View Full Version : 20 years of travel panic...worst year for ages

13-07-11, 14:07
Hello to everyone

I have just joined today as I feel I need to convince myself it's not just me that feels panicky, scared and can see no end to this.

Twenty years ago I had gastro-enteritis and made the huge mistake of going to a town 20 miles away when I should have stayed at home. When my b/f and I got there, I badly needed to get to the toilet and found myself queuing in a department store toilet. Managed ok but was desperate to go back home. He wouldn't though, and I ended up curled in the back of the car just SO desperate to go back home. I had a major panic attack..I didn't know then what it was but I was terrified, felt tight in my throat and chest, almost in tears and wanting to both get out of the car and get home.

Well, it just set something off in me. No longer did I look forward to going places together. I used to think nothing of going abroad or driving places that were hours away. Every place just seemed too far to go, and I felt better if I drove myself rather than be driven. I stopped going abroad as I panicked so much at the airport and couldn't wait to get home once I arrived there.

Ten years ago I met my new partner and told him immediately about my problem/driving phobia as it's obviously the best thing to do when you are terrified of going places. At this point I was ok driving myself about in about a 20 mile radius as I knew I could turn round or get there and come home in my own time. However, I was terrified of both of us, even with me driving, going to the local retail park which is only 5 mins away!

To cut a long story short, I began to improve over the years, increasing the distances although I still can't face going abroad/trains/boats as I think, no way of getting off any of those! We have had two children together and I don't go great distances with them. We go camping usually within a 20 mile radius and once a year I put myself through the annual camping holiday which may be about 60/70 miles away.

The stupid thing is, I THINK I am going to have a panic attack, but I don't. I get anxious for weeks leading up to certain trips just imagining how back the trip is going to be., but I can get there and think great, I had a great trip! But the problem is, I just can't convince myself for the next trip out. It's a vicious circle.

This year I decided we would get married and booked a small registry do one month from that day. I was terrified on the build-up and on the morning itself, yes it was scary but totally disappeared with an hour to go.

However, I seem to have regressed badly in everything I do. The travel phobia has returned to going ten minutes down the road. I'm scared of other things now, besides the travel. It's like the terrible wedding nerves have put me back years and definitely triggered it off again. I am wondering (for the first time) whether I have some form of agrophobia?

I've been to the doctors last week and have an appointment with a worker who will decide which sort of therapy I should try. I would like to point out that I went to hypnotherapy twice and counselling about 7 years ago, but neither worked. After 18 years I asked for medicine and was given Diazepam. I actually made a pack of 28 last over two years as I was reluctant to take it.

I really look forward to receiving ideas and help from here. I just hate my situation, and waking up with knots in my stomach for no valid reasons is no way to carry on.

paula lynne
13-07-11, 22:57
Hi, a big warm welcome to you, so glad you found us. x
Its often the worry of a panic thats worse isnt it, I so agree. Often, it never happens, its the "fear" of it that keeps us prisoner. Keep posting, you will find lots of help and advice here. x

Ps...agoraphobia has been reclassified.....its now described as "the fear of having a panic attack in public" rather than simply being outdoors. Have a chat with your gp about the way you feel. Nice to meet you x:welcome:

16-07-11, 01:29
Hi Nessy :welcome:. I still fear panic attacks at times even though I've hardly had one in the 18 months or so since I started retaking Prozac. When you have lived with them for a long time it's hard to shake off that worry but I do think CBT (I think you mentioned it in another post) could be very helpful in your situation in terms of sort of re-learning the way you think - as in there's no real reason to fear PAs in your case because you haven't been having them (hope that makes some kind of sense).

Medications - antidepressants - might help you but you sound as if you maybe don't want to try that route.

I don't think it matters very much what label you put on what you are suffering from - concentrate on overcoming it whatever it is. x

17-07-11, 11:54
hi welcome to this site you will find it a great help i no i do any way as i was reading yr post i felt everything you wrote to the point i could have been writting it myself like you over time its liffted to the point were you do things even with the fear still being there at the back of yr mind and when you got home from yr camping trip yr pretty pleased at yr self you did it but its short lived as there is somthing else coming up you fear iea family event or somthing and its there at the pit of yr stomch and the more you have to tend the more you gfeel it all creeping bk in like the stress of the wedding i think you should ask for cbt it dont work for evrey one but think you could be in with a good chance if you start it as soon as poss because the longer your like it the more stuck inside yr head all this panick becomes natrual way of life you find it a little tuffer to break any way take care lv trish

17-07-11, 12:43
hi i myself have just joined this site and yes i do have travel phobia to the point i just try not to drive anywhere anymore i am alright until i know i have to drive to the farm which is only 2 mins down the road and then panic sets in which puts me on the couch for the rest of the day it is truly awful the worst thing is i used to luv driving and it really annoys me that i am unable to do it anymore x