View Full Version : Pulsating feeling above left ear

14-07-11, 00:43
I have health anxiety as it is, my father is fighting cancer for the 3rd time so there is added stress. I also suffer from lots of sinus issues (sinus pain, had a sinus infection a few weeks ago, nose feels tight when i come in contact with perfume etc...

So anyway, last night before I went to bed I noticed a pulsating feeling, or tapping, not sure how to explain it...but the feeling of a vein or artery twitching/pulsating just above my left ear. Today I felt the same sensation numerous times and have had what I assume to be a tension headache all day (feels like a rubber band is wrapped around my head). It seems like I had the same situation happening last year this time, but I'm not 100% sure.

Is this sensation normal? Is it a normal feeling to feel in a headache (whether migraine, sinus or tension?). Just wondering if I should be freaking out about it or just ignoring it and getting on with life.


14-07-11, 04:28
I had that same exact thing over 2 years ago and it really scared me. I ended up going in for MRI/MRA, CT Scans, full neuro exam, and probably more tests I can't even remember. I was told everything was normal. After a while it went away, and other head issues began. A few months later I was told I had TMJD and since I clench my teeth at night, my doctor believed that a lot of the head sensations (pulsating, pressure, sharp pains) were a result of all the tension in my jaw joints. So I wouldn't worry too much about it (worrying will make it worse trust me)...instead, if it doesn't go away or gets worse you can always make an appointment with your doctor for peace of mind.

P.S. Sorry to hear about your dad...I will keep him in my prayers. No doubt that all the stress that comes with having a sick parent will cause tension in your head which can manifest in many various pains and sensations.