View Full Version : Doc doubled my dose

13-07-11, 10:31

My doc doubled my dose from 20 to 40 mg today. haven'y taken them yet as I'm worried about side effects. Been signed off again until tuesday.
Feeling like a complete coward as will now have been off for 8 weeks now.
I just wondered if anyone else had theri dose doubled and what was it like.


13-07-11, 12:06
Hi doubling your dose will more than likely give you increased side effects .Its always beter to try 10mg extra first and see how you feel after a couple of weeks .You may not need to go up to 40 as 30 mg is pretty effective for a lot of people .Cut your pill in half with a stanley blade or get a pill cutter from the chemist if you cant get 10mg tablets .You may still feel slightly tiredand spaced out and have a small ammount of increased anx for a week or so , but this will all pass .Good luck and try to be patient ,this process all takes time ,but worth it eventually.luv Sue x

13-07-11, 12:12
It wouldn't hurt to try 30mg for a week or two before you go up to 40mg (if you need to). But fear not, 40mg isn't a ridiculous dose or anything. But it is true - the higher you go, the likelihood you'll have side effects increases.

13-07-11, 12:16
I went up from 20mg to 30mg about two months ago - increased anxiety for the first couple of weeks and more tired. Still not right yet and having a little blip at the moment so I think I need to increase to 40mg.

Five months since I started taking citalopram and still not sleeping very well, some teeth clenching at night, weird dreams and tired a lot. Very frustrating but hopefully I will eventually get there.

13-07-11, 12:47
Thanks guys, I guess i'm just scared and frustrated as I am still panicking about being off for two months. i'll try and go up slowly. I drive at work a lot and just worry that a higher dose will stop me functioning.


13-07-11, 13:42
All depends on the person, but if your dr. doubled the dose, you should take it, don't decide the dose yourself. I was also upped 20->40mg and felt some SEs only the first week. Going 20 to 40 isn't as taking 20 for the first time, the side effects will not be so strong and should not take too long for them go go away. That's just my opinion

13-07-11, 18:30

Bit thr bullet and took the double dose. Feels a bit woozey att he moment so we'll see how it goes. Thank you all for taking the time to respond

S :winks: