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06-01-09, 13:38
I've been on Citalopram for abt 3 weeks now, It was awful for the 1st week or so, it gave me extreme anxiety, but i persisted and now i feel normal, I'm finally going out and living a normal life and enjoying it ( which i havn't done for years). I suggest that if your really concerned about the side effects don't just stop, go and talk to your doctor, he might suggest taking a smaller dose until your body is used to the new drug. If you really want to feel good about yourself again then you have to persist. You are fighting a battle and this is the first step to winning.

06-01-09, 13:41
Hi , me again, I am also worried about side effects such as impotency, sinse ive been on this medication my sexual appetite has decreased. I'm gonna talk to my doctor about it. Does anyone else have this problem or have concerns?

06-01-09, 14:14
Hi , me again, I am also worried about side effects such as impotency, sinse ive been on this medication my sexual appetite has decreased. I'm gonna talk to my doctor about it. Does anyone else have this problem or have concerns?

hi farlar yes my sexual appetite decreased last time i was on them,this is on ly my second day taking them .one thing else is sweating was a big problem for me .it gets embarassing but these tablets help me lead a normal life so going to keep taking them :)

06-01-09, 15:14
thanks Gary

06-01-09, 18:13
Started my first dose today. Felt fine for the most part. Im rather apprehensive about how the rest of the week goes though. The doctor has given me some diazepam to go with it if i feel the need, so hopefully i can get past the bad stages (if i have any!).

07-01-09, 01:44
Started my first dose today. Felt fine for the most part. Im rather apprehensive about how the rest of the week goes though. The doctor has given me some diazepam to go with it if i feel the need, so hopefully i can get past the bad stages (if i have any!).

hi bagpuss.the side effects for me arent as bad as people make them out ,i cant say that for all but what i will say is keep yourself busy and hopefully u wont think about them as much.the thing for me is my panic attacks come on when im in bed trying to sleep and 1st thing in morning i cant wait to feel normal .:D

07-01-09, 11:33
I had been on 20mg for 9 weeks and not feeling any better.Doctor upped it to 40mg and been on for 3 days now but the anxiety has been worse especially first thing in the morning in bed.Would like to see it through,but if things are not better after a week,will have to contact the doctor .I am positive in saying to myself ''I will feel better any day now'' but I do not relish the fact about starting a differant medication after 10 weeks or so of feeling bad,and maybe a long time from then that I will feel any benefit.Has anyone here had any similar experience or any words of encouragement after a long period of taking citalopram and then it starts to work?

07-01-09, 13:01
Hello :) Im new here! I have been on Citalopram for about a year now, and been on 40mg for about 4 months. It seemed to work for the first few weeks or so, but for the past 2 months have been back to my usual anxious self. The doctors wouldnt prescibe me anything new over the festive period, so gave me diazepeam. But I cant take them, as they make me too drowzy for work etc.

Citalopram was good to start, but it seems to have stopped working. Anyone else felt this with it?

07-01-09, 18:48
Thanks Gary, been to see my councellor today who said not to be fooled by side effects. She has rarely come across anyone who actually has the effects, rather a lot talk themselves into it though. Im always horrific in the morning too but settle down as the day goes on so im trying to take the mornings with a pinch of salt and not focus too much on how im feeling. Not always easy!!

Cosmic girl
08-01-09, 07:23
Hi, whilst I respect the doctors right to their opinion frankly it does annoy me rather. I know that when I started on Citalopram I definitely had side effects for the first few weeks and they were not a figment of my imagination. My doctor also seemed disbelieving of this and I have read in Dr Burns book 'Feeling Good' that some people can imagine side effects when given a placebo thinkings its an AD. However, I know the migraines etc were not part of my imagination as I did not start taking them expecting to have side effects and didn't will myself into feeling them.

But the good news is they stopped after a few weeks, I did feel them again mildly on upping my dose and once on switching brands, I now ensure I only get the same brand and my pharamcist has been very helpful.

After being on them now for 6 months I can truly say they are the best thing I have ever done, I feel better than I can remember in years and years. I feel like me but better than ever before. I feel truly positive and its a great feeling. I am not dogged with worry and anxiety. If I feel the old fears crowing in they don't seem to stay, I can push them away easily.

So I would absolutely say to anyone who is in those first few weeks and feeling like giving up, stick with it, it will get better. It is hard at first and you can feel awful but it is worth it.

My only fear now is coming off them! I never want to go back to how I felt before.....

I should add though that like others above I do still have the side effect of reduced sexual appetite (which is apprently much more common than the drug companies liked to admit; particularly when citalopram was first launched in the market, but is now well known and again covered in the book 'Feeling Good') however for me this has been more of a help than a hinderance. Although long term I am not sure if this is a good thing as I do seem to have extreme difficulty reaching orgasm (but that said I still enjoy sex) which wasn't a problem before but at the moment i feel so good that I don't care.......

I know this is quite personal but i wanted to share as this forum helped me hugely when I first started down the AD road.

Good luck to everyone in the same boat.

Cosmic girl
08-01-09, 07:31
Hello :) Im new here! I have been on Citalopram for about a year now, and been on 40mg for about 4 months. It seemed to work for the first few weeks or so, but for the past 2 months have been back to my usual anxious self. The doctors wouldnt prescibe me anything new over the festive period, so gave me diazepeam. But I cant take them, as they make me too drowzy for work etc.

Citalopram was good to start, but it seems to have stopped working. Anyone else felt this with it?

