View Full Version : Am I the only one?

13-07-11, 22:53
I am 40 yr old male in decent shape, 3 kids, wife, career and working on a graduate degree. I have also had anxiety, GERD and IBS for going on 15 or so years. I am not medicated and I am not in therapy. There have times in my life that I have been over the moon with worry about one facet or another of my health. I will totally extrapolate a pain or feeling into something horrible and obsess over it for days, weeks or months. For the last several months I have not been worrying all that much and my racing mind has been relatively quiet. What concerns me is that I am still having loads of anxiety related physical symptoms. I am twitching all over and have for months. I am aching and not sleeping well. My IBS is horrible and I have felt like my throat was tightening frequently. Through all of this, I am not freaking out because I have had similar symptoms in the past that have turned out to be anxiety and have been around for years. Why I feel alone is that I am not focused on any health concern right now and yet my physical symptoms are worse than ever. Have I just become anxiety ridden in general? Am I getting better but the physical stuff lingers? I know in my heart that if the physical stuff continues I am going to start freaking out. Any thoughts would be great.

14-07-11, 02:53
Hi there. I know you say that you're not that worried about your health right now, but since you felt the need to come to this site, it must still be bothering you to some extent....and almost certainly enough to cause your symptoms. That being said, a doctor wold likely be able to prescribe something that would make your IBS symptoms much more manageable. I hope you feel better soon. Anxiety is awful....and so confusing most of the time. I have a terrible time trying to decifer real concerns with those that I should just ignore.

14-07-11, 04:15
You are not the only one having this problem...I have IBS (about:blank#) and GERD (about:blank#) also (oh and TMJD (about:blank#)) and even when I don't feel really anxious my body is still producing various symptoms all day everyday (like constant background noise). So if its not my stomach, its the lump in the throat, or the head pressure, and so on. I have gone for so many tests that I have lost count, and although no serious illness has been diagnosed, it is so hard for me to accept that the doctors haven't missed something. So I know that in my case, it's the constant worrying about these symptoms that keeps me in this horrible state of anxiety and fear. Hopefully someone who has experienced these feelings and have overcome them can help us out a little bit!

15-07-11, 03:50
I hear what you guys are saying and thank you. The thing that is so strange is that when I normally get worked up physically, I am over the moon already mentally. I am not freaking out right now but I am worried but nothing like I have been in the past. Yet despite my relatively low but irrational level of fear right now my body is going nuts. This is new and new is scary. I hope this passes.

16-07-11, 16:43
I feel exactly the same! My whole body is playing up, I ache and twitch all the time. Stomach is bad acidic and IBS!! Stress and Anxiety are the culprits my rational mind says BUT anxiety wins sometimes and I think I have some sort of horrible disease! I think our bodies can only take so much and then it plays up!!

Chin up mate :) take comfort in the fact you are not alone and many of us feel the same

17-07-11, 21:59
Thanks for the responses. I really appreciate the help. I am twitching all over and having all kinds of pain and feeling like muscles are on the verge of cramping. My forearms look thin but who knows. I just feel awful and wish I could move on but I am stuck on these symptoms. I feel beaten.

17-07-11, 22:10
Hiya, have you googled "adrenal fatigue"? Our bodies can only keep fighting for so long, then things start to go wrong... I took my health for granted for so many years, now I realize I should've been far kinder to myself :( Take care