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obsessive b
12-07-11, 18:55

I have been on Cit now for 6 weeks started at 10 then onto 20 then tried 30 for a week but found this was making me more anxious so dropped back down to 20 on Friday. This week feeling very tired and low- could this be the effects of upping and the downing the dose do you think?

Many Thanks

12-07-11, 19:28
Probably not, i think it is just ordinary tiredness, it will not be a constant condition for sure. I've had such days too, bear in mind that all these mental conditions exhaust your body too, it "gives up" occasionally.

12-07-11, 19:36
Yes I think it is.

Each change in medication is going to give you different side-effects

12-07-11, 23:31

I have been on Cit now for 6 weeks started at 10 then onto 20 then tried 30 for a week but found this was making me more anxious so dropped back down to 20 on Friday. This week feeling very tired and low- could this be the effects of upping and the downing the dose do you think?

Many Thanks

Yes definately .Each dose will take 4-6 weeks to feel full benefits .Increase slowly and you will feel better with regard to side effects .You are now feeling a yo yo effect .Give the 20 mg 6 weeks to stabilise before you increase to 30mg .Im sure you will be ok ,it can take time so be patient ..:)t/c Sue

12-07-11, 23:34
i ws bit ike that but u do adjust to it u will be fin and cit really calms me down :)