View Full Version : Almost fainted.

12-07-11, 05:13
I am suffering from anxiety bad, so I decided to make a lifestyle change. So this morning I went to work out with my wife. Worked out for 35 minutes, and felt like crap. Felt like I couldn't control my legs lol.

Well felt anxiety on and off all day, well I was in the shower earlier, and I felt sick to my stomach. So I was sure I was going to vomit, then I called for my wife, and just about passed out. It was the closest I have been without passing out. So of course I thought I was really sick and having a heart attack. So I came downstairs and starting having a panic attack.

Question is, has this happened to anyone?



12-07-11, 05:52
yeah most days at the moment :hugs:scary isn't it but i don't think u will actually faint it just feels like it. i don't know about u but it wears me down all the time:mad::mad:

12-07-11, 10:00
Notice you said almost. I thought i would faint many many times. But never did.

Some times i wished i had so i wouldn`t be able to feel the terror/symptoms.

Likely you are overbreathing (hyperventilating) and need to do the breathing excercises right away. Slow your breath rate right down.

12-07-11, 15:52
It was just plain weird. I have been suffering from anxiety for a while now, and was feeling kind of out of it .Took the shower, was almost instant vomit, and so close to fainting. I have no idea how I didn't.

Pretty sure it is just anxiety, but that type of stuff is freaky.


paula lynne
12-07-11, 15:58
Hi, anxiety makes our blood pressure increase....as a rule, people faint because of low BP......sounds like you may have overdone it with the work out, and adrenaline hit you, causing the weak feeling in your legs etc....I keep mints on me at all time it helps with the nausea and sicky feelings....its great you are exercising though, keep it up, though maybe start off slowly and build up? Hope you feel better soon Tom.x
Ps Ive had anxiety, panic and agoraphobia for 11, and never fainted, although it sure does feel like you will......dont worry. Get back out there and get on with living. x

12-07-11, 16:26
god yes! get close to fainting so much, although it's only ever happened once! I get scared of exercising because it often brings on a panic attack. bloody thing. Every time I feel a little nauseous i automatically panic that i'll faint... which normally makes me feel faint ;)

12-07-11, 21:08
Thank you all so much for the responses. It scared me half to death. I got two young kids, and was so certain I was a gonner. This forum is so helpful.

Thanks so much, nice to know I am not alone.