Hi Gemma
Have you tried reading any books in conjunction with the medication. I found 'CBT for Dummies' and other books like 'Feeling Good' very helpful in understanding more about all the thought patterns I had that were causing the stress, worry and anxiety. They are also very helpful with combative strategies so that you can change your behaviour in the future and work through things in a different way. Also meditation principles of positive thinking are really helpful; changing how you react to things externally, so you control it rather than it controlling you. It was something I found really helpful. Wishing you all the best. :o

08-01-09, 07:49
I find exercise helps a bit when taking this pill.

I don't go to the gym, i exercise at home, something simple as doing 50 squats/lunges, 20 tricep dips/push ups and 30 sit ups/20 crunches & stretching a day makes me feel much more alert and energetic!

08-01-09, 14:40
Sorry, i didnt mean for it to come across as if i dont believe in the side effects of this drug. I know plenty do and they are very unpleasant, its just my counsellor said not to be fooled and have an open mind about it instead of always believing the very worst!

Im hoping to get back to the gym next week, shall start off swimming and progress back to 3 proper gym sessions in time. I guess i need to learn to trust my body again as i havnt managed to eat much over the last 4 weeks and so im feeling quite weak now. Im on day 3 of the tablets so far and have been quite positive and upbeat, is this a form of high before hitting a dip or is this how it goes and will steadily ramp me up to feeling properly ok??

08-01-09, 16:11
Im new to this forum, but just found it and it looked really helpful.

Ive started on these today, and have so far felt no side effects...is there a amount of time they start to kick in?

Im begginging on 10mg, then the doctor said he will up my doseage to 20mg.

Do they really make you feel back to your old self.

Thanks :o)

Abbie x

08-01-09, 21:10
hi again as we all know there are side effects but.... as these drugs are here to help us try to get back to normal we do have to help ourselfs.we have to get up in morning and think positive these pills do help take the negativity away from our minds,but it has to do with will power also so please try keep positive

10-01-09, 19:29
Hi guys how are you :)

Well, I just found this forum today and I'm so glad to have done so!

I've been having some problems coping with anxiety/panic attacks, as well as depression. I'm anxious all the time and have been getting ibs symptoms, which my doctor thinks is related to stress. I've been visiting my GP about it for a few months. He's been very supportive, and in a couple of weeks a nurse is going to phone me about arranging counselling. I went to see my GP a few days ago and, as I've not improved in my feelings (I've got worse recently somehow), he has prescribed me Citalopram. I've got to have 10mg a day for a week, then it goes up to 20mg.

I'm always kinda anxious about taking medications, but when I read the side effects for this, I freaked out!! Some things I can deal with, but the increased agitation and possible upset stomach are scaring me, as one thing I have an issue with is sickness. :unsure:

But, I really decided I have to face my fears, so today I started taking citalopram. I don't know if I've had side effects per se, or if I'm just getting worked up all by myself, but I've felt really agitated since I took my dose, my heart has been thundering! I've also felt shaky and like I'm losing control. I went for a lie down as I got tired and woke up with acid indigestion and (please excuse!) rather gassy. :blush:

The thing I am getting really worried about is when it comes to Monday and I am back at work. I'm so scared of having side effects while I am at work, or travelling on the bus :unsure:

11-01-09, 09:38
Hi I'm new here....

Just happened to be googling 'Citalopram' and this was the first site to the list.

I just want to say a big thanks for all the posts about the side effects of this drug. I was prescribed 20mg on Wednesday, my doc didn't say anything about them, just to take one a day in the morning's. OMG - the first day I was so spaced out and felt so sick that I couldn't even face a cup of coffee!! I am just about to take my fourth tablet this morning and I take mine with my breakfast. I have now found that once the nausea starts I try and eat something, it does seem to stop the feeling of wanting to be sick.

My doc also prescribed Zipoclone 7.5mg, which does help with sleeping, but it's the awful metal taste that both these tablets create that I can't deal with.
I am also on Levothyroxine 150mg and Furosemide 40mg. I feel like a walking chemist....:D

I was going to cut the tablets in half and only take 10mg but thought that if the doc has prescribed 20mg that's obviously what I need.

I am still waiting for the post in reply to the lower sex drive? Does it come back after the side effects have gone?

Thanks again for all the help with understanding these awful side effects.


11-01-09, 22:03
Hi I'm new here....

Just happened to be googling 'Citalopram' and this was the first site to the list.

I just want to say a big thanks for all the posts about the side effects of this drug. I was prescribed 20mg on Wednesday, my doc didn't say anything about them, just to take one a day in the morning's. OMG - the first day I was so spaced out and felt so sick that I couldn't even face a cup of coffee!! I am just about to take my fourth tablet this morning and I take mine with my breakfast. I have now found that once the nausea starts I try and eat something, it does seem to stop the feeling of wanting to be sick.

My doc also prescribed Zipoclone 7.5mg, which does help with sleeping, but it's the awful metal taste that both these tablets create that I can't deal with.
I am also on Levothyroxine 150mg and Furosemide 40mg. I feel like a walking chemist....:D

I was going to cut the tablets in half and only take 10mg but thought that if the doc has prescribed 20mg that's obviously what I need.

I am still waiting for the post in reply to the lower sex drive? Does it come back after the side effects have gone?

Thanks again for all the help with understanding these awful side effects.


Hiya hun don't worry it will comeback in time i feel this is when you are feeling slightly better.I recomend not even trying it until you feel like you want to have sex other wise it could make you feel rubsih not been able to climax or even feel like you enjoying it. I mean i am only now feeling i want to but dont worry this feeling of low sex drive will not last forever and i don't effects everyone! :D

12-01-09, 14:50
Im new to this forum, but just found it and it looked really helpful.

