View Full Version : Problems with brain and sleep!

14-07-11, 13:41
There's a story behind this ill try to make it quick.
My boyfriend doesn't like me talking to my ex. Which i completely understand. We had an argument about it but i had already deleted him on Facebook.
I woke up to three text messages this morning off my boyfriend saying he felt betrayed and why had i re added my ex on Facebook. I didn't have a clue what was going on so i signed in to my Facebook to see that half 3 this morning i had added and he had accepted.
I really do not remember doing it at all. My sister and my boyfriend know my password but they both say it wasn't them.

I've been been feeling really weird recently. Having headaches and feeling lightheaded. My heads been feeling really weird. I've been having ear pains and tooth ache but i don't know whether that's all in my head. I have this horrible feeling that about a year and a half ago ish my crown fell out i used to smoke there's no hole in my gun there's still tooth. But sometimes i get scared in case I've got a tumor or something. My mum says not to be silly so i try not to let that worry me. I've been feeling very sick and having coloured dots in my eyes this has not been frequent however.
When i woke up i thought i was still asleep or i was dead or something. I felt like i had no control over what was going on!

Im really scared in case Im going crazy or something. Is it possible i did it in my sleep? What if Im getting a tumor or something. Could this all be caused by stress!

Im really really scared!!! :(

14-07-11, 13:43
I've also been under a lot of stress at home

14-07-11, 13:44
And I've been having neck pain