View Full Version : Shapes

13-07-11, 11:04
When I went to the opticians I told him that the shPes and spots I see infront of my eyes werent that bad when I had my glasses on which is kind of true, he said I my eyes were perfect, do you think cause i told him they were better he will of missed a tumour or something xx

13-07-11, 15:19
Anyone xx

13-07-11, 15:58
No he won't have misssed a tumour

13-07-11, 17:43
Sound like me!

I get visual snow and black dots in my vision too, made a point of telling the optician I suffer with anxiety and he checked my eyes and said everything looked fine. :)

Opticians are highly skilled, they know what they're looking for and he would definitely have spotted any abnormalities, its just your mind playing tricks on you.

Take care. :) x

13-07-11, 19:56
thank you! Aw Rhys1879SAFC im so glad you said that earlier i saw like snow infront of my eyes, it was the wierdest thing, so real i could of grabbed it! x