View Full Version : Another new person wanted to say hi

13-07-11, 22:22
Just feeling a wee bit lost at the moment and I guess I just need someone to talk to and share how I feel without judgement.
i lost my dad 3 months ago and he was my best friend, my mum died when I was 8, so he was my world and at the same time I swapped jobs, going from 1 I was in for years and knew everything to a new, very tough and challenging role. I just feel lost, scared and down, which is horrible as I am usually a positive person. Anyone feeling similar or have advice?xx

13-07-11, 22:23
Hi Elsapup

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

13-07-11, 23:57
Hello there and Welcome Elsapup!

I am ever so sorry to hear of your loss.
The best advice I can give you is to not bottle your feelings and emotions.
As tough as it may be. Try and talk to someone or pop on here for a chat etc whenever in need. The worst thing you could possibly do is to keep all those emotions and feelings within. It destroys you both physically and emotionally. Trust, me... I know xx
By chatting to someone weather it be via a doctor, counseller or here, you will gain some form of relief and ease some of that weight from those probably weighed down shoulders of yours. Get a diary and start writing your feelings too. It's good for the mind.
I pop online now and then when I can, so I will keep a close look out for any posts that you add and try and help if I can. Even if it's a virtual hug. Anyway, as I say to many... know that you are not alone. Sending many hugs your way xx

14-07-11, 03:49
Hi Elsapup

Sorry to hear about your loss. Starting a new job is tough at the best of times, but I'm not surprised you are finding it hard going in the circumstances. You will find plenty of support on here. There is also a national charity called CRUSE that helps people who have had a bereavement. You could always contact them as well if you need to talk to someone about your dad. It does take quite a while to adjust after something like this, but it does become a little easier as time goes on. What I find helps is just to think of what that person would want for me. They would want me to go on and enjoy life as much as possible. They would hate to think of me feeling really down because they weren't around.

As regards work, anything that you can do to help reduce any stress there would be beneficial. I make lots of notes and take them home to read when it's quiet and there is no pressure. I keep any information I can find on how to do the job and try and make helpful lists or guides to make the work easier. It just depends what your job is, what exactly the pressures are and how you can best tackle them. Organise your day to make it run as smoothly as you can. Some colleagues can be a good help when you are struggling and even management can be supportive, but places and people vary and some working environments, especially pressured ones don't get the best out of their staff. If the latter is the case, get as much support as you can outside work. Usually though people are more understanding when it comes to a bereavement than they would be for anxiety or depression without a specific cause.

Things will improve, but take things a day at a time and get through as best as you can. You just take as much time as you need to feel better. It takes as long as it takes.

Tyke :bighug1:

14-07-11, 09:34
sorry for your loss welcome to the forum im sure there are many of us on here that have experianced the same problem but we are all here to help each other please message me anytime if you wish to have a private convosation