Ive started on these today, and have so far felt no side effects...is there a amount of time they start to kick in?

Im begginging on 10mg, then the doctor said he will up my doseage to 20mg.

Do they really make you feel back to your old self.

Thanks :o)

Abbie x

I started these pills in november (my first of anything like this). like yourself i started on 10mg and after a month went on to 20mg. Im very lucky as i had no side effects but on the downside i havent felt any improvement. There seems to be a lot of different info on how long they take to kick in. My doc said about 6 weeks. Every morning i hope a magic wand will be waved over me but it hasnt happened yet. Im off to docs this week. Maybe im expecting too much. Also waiting for some counselling which i am told can be very helpful in conjunction with pills. Cant actually remember what my old self was but living in hope. GOOD LUCK

12-01-09, 15:06
Hi guys how are you :)

Well, I just found this forum today and I'm so glad to have done so!

I've been having some problems coping with anxiety/panic attacks, as well as depression. I'm anxious all the time and have been getting ibs symptoms, which my doctor thinks is related to stress. I've been visiting my GP about it for a few months. He's been very supportive, and in a couple of weeks a nurse is going to phone me about arranging counselling. I went to see my GP a few days ago and, as I've not improved in my feelings (I've got worse recently somehow), he has prescribed me Citalopram. I've got to have 10mg a day for a week, then it goes up to 20mg.

I'm always kinda anxious about taking medications, but when I read the side effects for this, I freaked out!! Some things I can deal with, but the increased agitation and possible upset stomach are scaring me, as one thing I have an issue with is sickness. :unsure:

But, I really decided I have to face my fears, so today I started taking citalopram. I don't know if I've had side effects per se, or if I'm just getting worked up all by myself, but I've felt really agitated since I took my dose, my heart has been thundering! I've also felt shaky and like I'm losing control. I went for a lie down as I got tired and woke up with acid indigestion and (please excuse!) rather gassy. :blush:

The thing I am getting really worried about is when it comes to Monday and I am back at work. I'm so scared of having side effects while I am at work, or travelling on the bus :unsure:

Hi there

I have just replied to abby (below). Sound quite similar) I felt agitated. I think mine is getting worked up by the whole thing of admitting to my fears and taking tablets. I find i am thinking about it all the time which in itself can make me edgy.Ive denied these feeings for so long that it is very scary to confront them. I too have found this forum very helpful (and sometimes a bit scary re: side effects). Ive tried all the self help stuff with no joy so maybe a bit of help from the medical proffession combined with my own determination (ha ha) will help. I told the people i work closely with that i was on pills for anxiety and maybe i may be a bit odd. Firstly they didnt believe me cos im very calm and jolly in public but they have also been fine. Fortunately there have been no problems. for the sake of other people like us post how you get on. There doesnt seem to be a lot of updates on how people are. I hope it is cos they get better

12-01-09, 19:32
hi all how r u feeling now,i think the big build up of admitting to your fears makes you more anxious as well as reading the side effects on the side of the packet dont help.i been on them for a week now ad i feel spaced out lol but i think its quite funny as i dont have heart palpitations now and dont even really panic now. i dont feel sick anymore but i still have loss of appetite (sometimes not a bad thing ) ive been on these before and the thing for me is they block out panic and fear so you can face up to your problems instead of trying to push them out.if that makes sense lol.:D

Andrew UK
12-01-09, 20:13
Hi, I am a First Time poster who has been greatly helped by this forum and wanted to share my experiences.
I was suffering from what I now know as depression which contributed to a relationship breakdown and finally as a last resort I saw a locum doctor.
I had not slept more than a couple of hours per night for many months and had no appetite. I was very snappy, weepy and suffered mood changes.
He prescribed 20mg Citalopram and said that it would take up to 4 weeks to take effect and would have some side effects.
I took my first one the same morning and then Googled Citalopram, found this site and read the forum.
I had a woozy spell the first time and then decided to only take them in the evening from now on. That night I took a second one and slept for the first time in months, thereafter I sleep well almost every night, sometimes for 10 hours.
My mood lifted almost immediately and has remained better since then.
6 years ago I had an operation to repair an internal problem which involved opening up my back and ribs and had always had discomfort / tightening from the scarring, this ceased within a few weeks of taking Citalopram.
I saw a CBT concellor who could not offer any help.
I am a big guy and took 20mg for 5 months, then have increased to 30mg 2 months ago to see if I would improve even more.
The good side is my moods are stable, neutral to good, my anxiety has gone and there is no such thing as a quickie any more ;o).
The bad side is I can eat and eat constantly and have put back all the weight I lost and more, I am very thirsty, I grind my teeth at night, suffer night sweats, have vivid wierd dreams and I have become almost emotionless.
Even taking all the above into account, I would not stop taking Citalopram as the pros far outweigh the cons and I know that ultimately I will be weaned back off them.
Thanks for all the previous posters for helping me, hopefully my saga may help another person.

Cosmic girl
13-01-09, 09:13
Sorry, i didnt mean for it to come across as if i dont believe in the side effects of this drug. I know plenty do and they are very unpleasant, its just my counsellor said not to be fooled and have an open mind about it instead of always believing the very worst!

