View Full Version : depression forever?

29-04-06, 20:16
does depression last all your life? do you learn to live with it or does it really go away?

03-05-06, 02:37
hi there,
i have a couple of friends who started losing their hair in their early twenties. one of them just ignored it and the other shaved all his hair off completely when it started receding. it sounds extreme, but it meant that noone really saw him 'go bald' and everyone is now used to him having no hair.
another guy i know wears hats the whole time - i actually didn't recognise him when i went to his wedding because it was the first time i'd seen him without a hat on!
don't really know what the point of this reply is, i guess i'm just trying to reassure your son that he is not alone and most people will not judge him. my partner had already started losing most of his hair when i met him and it made absolutely no difference whatsoever.

april tones
07-05-06, 22:57
hIYA, i know it is scary isnt it!
I have on and off depression and feel worn out and i think, is it always gonna be coming and goinxxx

fibrochat) http://apriltones.proboards54.com