View Full Version : Diet Detox?

13-07-11, 09:41
I decided to diet 3 days ago as I am 5ft 6 and nearly 15 stone. Have found cutting out all of the junk food I was eating surprisingly easy.
But yesterday I developed a headache from hell, shortness of breath, tight feeling under my ribs and coughing up some phlegm.

Could this be my body going through a food detox? I feel bloody awful and am contemplating having a big mac to see if the symptoms disappear.

Has anyone had the same thing happen to them?

worried girl
13-07-11, 10:29
I would not think it is the detox but maybe you just got a cold or allergies. Your symptoms just do not seem of any concern to me but stress does cause headhaches. Just relax and carry on with the diet you'll feel better in no time.