I think you are right that its good to go into it not expecting to get side effects and to hope for the best. It seems some people are lucky enough not to get them.....and perhaps reading about all the different things you can experience doesn't help in some ways, although it does in others.
Good luck with the gym.
I found after the first few weeks of feeling awful on Citalopram I then hit a high and felt really really good for a few days, this then levelled out - I have to say that despite concerns at the beginning I am so glad I started and stuck with them, they have made a HUGE difference to me and have really helped. Good luck :D

p.s. this week the sexual side effects seem to have resolved themselves again too! HURRAH! I can now climax again! Sorry if this is too much info but I think its important to share as I was very worried about this for a while and wondered if i would ever be able to again, so its good to know it does resolve itself ...!!

13-01-09, 18:19

So far i havnt had any ille ffects from the tablets. Still struggling in the morning but i always do, so no different there. Im out and about plenty and not getting too agitated. Im upping it to 20mg tomorrow and should then feel a real difference apparently! Off to the gym Thursday with my husband for a bit of moral support for the first time back, cant wait to get back to normal stuff again. Im still lacking in trust bodily, although im sure it can cope, just need to believe in it more!

Hope you are all doing ok,

14-01-09, 07:30
HEY EVeryone , Im on this citalopram its my fifth day today , and i can tell i woke up with smile on my face this morning ... yes i felt shaky and dizzy the first night , it was enough to put me off , but i know this is to help my IBS and anxiety condition so i was head strong to stick with it . I didnt sleep for the first three nights , but i had great sleep last night , and was full of beans in the morning , i havent had a feeling like this for ages , but also the DErealisation i was getting WAS ENOUGH TO frighten me for the rest of my life but thats starting to fade and im so ecstatic about it , for you people who are frightened to take it ... its either you do it the hard way of life time of anxiety or take the white pill that give you big boost in life with loads of comfidence !! I REALLY WISH YOU LUCK and hope the best ! I KNOW exactly how you feel !!

14-01-09, 17:55
Hi everyone

This is my first visit to the forum - I was prescribed Citalopram today for panic/anxiety disorder (which I've had for the last 10 years or so). Reading the SE list in the box really scared me and I decided to do some internet research.

Luckily I found this site pretty quickly and reading the posts have both reassured and unsettled me! The SE list is pretty offputting (I feel nauseous a lot of the time anyway so thats a deal breaker in itself!) but have been calmed by so many of you saying the SEs do pass and that maybe I will feel better and the horrible anxiety that has been with me for what feels like forever will possibly go away. I'm planning on taking the first tablet (20mg) a hour before bed and hope to sleep through the worst of the SEs, not looking forward to a night of broken sleep and nausea, but I want to feel better so I'll try to start and stick with it.

Sorry this is such a long post, and thanks again for all the useful info in your posts.


15-01-09, 13:55
I started on citalopram (20mg) on Christmas eve 2008. I cannot tell you how much it has helped. The only disappointment is that I left it for so long. I know my problems are still there but I can now rationalize and reason. I have no more problems than most people, in fact probably less, so I would consider that I suffer from depression. My doctor reasoned that if patients who have diabetes inject insulin, patients who have anemia take iron tablets, then it is no less reasonable for those with a lack of seratonin to take anti depressants. Makes sense and it took away my feeling of being ashamed of my condition!! I did have a few side effects. Stayed awake for about 3 hours first night, metalic taste, tremors, but nothing drastic. I am now full of energy, have lost my taste for alcohol and chocolate (mood boosters) and am having fun with my family again. These tablets may not be great for everyone but it is really well worth giving them a go. Good luck.

15-01-09, 19:11
Thanks Denise, and I know what you mean re wishing you'd done this sooner. I've basically just coped with it myself, with varying degrees of success, and I wish I'd visited the doc sooner for medication. I just didn't know you could get medication for being anxious and panicky!

Well, I took my first tablet last night before bed, and apart from waking up about 6 times and having weird dreams when I was asleep I think I've gotten off quite lightly so far. I'm hoping (though optimism is not my natural inclination) that I'll be one of the lucky ones who won't suffer too much with SEs, though maybe I should wait a few days before congratulating myself as I've noticed a lot of people have mentioned feeling ok til around day 4/5 so I'll have to wait and see.

I do feel bit worried about what my friends will think, I feel like they'll think i'm weak or weird, or unbalanced. But your doctor is right, its not our fault or any reflection on us that we're lacking in some brain chemical, I'll try to remember that.

thanks again for your message Denise, and I hope the tablets work for me like they are working for you.

evie x

15-01-09, 22:04
I was just wondering if any long term citalopram users could answer my question. I've been on 40mg since early October, it's all been going fine but just recently, only since the start of this week, I've started to feel lightheaded and nauseaous. Could it be the citalopram or have I been on it too long to start feeling side effects?

15-01-09, 22:24
I was just wondering if any long term citalopram users could answer my question. I've been on 40mg since early October, it's all been going fine but just recently, only since the start of this week, I've started to feel lightheaded and nauseaous. Could it be the citalopram or have I been on it too long to start feeling side effects?

hi i sometimes feel nauseaous and dizzy but i put it down to blood sugar levels dropping dont think it be the pills :D

15-01-09, 22:27
hi evie i used o worry what my mates would think .but a true mate will understand as mine do .they awlays been there for me to talk to about it ,at first i was embarrassed but as u said .its not our fault !!!i think in men it used to show weakness but just most men try hiding it more .im glad im not now

15-01-09, 22:39
hi i sometimes feel nauseaous and dizzy but i put it down to blood sugar levels dropping dont think it be the pills :D

I didn't think it would be but just wanted to check, that leaves it down to my eye sight or my blood pressure! :D

15-01-09, 22:51
hi evie i used o worry what my mates would think .but a true mate will understand as mine do .they awlays been there for me to talk to about it ,at first i was embarrassed but as u said .its not our fault !!!i think in men it used to show weakness but just most men try hiding it more .im glad im not now

