View Full Version : Scared to Sleep

12-07-11, 01:38
I have this horrible fear whenever im about to go to sleep.. That i wont wake up. People have told me all sorts like you wont even know about it if anything does happen and other such things.
I dont know what it is thay scares me, and sometimes theres no reasoning behind it, like ill have no symptoms or anything.. Or ill get scared ill choke on my spit or somethin. Because of it i always lay on my side or stomach i cant lay on my nack or i become breathless and feel as if i cant breath properly.
Does anyone get the same? Or am i alone on this one..

12-07-11, 01:57
I have gone through episodes with my anxiety in the past where I have felt like this!
I always used to find night time to be worse, somehow, in the cold dead of the night our fears seem magnified. Everything is still, and quiet and closed...except, in the mind of a worrier! This is why, when my anxiety is bad I dont force myself to sleep, I stay up and busy myself, I watch tv, listen to tunes, read a book, surf the net...
You could try listening to a good relaxation cd whilst flicking through a magazine or drawing, anything to ease your mind. Even when I have to get up for work the following morning, I still do this, I would only be laid awake in a stressed state anyway so I figure its best to stay up and feel more relaxed. x

12-07-11, 02:44
I know exactly my thoughts. Since the age of about 11 ive always hated nighttime because of the stil, it feels like the whole world is closed and its a depressing feeling.
Im watching a good movie at the minute.. This website has been such a godsend! People who actually know what im feeling instead of thinking im overreacting..xo

12-07-11, 02:46
I also do this thing where i set my alarm for 10ish minutes after i begin to go to sleep so ill wake up and then i can sleep with piece of mind then.. Is this wierd xo

12-07-11, 04:54
Something to distract you going off to sleep maybe something to think about. I'm a bit weird but whenever I have too much stuff going on in my head, anxiety or not, I listen to a Clannad cd or a couple of long songs on repeat from games and stuff.

There's even a pillow you can buy where the sound comes out of, since having headphones on isn't always a great idea.

12-07-11, 10:56
I am seriously thinkung of buying one of those pillows they sound really cool xo

12-07-11, 12:07
I had this for years, it's awful and i still occasionally get it. What i find helpful is to put radio 4 on really low so i have to strain to hear it, it actually focuses my attention on trying to hear rather that think and also it's all talking which is comforting x

12-07-11, 14:27
I first heard of it on firebox.com


But many of the things they sell take off in the stores too, so I'm sure Argos or something might have it.

12-07-11, 16:37
i really have the same issue when im trying to go to sleep when i get in bed i start thinking about then i start to panic then my heart goes and then thats it anxiety doesent want to feel left out so he joins in aswell and there we go im panicing like mad i dont know what brings it on i just start thinking about it

14-07-11, 08:01
I can't sleep again. And I feel like throwing up. And I can't stop crying. I'm so tired. I don't know how to make this stop. I can barely see this computer screen right now because my eyes are so blurry from crying. God... I really think I might throw up all over again.

I don't know what to do anymore. I am always at a constant loss of who I am or where to go. Ever since I was raped, I have been walking around this world like a empty shell. Ever since he raped me, my life has ended but I am not dead. So how do I learn to live again?

I think my life would be easier if I had someone I could count on and trust, but I know I can't have that until I learn to trust myself again. I used to be so social, outgoing and fun but now I struggle to just get out of bed in the mornings. I never know what kind of day I will have. Or what kind of night. Will I have nightmares again? Will I hear his voice and see his face everytime I close my eyes? Will I wake up in cold sweats and leave on all of the lights and tv because I am too scared and alone when it's dark?

14-07-11, 11:51
I am so sorry you feel this way. Have you been to a pshycokogist about it they can help. Ive found out itd actually a condition called somniphobia. I really think im going to have to get help for it because its affecting my everyday life now :(

03-09-12, 22:51
Have meds worked?

04-09-12, 00:31

Im in the same boat. I sleep during the day becuase can't sleep during the night. I have wierd thoughts and really feel like its my last second on earth, so i start to panic. I have started my Meds today, so hopefully this will help. It's also effecting my work and everyday life. I hate being like this. Hope your better now, as I know its while since youp ut it on. but if it helps your not alone.