View Full Version : Afraid I have Colon Cancer?

12-07-11, 05:02
Ok, I want to start by thanking each and every one of you for taking the time to read my post and reply. I have suffered from anxiety for several years and am currently on Effexor XR.

My colon problem began a few weeks ago, I felt like I needed to go to have a bowel movement. I went to the bathroom and couldn't pass anything at all. Then the next day, I started passing thin stools. My anxiety immediately kicked in because I have an inguinal hernia that I believed was incarcerated, which turned out not to be. I then began experiencing acid reflux.

After being constipated for several days, I went to the emergency room. I told the doctor my symptoms. She didn't seem too concerned with things. She asked if it would be okay if they did an X-Ray to see how backed up I was. They did several X-rays of my abdomen and chest. She said it didn't look too bad. She stated that I was definitely constipated, but nowhere near the point of others that she had treated.

She prescribed Colace for the constipation and Nexium for the acid reflux. The Colace didn't seem to work at all, but the Nexium did. After day 7 or 8 of being constipated, I started eating salad and other healthy foods. My bowels started to work again and the stools were of normal size.

From time to time, I feel like I need to go to the bathroom, but I really don't. I still have my normal movement once a day. I can eat just fine, but I really don't have much of an appetite. When I haven't ate for a while, I find myself being short of breath. Once I eat, I feel like I can breathe normal again.

I just have a horrible time trying to go to sleep at night. I feel like I can't wind down. I sometimes stay away, on the computer, until 3 or 4 in the morning...then go to bed and get up late. I'm just starting to feel drained from all of the stress and worry. I just can't "snap" out of it.

I'm going to see a surgeon tomorrow for the repair of my inguinal hernia. I'm just so nervous to bring this subject up about colon cancer. I'm afraid I'm not going to get good news at all. I'm a 22 year old male.

I really appreciate everyone taking the time to read and allow me to vent. What should I do to calm myself?

12-07-11, 05:24
When I started reading your post, I thought you were middle aged or older, but at 22, you really are very unlikely to have colon cancer, it's something older people get. But do ask the surgeon to reassure you, they get people like us all the time.
As for calming yourself down-there are heaps of ways of doing this. Find yourself a relaxation class, do some exercise that will tire you out, find a biofeedback therapist, join a meditation group - those are just a few.

12-07-11, 08:01
Thanks for the reply! I guess I'm going to ask the doc. I'm just ready to get my life back to normal. I miss it!

12-07-11, 13:04
I hope your feeling better- I also was expecting you to be a lot older than you are - really at 22 I don't think you need to be worry about colon cancer it would be EXTREMELY rare. I think your just fine

Take care

12-07-11, 17:23
I am in the same scare as you atm and i am losing weight, docotr think's it's all caused due to stress.