Hi gary, I guess I find it difficult to discuss it with my friends because I've tried to hide it and be "normal" in front of them for so long. but that becomes tiring in itself after a while so maybe now is a good time to talk to them. Glad that you've got good friends that understand.:)

re the tablets, i'm worried what will happen if they don't work, the thought of trying loads of different types as even more time rolls by is not an appealing one. do we know what the %success rate with this particular medication? and is it something people can safely take for years?

hope everyone is doing ok this evening,


16-01-09, 10:06
Im on day 3 of 20mg after a week on 10mg. Had a massive panic attack this morning just before i took my kids to school. Now i just feel sick and awful, as if i cant face anything else for the day. I realise it takes a while to kick into the system, but im still needing a small amount of diazepam in a morning to try and get some breakfast eaten and then out of the house. All the advice of accepting the condition is here and will be probably for the rest of my life to some degree is so scary. I can breathe and float through it sometimes, mainly when things are quieter but i often feel myself going over the edge when i have my children around and i cant sit in peace for a few minutes and just try to relax and focus for a bit. Then it just makes me feel even worse as they witness me crying and shaking. If they end up with this condition later on in life ill never forgive myself. How do you explain it all to a set of 4 year olds??? Will i ever get back on an even keel, rather than look in my diary and dread every date coming up?

How's the rest of you today?? Better than me i hope!

16-01-09, 11:25
hi bagpuss, i am on day 2 of 40mg after going up from 30mg, hope you get better soon, i am fed up with feeling crap all the time and having the same stupid horrid thoughts over and over again, also scared that this dose wont work fingers crossed for us both x

16-01-09, 19:43
Hi All.....

I am on day 9 of the tablets and I can say that this is the first day that I have felt any different. Work seemed easier today and a friend said that I seemed happier (smiling and laughing more).
The nausea has gone but I have had 2 full blown panic attacks since being on these. Both been at night, waking me up.
As i said in my first post, I am also on sleeping tablets, but last night I tried going to bed without them. OMG what a night, had the 2nd panic attack and tossed and turned all night!! So looks like I will have to stay on the sleeping tablets.
Again thanks to everyone on this thread for opening my eyes to the side effects.


16-01-09, 21:16
Im finding mine get way worse when its that time of the month. I guess the hormonal changes affect it more. Am feeling a bit more relaxed now but sort of dread what tomorrow brings. Must try and have a calm weekend! I just wish others realised how exhausting this condition is and could empathise when they see me so tired. An extra hour or two in bed helps loads, but it doesnt seem to happen very much! Hope you are all doing ok xxx

16-01-09, 22:21
this medication has helped me very much...but you need to be patient and do all the right things if you want to get better...

17-01-09, 13:11
bagpuss i think i am effected more when it is the time of the month ,i am on day 3 of 40mg and dont know how i feel tday, slight headache and spaced out

17-01-09, 20:09
Ok, im trying to be more patient. I guess i wanted a swift end to this and gain some strength and confidence back. Ill keep plugging away at it, hope you are all feeling ok this evening,

19-01-09, 13:36
I just got prescribed this today. I've taken only the one table and I feel really ill (the sick feeling has just come on about 15 mins ago, two hours after I took the tablet). After reading everyone's responses I know this will settle down! Soooooooo, I'll get through these next couple of weeks knowing that better times are ahead!

20-01-09, 17:11
Hi, ive been on citalpram for about 8 weeks. I can t believe how 'normal' i now feel after finding all of you!!!
I ve been suffering with anxiety and depression - see a CBT every 6 weeks or so.
I dont seem to have many of the side affects - thank goodness - but am REALLY tired all of the time - also, many thanks to COSMIC GIRL for being so honest about the sexual side affects of the drug - I honestly thought it was just me!

21-01-09, 15:09
hi tracy what dose are you on? i am day 7 of 40mg and feel really tired and spaced out today and yesterday, i have been upping my dose gradually as i dont seem to feel much better till evenings.

21-01-09, 15:36
I have been on 20 mg for 3 and half weeks and yesterday dr increased it to 30. What dose works for people? I am very anxious, have panic feelings all the time and too scared to leave house now. Had a lot of side effects also. Have started to be fearful of everything. So out of control ...:wacko:

22-01-09, 09:20
Hello all, I'm so sorry some of you have had bad experiences with this drug. I was so depressed I was hearing voices and unable to function, but as a single mum, having been spaced out on prozac/seroxat and diazapam in the past, I was very worried about the side-effects of the drug.

I insisted on starting off for a month on 10mg, which my doctor said was for the old and frail(!), and then moved on to 20mg. I had read about some side effects, and I did have the yawns for three weeks, and diarohea (Sorry, can't spell it!), but within the same three weeks I woke up feeling cheerful for the first time in forever (Cheerful, can you remember what that feels like?).

I'm now in week 8, and feeling fantastic. As well as just generally being in a lighter mood, I find that when things happen that would have triggered a panic attack or anxiety, there is a pause. Its as if the drug gives me breathing space to choose how to react. I feel in control, and not at all "drugged" or "spaced".

I have had "talking therapies" throughout this time, including with my daughter, and have also explained to my family for the first time what the problems are, all of which I think has helped.

I have suffered with a sticky jaw for a while too, which the drugs seemed to have eased.

Good luck all.


