, a distance of no more than 30 feet, and in that short distance I get incredibly dizzy. I live in the southern US (in South Carolina) and it's 97 deg F today.

I went to the doctor when this first started a month ago and he ordered a CT scan with contrast of my head, which came back normal. I've since learned that a CT scan cannot detect MS, so it only gave me comfort that I don't have boulder sized tumors in my head. Then I went to a heart specialist who gave me a 24 hour monitor which turned out fine.

My next appt with the doctor is in two weeks. I had not mentioned the heat problem to him because I was not thinking this was significant, so it will be two weeks of horrid worry until I can even tell the doctor what I'm worried about.

Has anyone else had an anxiety problem which was worsened by heat? I've read where some are relaxed by heat, but I just get dizzy.

I'm so glad to find a place where others are bothered by their health symptoms and other anxiety issues. I hope I will be able to comfort others as well as get some relief from my own anxieties here.

11-07-11, 23:51
Hi JimT

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

11-07-11, 23:55
Hi Jim,Man....I can identify....its only 97 in North Carolina,try Louisiana..its been over a hundred for days with no let up in site... Yes I can surely tell you my anxiety skyrockets due to the heat...its miserable

12-07-11, 01:19
Thanks Diane, I've already learned one thing from reading: I have always misued the word hypochondria. I should have been saying health anxiety.

12-07-11, 01:21
Thanks looking4answers. I'm so relieved to hear somebody else's problems get worse with heat.

No wait, that sounds so mean to say I'm relieved to hear you have problems.:doh: