View Full Version : Brain fog.Bad memory. Any tips for becoming clear minded again?

12-07-11, 18:24
Hi all,

I think that it has probably been menitioned elsewhere on the forum.
Has anyone got good tips for clearing up the old brain fog and getting the mental facillities /memory on the mend again. I am considering doing an open university course this back end and would like to get sharper for it.
Will the meds that i am on eventually help with this (citalopram 20mg) ?
Or will CBT (still waiting) do any good?
I currently exercise (yoga/running) which help me, although it doesn't seem to send the cloud away.
Does anyone have any tips. That they find to work.

Thanks for your time in reading this.

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12-07-11, 18:48
Hi Peter

Feel just the same way - very frustrating. Am in the midst of an OU course - it's doable with the brain fog but have an exam in October and my memory is appalling at the moment.

Am beginning to wonder if the brain fog ever goes - was on Citalapram (10 mg) from November to May and the brain fog diminished a little after 11 weeks, now on Fluoxetine 20 mg and more brain fogged than ever.

Does anyone know if it should disappear completely or is that expecting too much?


13-07-11, 09:25
Thanks for the reply Amanda,

Guess there are no easy answers out there.
Good to know that someone with similar symptoms is doing an OU course and
managing well too.
Good luck with the exams.

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13-07-11, 22:33
Thanks Peter, am regretting signing up for a course with an exam at the end of it but had signed up and paid before starting the medication so am persevering with it.

Not sure what the answer is to getting a clear head, maybe it's just a matter of time. How long have you been on Citalopram?

Had first session of CBT last week, didn't have to wait long to get on a course. Hopefully that'll help.

Take care.


13-07-11, 23:25
Okay, if you don't mind, please clarify the basis for why you've been prescribed citalopram and reason for participating in CBT. I can provide you with a more in-depth response once more detailed information is available.

Best regards,

Rutheford Rane, MD (ret.)

14-07-11, 22:41
HI Amanda and Rutheford,

Thanks for your reply. I have been taking Citalopram(20mg) for about a month at the moment. I was diagnosed i suppose with unipolar/ long term depression and social anxiety. I am seeing a therapist at the moment and awaiting CBT (on the therapists recommendation).
I also think that it is my duty to personally do what i can to help myself. Hence the request.
It is frustrating to deal with at the moment. I feel as though i am operating at 60% of my mental capacity and that this brain fog combined with the rest of the package is hindering my ability to be a happy functional person.

Thanks again for listening,


14-07-11, 23:04
Hi Peter

I know everyone is different with meds but when I was on the 10 mg of Citalopram it did take 11 weeks for most of the brain fog to lift, now on 20 mg of Fluoxetine (coming up for two months) and just feeling a bit less brainfogged in the last few days. Perhaps in a few weeks you'll feel the same - hope so!!