22-01-09, 15:13
Hi guys, i got prescibed Citalopram last friday, after years of depression, anxiety and painic attacks, all of which i have hidden as best i can, avoiding any situation that makes it all worse, but it all kind of cracked and i needed help. I didn't really know much about anti-depressants, so just began taking them, without even really checking the side effects - later that night i felt sick and dizzy with huge palpations and i just felt bloody scared! I felt really tense all the next day and then began to get huge feeling of indigestion, a real blocked feeling in my throat worse than ive experienced befere - so then found this website and read about all the many side effects that come with taking these tablets, which helped relax me a little. I have actually halfed my dose now to 10mg and am taking them with my evening meal instead of at night just before bed, which is what i thought my doctor reccomended originally, and 6 days in the side effects already dont seem as terrifying, so for those about to start - just allow for the worst, but dont be scared of it, it will pass! (although will let you know how i get on when i go back up to 20mg next week).

Even though i have started on these tablets - i am still not 100% sure if its the route i want to take, aswell as beginning these tablets, i am also going to see a cognitive behavioral therapist (felt so anxious going in to talk about all this) and also to some 'Stress Control' presentations - with some very valuable information on changing thought processes and breaking the many vicious cycles involved in all of this. I was just wondering if there was anyone out there who had opinions through experience perhaps whether they have fought this and found themselves again with CBT and stress control type things and would say that it is very possible without the need for chemicals? or even using those methods with the added help of tablets...i guess i am just worried that i will become reliant on these pills, that they may change me (although i guess thats kind of what i want anyway) - ive heard of people becoming unemotional and losing there sex drive, parts of me that are important. Any opinions would be welcomly received, i just want to feel that i am definately doing the right thing. Sorry about the long message, and good luck to everyone else going through this, in a round about kind of way its nice to know im not alone.

pink daisy
22-01-09, 23:51
I am on these also.. I get a yawning thing like spasms in my face and neck feels like i cant swallow somtimes. does anyone get this?

23-01-09, 16:58
hey u lot >im back on them for 2 weeks what a difference .getting my confidence back , feeling more positib=ve instead of dreading the worse all the time ,side effects r quite funny ometimes (getting my sense of humour back)woohooooooo.get the yawns sticky jaw etc... but they all worth it i can carry on with my life friend say im chirpier .missus says my moods are getting better .sex life _____________ lmao but well hope it comes back .didnt feel like it before taking pills anyway ,missus understands .so hope u all start to feel better like what i have :yesyes: :roflmao:

23-01-09, 22:21
I've been taking 20mg for two weeks. For the first couple of days I felt slightly spaced out and faint for a few minutes within about an hour of taking the tablet but nothing too bad. For the next couple of days I felt much worse - very spaced out and out of control, panicky and feeling very faint with disturbed sleep. At this point I wanted to stop taking them but decided to persevere! For the rest of the week I still felt panicky and nervous about everything, I lost my appetite completely, got a dry mouth, couldn't sleep, and couldn't really think straight, but it wasn't quite as bad as the first few days. This week I have felt much better. My appetite is back and my sleep patterns are almost back to normal, although I am sleepy and yawning a lot. The dry mouth isn't so dry and I'm not feeling panic, but I am more nervous and jittery than usual and find it difficult to concentrate and remember things. I still feel quite down but overall I'm starting to feel better so I'm sticking with 'em.

23-01-09, 22:46
I came off these last month after being on them for six months. I started off with 10mg, then 20mg and then 40mg, never had much in the way of side effects, may have felt a bit queasy now and again, but then I was that before I took them. Anyway decided to come off them as I wanted to just be me without these drugs, so went from 40mg to zero, never felt much, a bit of night sweats, mild headache etc. Anyway, think ive thawed out now and im back to how I was before, can't say I miss being on them as I feel more natural being just the way I am. Has anyone else just stopped them, without gradually reducing them, it would be interesting to know and also, how you got on in the short and long term after having stopped them, and if you had to go back on them again at a later date?:shrug:

pink daisy
24-01-09, 10:08
They made me rather randy also lol...

25-01-09, 22:02
Hello everyone i started on 20mg because i was very depressed and very anxious within two hours i was wretching and the room was spinning it was awful i felt soo ill and so sick my doctor said too half the dose 10mg these still made me a little sick in the mornings but it passed then i went downhill again after xmas and was prescibed the 20mg again so scared after being so sick and shaking high anxiety nut i took them and had vrtually no side -effects and take them now to go too bed on they knock me out i wake up refreshed and i can honestly say i feel wonderful no anxiety i feel i can cope with most things and am happy about downing the little white pill i was so very afraid of - stick with it guys because it takes a while but the benefits are well worth it xx

25-01-09, 22:04

28-01-09, 07:03
I can't get over this comedy yawning. I can't keep my mouth shut at all, but it is making me laugh...yes laugh, so the tablets must be doing something right!

28-01-09, 11:13
I am having really bad headaches and eyes are hurting for the last few days is this a side effect hope it wears off soon

28-01-09, 11:53
You must stick with it as the benefits far outweight the side effects.

28-01-09, 12:08
I am having really bad headaches and eyes are hurting for the last few days is this a side effect hope it wears off soon

I felt like both my eyes and ears could burst with pressure for a few days and it passed !:yesyes:

28-01-09, 13:41
Yep me too! The 1st 2 or 3 days of taking it i had the worst headache but almost like a pressure type feeling - and my throat felt tight and my ears felt like they needed to pop ...freaked me out but i stuck with it and it passed...i seem to feel extremely euphoric for the first say week and this passed and now i feel kinda on a normal level now - also the wakful ness after the 1st 2 weeks passed...now in week 3...felt a tad down here n there - and thats quite noticeable...and finally, has anyone else noticed a drop in heart rate??..mine used to pound and its really noticeable how it doesnt now..i almost got worried about it but...and oh yes the yawning...thats REALLY annoying!...Jen x

28-01-09, 14:33
Jen its two weeks today on upped dose of 40mg still got headaches and eye ache but can cope with that, feel slightly spaced out but not as bad, stupid thoughts dont seem to be coming into head as much , really tired and heart pounding when should i know if this dose will work?

