View Full Version : Why can I not accept what the Consultant says????

12-07-11, 13:36
Does anyone have any experience of muscle pain in stomach/ribs area radiating into back?
Have suffered on and off for 3 years with pain under right rib and have been to see 2 Gastroenterolgists (had numerouos tests including endoscopy, abdominal ultrasounds and MRI scan of back) The surgeon that I saw more recently looked at notes, felt my tummy and said that he didn't think there was anything wrong with my insides and that it was muskuloskeletal. What does that mean exactly? He suggested a referral to the chronic pain clinic. Can you have such prolonged repeated pain from muskuloskeltal problems, can this really cause such internal pain?? I am always burping as well - surgeon said that "everyone burps" - am on Lanzaprozole. My GP is aware of my health anxiety and says I am an air swallower!
Did have a fall about 4/5 years ago when I fell down my stairs - thought I had broken my back!! Also have a strong dog that has pulled my right side for 4 years - can these be contributory factors - I thought muscles healed quickly??
Am going away next week and I want to relax and not be worried that I have something wrong with my Gall Bladder or Pancreas etc. etc. You know the scenario!! Help!!!:lac:

paula lynne
12-07-11, 14:08
Hi Jane, constant pulling on one side from your dog will def contribute to muscular pain. Yes, muscles do have the capacity to heal quickly, but your right side has been under constant stress from the pulling, and not been allowed to rest and recover. Muscle pain can definately transfer to internal pain, its all connected. I pulled muscles on my left side, but as I was walking funny, the muscles on my right side tensed up too...its a compensatary mechanism. I know its hard, but I think you have to put your trust in what the consultant has said. My mum was in a chronic pain clinic and it really helped her with managing her pain, Im sure it will help you too. :)
Enjoy your trip away! x

12-07-11, 15:00
Oh bless you for your reply. Thanks so much that is really helpful.

12-07-11, 17:00
Aww Jane

I've felt like this in the past too, I feel better straight after seeing a Dr and then sometimes hours later im back to doubting everything. Its our minds playing very horrible tricks on us.

I think the pain management clinic sounds like a great idea and you never know may help you out. You have to believe what your consultant said (the fact that he's a consultant in the first place says he has a hell of a lot of experience)

Hope you feel a little better


12-07-11, 17:25
Thanks for your kind reply - much appreciated. I am sure the more I worry the worse state I get myself into and the anxiety perpetuates the indigestion, burping etc. - such a viscious circle!

13-07-11, 12:36
I hope you are feleing better today


17-07-11, 18:28
Sorry not been on site for a while - feeling less anxious thanks but still suffering pain in right side on and off - have been using tens machine, it seems to help. GP has referred me to chronic pain clinic so I'll wait to see what they say and take it from there.

Thanks :)

17-07-11, 20:03
hi i had chestpains so painful i thought i was having a heart attack or a blod clot i had ct scan blood test (myd dimer was high) and they coulnt find a reason but other then muscolaskelaol which went to my back they belive carrying my daughter around it lasted for 2 months can be to 6months physio can help and meds

24-08-11, 14:12
so glad i found your post i have been worriyng about the same thing for 3 months and gp has told me its muscular which i cant believe because its been so long. I guess im going to put my trust in the doctor as hard as that is.