View Full Version : My experience of Citralopram

12-07-11, 16:06
I'm new here so hello to everyone! Thought I'd just give an account of my experience on Citralopram, which I have been on for a week now so people know what to expect even though everyone is different.

So I have panic disorder and generalised anxiety, and my doctor prescribed be 10mg Citralopram after counselling didn't seem to be a help.

Day 1: Woke up after 3 hours and couldn't sleep, no other SEs
Day 2: Quite a bad panic attack in the evening but eventually calmed down and get to sleep for a few hours (again not very long)
Day 3: Completely lost my appetite, sleep getting a little better, palpatations all day and chest hurts when I breathe in deeply
Day 4: Still no appetite and palpatations again with strange feeling like a need to breahte more deeply feeling (short of breath?). Also realise my teeth are hurting as if i have lost the ability to bite down gently or something.
Day 5: Sleeping much better, appetite improving but palpatations all day and feeling short of breath and tense
Day 6: Palpatations most of the day and feeling tense/short of breath
Day 7: Almost normal appetite, short of breathe feeling, palpatations really bothering me so I took Prorpanolol before I went to work so I could concentrate
Day 8 (today): Swapped to taking my tablet in the morning instead of the evening to see if sleep can improve a bit more. Trying to relax.

Week 1 in general: I'm feeling more nervous and jittery than usual, tearful and easily upset. The first 4 days I really wanted to stop but now feeling a little better, I know an increase in anxiety/panic symptoms in the first week is normal so just trying my best to ignore it atm, hopefully this will all be worth it.

12-07-11, 16:56
Hi Andi

Just wanted to say it will get better i 'm currently off Citalopram but have been taking it on and off for 4 years now and the most annoying SE was probably how it affected me in sex department. But all you said so far in the first week is quite normal.

Best of luck

12-07-11, 22:20
Welcome to the forum Andi and thanks for sharing that. I had a rough first week too when I was on Citalopram but the good news is you've done the hard part, from now on the side effects should wear off gradually but steadily. Stick with it, go easy on yourself, take each day as it comes and we all here to help if you need to talk.