View Full Version : Lump in throat feeling?

12-07-11, 16:04
The last 2 days I have had a lump in the throat feeling, but only to the side side. It doesn't hurt and I've no sore throat but I feel like I have a lump in my ear/throat down right side when I swallow. Does anyone know what I mean?

I have had a cold a few weeks ago but have been over that for about a week, just a slight lingering cough which I have been told is due to hayfever, by my GP.

12-07-11, 16:56
Hi Savannah

I know you say you've been over your cold for a week now but is it possible you might not be totally over it. There is a thing called Post nasal drip that you can get after having a cold and this can cause the feeling you are describing, sometimes it takes a while to go. Just a thought.

Hope you are ok


13-07-11, 21:34
Maybe the cold is still lingering, although my GP thinks it was all hayfever which he says will cause a drip into the throat, but I am sure I had full on cold.

Thanks x