View Full Version : Random weird goosebumps!!

13-07-11, 17:57
Ok this is a new one for me!! i'm getting quite randomly patches of goosebumps on my right arm, its kinda feels like my skin is crawling!!!i'm not cold, I don't have any infection. This started yesterday and it happens out of the blue. I've had it before a couple of months ago and it must of lasted a day or 2 then went. I'm not sure if this is a anxiety symptom or not.

Have anyone had this too?

13-07-11, 19:28
I have a random small patch of goosebump like spots under my chin..have had it for years! No idea what it is either...perhaps a dermatologist will have a better idea...I think it's just a skin pigment?

13-07-11, 22:45
Hi there thanks for ur comments, its not like skin pigment, this is like having goosebumps over ur skin, but it happens in patches rather than over ur body. I get it on the arms mainly, but its not something that has happened for a while. I have felt a little stressed out lately but that's not HA related just life related!! Maybe its an anxiety thing!!

13-07-11, 22:50
I get exactly this. I get it on my arms and legs in little patches and funny shapes, can feel it happening too. Im not sure if I get it more when I wear tight jeans. Strange thing though!

13-07-11, 23:08
Hi Lucyliz thanks for ur comment, yes that's its totally, like little patches of goosebumps, they show up randomly on my arms, and then disappear after 5-10 seconds!! Its not happening all the time, and it doesn't help that i'm thinking about it as well. I'm hoping its just another anxiety symptom!!

14-07-11, 00:01
Okay, this is simply a pilomotor reflex and can indeed arise as a consequence of anxiety which is significant enough to engage the fight-or-flight response. Realize that the pilomotor reflex, or goosebumps, arises most typically in humans as a response to fearful stimuli or apprehension of feeling unsafe. In humans, the forearms tend to demonstrate the pilomotor reflex most prominently, but can also be observed on the legs and scalp as well. The fact that it can be observed in patches has more to do with the body's overall response to the underlying cause.

While the response can be seen in some disorders, the hallmark characteristics otherwise would have to be present as well and in your specific instance, would not be applicable since no mention has been made of these other clinical signs that are far more pronounced than the appearance of the goosebumps.

You'll be fine.

Best regards,

Rutheford Rane, MD (ret.)

14-07-11, 10:29
Thank you RLR for that response, i'm trying to keep it all in perspective without my irrational brain telling me its something else! On Wednesday of this week when it first happened I was feeling strong emotion about something and maybe that triggered it off. What bugs me is that every now and then I get a new anxiety symptom that I cant explain, this then worries me and the cycle starts again of HA! Hopefully it will settle down.

Thanks again :)

16-07-11, 23:22
I get this too. It first started like you in patches but now I suffer from pretty constant waves of goosebumps throughout the day. It usually starts on my back then creeps down my arms and legs. If I'm experiencing particularly strong emotion it creeps all over my head and feels like its all over my cheeks. I've asked my dr and they all just say it's anxiety. It first happened after a period of high anxiety so I wonder if it's like an emotional memory and my body has got used to doing it now. Anyway I hope yours isn't as bad as mine as I never get any respite from it, in fact it's pretty much ruined my life for the past year so I really, really hope yours isn't like mine!

Take care.

10-08-14, 03:20
Huh..! Makes sense, thank you

19-08-14, 15:59
I am getting these too. Anyone else find out what it is?

05-02-15, 14:39
not yet, getting bloods taken on friday so hopefully by next week i will have some indication as to what the problem is. Ive been getting the goosebumps for 3 months now, every hour of every day. so annoying. Hopefully it is just down to stress or a lack of vitamin b12

10-07-21, 20:12
Hello! I know it's been a lot! Have you found something out?