28-01-09, 18:46
Hi Liucy

mmm well youve been on 40mg 2 wks so think its still early days - i had that eye ache/ pressure weird head feeling for the first week and slightly there on and of since - think youbve had it worse because your on double the dose im on...im still getting side effects - think you need to give it 6 wks or so - plus try not to get anxious about this feeling your getting...take a painkiller, see if that helps,. it may be that getting anxious could be making you feel worse...
let me know how you get on - id be interested...in case i need up my dose to 30mg ...Take care Lucy
jen xx

29-01-09, 10:04
hi jen, what side effects do you still get at 3 weeks and do you get better as day goes on, as this seems to be what is happening to me, how long do you think it should take for new dose to kick in?

29-01-09, 11:18
Hello All,

I started taking 10mg of Citaplopram for anxiety 3 and a half weeks ago and found that my side effects disappeared after 2 weeks. The first week I felt pretty awful, extremely anxious, kept waking up in the night (although some of this could have been down to my anxiety disorder rather than the tablets). I would also feel a bit sick and dizzy a couple of hours after taking them and have night sweats. As I said though these effects do go so please stick with the tablets, they really do help.

Each day I can see improvements, I've gone from not being able to get out of bed and too afraid to come to work to being back at work full time, and I even managed a night at the theatre last weekend. I lost half a stone through lack of appetite before I went on the tablets but I've found that my appetite has started to come back and I'm enjoying my food again. I still get panicky and have bad days and I think you really have to give it 6 weeks before you see the full effects of the tablets but I feel positive that they are working and I will get fully better in time.

I'm hoping this gives some of you the boost you need to stick with them x x

29-01-09, 18:24
:bighug1: Hi, I started taking citalopram on 27th December when I hit an all time rock bottom and felt quite suicidal., After the initial side effects of feeling dizzy, very tired and not being able to sleep my mood has improved although I do feel like I am walking around with cotton wool around my brain. My anxiety has not been helped so far by taking them but I have started having some emdr and that does work. Good luck to you all on here, x

29-01-09, 18:56
:bighug1: Hi, I started taking citalopram on 27th December when I hit an all time rock bottom and felt quite suicidal., After the initial side effects of feeling dizzy, very tired and not being able to sleep my mood has improved although I do feel like I am walking around with cotton wool around my brain. My anxiety has not been helped so far by taking them but I have started having some emdr and that does work. Good luck to you all on here, x

what is emdr? :shrug:

30-01-09, 19:26

30-01-09, 20:43
Hi Lucy locket -

How are feeling today? ok i hope - im sooo with you here, ive had a terrible time with anxiety over the yrs...the tablets - yes still have bouts of anxiety - cant reall notice any other side effects, but when the axiety kicks in its really intense and can still get a bit jittery...my doc says need to give it a few weeks yet to see real benefits...may ask to see if i can up it to 30mg...i dont feel as good/happy as i did when i first took it them - seem to be wearing off..dunno still might be adjusting...any one offer any ideas or similar experiences??? Lucy...let me know how you getting,
Jen xx

31-01-09, 11:51
Hi - I'm new on here. About 4 or 5 years ago I was prescribed Citalopram and had a torrid time with side effects. Mainly because I didn't know that there were side effects! My G.P had simply said that "...they may take a week or so to settle down". They most definitely worked at the time but going through the spells of anxiety, sleep disturbance and weird thoughts/dreams for the first 2-3 weeks and not knowing *why* was disturbing.
After starting a new job at Christmas I started getting strong bouts of anxiety again, when there was pressure on and my sub-conscious wanted me to just quit the job and bolt for the safety of home. 10 days ago I was prescribed Citalopram again to help me through this patch. First thing I should say is that I am so greatful that these forums are here - it reminded me that I'm not cracking up or being a hyperchondriac and that there are a lot of common symptoms (night-sweats - I'd forgotten about those) and to be reminded to see it through is a good message to hear.
Secondly, I am on day 10. All the early side-effects (dry mouth, anxiety, sleep disturbance, feeling 'other-worldly') have started to fade into the background and at least now I KNOW its just my body adjusting and can be more philosophical. Not all the side effects have fully disappeared but they are much less intrusive.
I would be very interested to hear of anyones experiences of how long it was when they realised they were symptom free - give me some idea.
Oh - and I'm still at work and doing ok.

31-01-09, 13:48

thank you x

31-01-09, 14:17
hi, i am on day 17 of upping dose to 40mg, a couple of night ago i thought i had cracked it felt normal all evening whilst out having tea then yesterday and today feel not with again (spaced out) this is how my anxiety symptons first started. Although the stupid thoughts have subsided ,i still don't feel quite with it somehow any advice please!!!

