View Full Version : missed a dose !

12-07-11, 12:46
today am feeling all anxious / sickly just that feeling that am waiting for something to happen to me just an over all scared feeling..
I missed my dose yesterday i usually take them about 12pm but was so busy yesterday i just forgot and today i feel all horrible i no i get days like this anyway but can this have anything to do with missing my dose yesterday ?

12-07-11, 13:11
I ve missed the odd pill Honey and it never made me feel bad .Two missed doses will tho ..It could be causing a slight increase in the Anxiety as we all react differently ,But id say it was more the anx over missing it and your physical symtoms causing the dread feeling .For the record I woke up feeling like that myself today .It happens sometimes .Just try not to focus too much on it .It will pass ..Take your pill a bit earlier tonight then at normal time the next day ..T/c Sue x:hugs:

12-07-11, 13:22

I was taking 10mg about 8am and then 20mg at 10pm and then about a week ago I decided to change the time I took my dose, because I was feeling very tired during the day. Now take the 30mg at 7pm every night, but over the last few days I've forget to take it at 7pm and took it at 9pm, 10pm, one time at midnight.

Been feeling really low and anxious over the last few days, would this be due to the change in time I take the cit?

12-07-11, 13:39
I think everyone is quite different in how they react to a missed dose. I'm no longer on Citalopram but have a friend who suffers from headaches/tiredness if she misses a single dose. Maybe it has a small effect then when you worry about missing a dose you're making it worse?

12-07-11, 16:09
Am not worried that I missed yesterdays tablets was just wondering if that's why I feel the way I do today! Or is it just an anxious day anyway x x

12-07-11, 17:24
How long have you been taking the medicine? There is no problem in missing a dose, citalopram has a long half-life. The symptoms you describe should not be an effect of not taking it once. It takes your body about a week to almost completely get rid of it, so don't worry, just take the next pill on time.

12-07-11, 18:30
Ive just been prescribed citalopram by my doctor, I felt anxious and like i didnt want to talk to anyone or socialise before i was prescribed them, now i feel worse, i dont even want to leave the house, my appetite is almost gone, i have to force myself to eat. I cant sleep and When i wake up in the morning i shake and dont even want to get out of bed, luckilly as im unemployed at the moment, the thought of working just makes me panic even more. i feel terrible and if it wasnt for my parents who are 67 and 70 i dont know what id do. Ive always been outgoing and confident in the past, but now i'm a mess. i dont know what to do as i cant concentrate or see the positive in anything. ive only been on citolopram for 9 days by the way.

12-07-11, 19:51
Hi , sorry to hear your haveing a bad time . Stick with the cit , i was worse at first but you do get there in the end , it took 5-6 weeks for me to start getting better and it was a long haul ....7 months later and i,m almost back to normal .

I was feeling exactly the way you discribe

12-07-11, 23:22
Ive just been prescribed citalopram by my doctor, I felt anxious and like i didnt want to talk to anyone or socialise before i was prescribed them, now i feel worse, i dont even want to leave the house, my appetite is almost gone, i have to force myself to eat. I cant sleep and When i wake up in the morning i shake and dont even want to get out of bed, luckilly as im unemployed at the moment, the thought of working just makes me panic even more. i feel terrible and if it wasnt for my parents who are 67 and 70 i dont know what id do. Ive always been outgoing and confident in the past, but now i'm a mess. i dont know what to do as i cant concentrate or see the positive in anything. ive only been on citolopram for 9 days by the way.

I have been on citalopram now for a good few months I had them upped today to 40mg's at first I felt worse like u describe but after a good few weeks my appetite & everything started coming back again and my weight finally came back on again as I was down to just below 5st as I wasn't eating or anythin that's wot made me go back to citalopram just to get better again so syick with then as those horrible symptoms will soon pass x x

12-07-11, 23:28
wow glad im not the omly one i cant emember if i for got to take my 40 mgs lol so am waiting till tomorrow now x am buying monday-teusday pill dispenser so i know now to forget ha xxlol

12-07-11, 23:28
Hi , sorry to hear your haveing a bad time . Stick with the cit , i was worse at first but you do get there in the end , it took 5-6 weeks for me to start getting better and it was a long haul ....7 months later and i,m almost back to normal .

I was feeling exactly the way you discribe

Hi mel hope your ok ??
I've just been feeling like this since I woke up today just the odd / scared / waiting for something to happen feeling and just below my ribs in center is that raw sickly horrible feeling and horrible taste & feeling something sharpe is stuck in my throat :(

13-07-11, 15:35
I have been on citalopram now for a good few months I had them upped today to 40mg's at first I felt worse like u describe but after a good few weeks my appetite & everything started coming back again and my weight finally came back on again as I was down to just below 5st as I wasn't eating or anythin that's wot made me go back to citalopram just to get better again so syick with then as those horrible symptoms will soon pass x x

I hope so honey pie, ive never felt like this before, i just stay in all day and have alienated myself from everyone,dont even feel like talking to people or going anywhere, and i cant even think about working.... do you think the doctor will give me a sick note? do you work?

15-07-11, 18:14
I hope so honey pie, ive never felt like this before, i just stay in all day and have alienated myself from everyone,dont even feel like talking to people or going anywhere, and i cant even think about working.... do you think the doctor will give me a sick note? do you work?

no i don't work i hardly go out and if i do i have to have one of my parents with me you should be able to get a sick note x