View Full Version : How do i know when the medication is working !

14-07-11, 10:45
Hi all,
In the fourth week of taking citalopram (20mg).
Its keeping me in the present at the moment (i.e not ruminating over past issues or panicking about future ones ...) ,for the most part.
The low moods still affect me a lot and they still sneek out , thoughts do still well up inside and i can't avoid them.
I have been so used to feeling the way i feel now for a long time, accepting it as just being run-down/self pitying(how pathetic!!) .
My question is how will i know that the drugs are beginning to work?
Will i feel more clear headed/optimistic, sociable and energetic ?

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14-07-11, 12:06
Of course you will, but it takes time. I think you will soon feel better as you are in the 4th week of taking the medicine, i myself have already been taking a double dose for a month now and really feel improvement. Although, as you said, there are still some low moods and 'bad' thoughts from time to time but they will be eventually completely gone. When i remember the past couple of months, i realise that the pills have really improved my condition so i will not give up to the brief 'bad' moods, you should not do it too! Good luck!

19-07-11, 12:34
You will feel better, I am still improving week on week after 5 months on cit.

19-07-11, 21:14
Thanks for the kind words chaps.
I do have a tendency to be impatient. I am beginning to understand that this process may take a little more time than i first thought. The doctor told me today to lower my expectations and ask less of myself .

Take Care,
