View Full Version : Have any of us ever been right?

14-07-11, 02:38
I have been worried that I had about 10 different terminal illnesses in the past year. As far as I know, none of my diagnoses have been correct yet. Has anybody ever been worried about a particular illness and then found out that they did indeed have it?

14-07-11, 10:36
Thankfully no :) I think alot of us know that our fears are irrational, but just have difficulty balancing out our health concerns, from what is logical to something that is highly unlikely. I'm very good at turning a headache into a brain tumour or palpitations into a heart attack!! I was worried about having HA and that's what I have, and to be honest that's bad enough ;)

14-07-11, 11:46
No. And if anyone here did have a terminal illness : 1. They wouldn't be cruel enough to announce it as it would scare the socks off everyone and 2. It would not be due to their hyper awareness of symptoms.
Not really the point of the thread but related anyway, apparently, hypochondria goes in very ill people and they fear nothing.