View Full Version : Just Came from a Specialist -- I'm Still Scared

14-07-11, 10:42
Hello, I'm new here. I've been suffering HA for 5 years now.

Anyway, I'm glad I came across this forum. I've been having this weird "indigestion" every after meal for almost 4 weeks already. Basically, my symptoms are:

1. Weird gnawing/indigestion-like feeling after a meal (the discomfort can be moved away once I eat again, but then it comes back after 10 minutes or so)
2. Excessive burping. I burp even though I haven't eaten anything
3. Softer than the usual stools (not the entirely watery stool, just loose stools)

I found this thread of people with 95% similar symptoms like me: http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=91380

I don't have any chest pain or heartburn.

So today, I decided to see a doctor. So the senior gastroenterolist said that my symptoms point out to be something that involves hyperacidity (too much acid in the stomach) brought about by my poor eating habits and stress related issues. he offered me two things: have an endoscopy immediately to clear things out and clear my mind (i told him i have HA and apparently the doctor has HA tendencies too lol) or take prilosec for two weeks to treat this (omeprazole)

for the past month i haven't been eating regularly because i've away from my family because of schooling. i would wake up at around 9am and just sit around and eat my lunch at around 1 or 2 in the afternoon. my HA also came back before this thing happened and that probably gave me a dose of stress. i also took oral steroids (hydrocortisone) for 4 days for my acne during the day this weird sensation started. he said that the oral steroids could also play a role in my conidition right now.

so the doctor said that it could just be indigestion caused by my stress and eating habits and he said on a final note just to stay away from anything stressful and never skip meals. then in my mind, i was like "that's it?!"

im a complete wreck. im afraid to go for a endoscopy not because i think it's difficult but because im afraid they might find out something really serious going on inside me!!! okay so i googled last time and apparently this hyperacidity could be a symptom of YOU KNOW WHAT. aaack, i'm only 20 years old with no family history of you know what. even though it says that it's statistically very rare, i'm still scared out of my wits http://www.anxietyzone.com/Smileys/default/sad.gif

right now i'm just scared that the meds won't have any effect on me because i think there's something seriously wrong with me :(

I'm just 20 years old and this is stealing much of my life!

Rachel W
14-07-11, 21:25
I am sure that if the doctor was worried he wouldn't have just suggested it to allay fear. He would have insisted. The fact that you are stressed is a definite factor. The question is, do you think you will be able to relax and get well without the test? If not and your stress exacerbates the issue then you will just worry more. How soon could they get you in to have the test? It would show that you are fine and then you could stop worrying and then you would feel better. Saying that, with HA sometimes the tests only allay the fears for a short time before we find something else to worry about.

As I said though, if he was at all worried he would have insisted. Why don't you think to yourself that you will give it a month without worrying, and then if it hasn't cleared up then you can have the test? This way you can try to alleviate the stress for a month, knowing that you have this to fall back on. Just a thought.

14-07-11, 21:46
Hi SkyIsBlue,

I have PM'd you chick. (It is my thread you have found)


15-07-11, 08:08
Replied to your pm mate :D

15-07-11, 09:17
Thank you, Rachel W. I am finding comfort in the fact that the doctor just suggested the procedure. As of now, I am not financially and mentally prepared for the invasive procedure. I hope to deal with this anxiety very soon. It's such a culprit!

mel2 and flumpkin, thank you! Let's keep in touch please!