31-01-09, 14:43
I can only imagine that you're going to get irregular days in the first 2-3 weeks. When I started taking my 20mg I had a great day on day 2 and thought 'This is easier than I thought', but then the next few days were weird and uncomfortable. Lots of ups and downs.
My GP made an appointment to go back after 21 days and I think I can't really make a judgement call until then (am on day 10 and while ok overall still getting mild side effects).
I will be glad to get some consistancy. From past experience, you do

31-01-09, 19:58
I've just finished week three, and suddenly I'm feeling withdrawn. I thought I was doing so well as the initial side effects went after a week and I was feeling better, but then yesterday I went all funny. The spaced out feeling has come back, my appetite has dropped again and I'm feeling nervous. Yesterday I felt a bit sick, and I've got diarrhoea, even though I didn't get these symptoms at first. I'm not sure whether it is the tablets or whether I've caught a bug or something. Has anybody else had a side effect relapse? I haven't upped my dose

31-01-09, 20:06
certainly sounds like side effects, and you sound more disappointed than in distress...keep on going, from what I've read side effects can zone in and out for 1 - 6 weeks (but I'm no expert)

31-01-09, 21:47
Hi All.....

Just thought I would pop by to tell you a bit of news, which I hope will help all newcomers to Citalopram. I have just started my fifth week, had to visit the doc for an update. He was so surprised with the change in me. He said he could tell by my "happy" eyes that the tablets were working - I said it was most probably a side effect....:D .

I told him that 'yes' I was feeling a lot calmer and that I hadn't had a bad silly thought for the amount of time I've been on them.
I take 20mg in the morning but by about 6pm was feeling slightly anxious, so the doc increased me to 30mg. I must say "OMG" I feel so good in myself, even my hubby of 18 years told me he hasn't seen me so happy in a long time...:yahoo:

So I agree with all the good advice on this forum.

31-01-09, 22:17
Hi misteeq...

wow thanks for those words back there - interesting!...also interesting to read that you think your 3 wks and the side effects have gone and then suddenly ill feel reAlly anxious - like i said b4 my side effects are minimal now but anxiety is defo hightened since i took these tablets - BUT - i WILL say BUT! when the anxiety is NOT there - i feel loads better so....overall ive seem an imrovement...seem to be having these slight down feelings tho- and thats not like me - sort of a deflated flat feeling...its quite odd - i think ill go back to the GP and tell her about this...i think tho they DO work....

Jen xx:yesyes:

31-01-09, 22:19
Hi Lucy - wanted to say hello...try and stick with it - remembner its the tablets thats causing this- just try n go with - we can all do this !!...
Keep posting to keep us updated chick :)
Jen xx

01-02-09, 04:42
I have been on citalopram (CELEXA) for 2 1/2 weeks. I was scared at first to take them as well. I searched the pill on the internet, and there was to many frightning side affects for me. But as we all know anxiety/panic kicks in afraid of everything. I talked to my doctor and the pharmacy and they stated that the side affects that are recorded, are recorded even if only one person has those side affects during there study. So if a person came in and had a runny nose after taking the pill even if it had nothing to do with the pill. it is recorded, its the law.so you have to remember this when looking at those side affects, all medication works differently on everyone, meds seen to be heretary as well so usually if someone in your family can take them you can to. When I first started mine, i got my comfort zone, (MY MOTHER) to come stay with me for the first week so if something did happen to me she would be there to help me in anyway. The first pill I took I went into a bad anxiety/panic attack, but later releized I did that to myself, because I took the pill and got nervous, so I threw myself into that attack. But other than a couple headaches I have been fine and the headaches may not even be caused buy celexa (citalopram). My body is very senitive to meds so the doctor is going to leave me on 10 mg for a month and if there doing the job she will leave me there till I feel I need an increase. And if you can take 10mg, it is very unlikely to have side affects when increasing your meds well that's what the doctor told me anyway. And the other thing to remember is this medication can take up to 2-4 weeks before you feel its full affect, so the anxiety/panic.depression prob. is probley not getting worse because the meds but because there not in your system all the way. all tho that can be a side affect. But I have felt a big difference in my mood as well as my emotion and physical well being with just the very first pill, I took it and went and took a bath that is also a comfort zone to me getting in the bath helps sooth me when i am having a panic.anxiety attack , about 35 minutes later it was easier to breath, the weights that was pressing on my chest got lighter, this pill has been great so far, You owe it to your self to atleast try it, if you don't you will never know if it is for you or not. And if its not then try another. Just make sure someone is there to help easy your anxiety. And another thing I discovered talking to the doctor and the pharmacy if you are going to have one of the major side affects, or allergic reaction it is going to happen with in the first hour of you taking the first pill, so if you fell better take a friend and go sit at your doctors office for the first hour, or hospital parking lot... I just believe you owe it to your self to try and help yourself, because anxiety/panic is a medical condition it is a chemical imbalance in your brain, or atleast that was the way i was explained it by my DOCTOR.

01-02-09, 08:31
This is getting effing risiculous!

The night before last night i slept for 17 HOURS!!

Last night i slept for 14 HOURS!!!...i've been taking citalopram under the brand name "ranbaxy"...ugh i hate it!

I really can't afford to be sleeping my days away, i have assignments to complete!

Plus i've had increased anxiety...i was on the streets walking up the road and i actually had this "urge" to stand in the middle of the road as the cars was passing cos my anxiety was so bad i just wanted the earth to swallow me up!! The fact that i was even wondering or thinking about that really freaked me out!

I'm going cold turkey from today, i already requested for a repeat prescription which will be ready by Tuesday and i will be getting the citalopram under the name "TEVA UK" from another pharmacists, hopefully....i felt so great when i took these pills, no side effects, mood elevated, easier to cope with stressful situations etc!

I know they say it shouldn't matter what "brand" citalopram comes under but i truely believe it does make a difference when brands are switched sometimes!

01-02-09, 08:45
I just believe you owe it to your self to try and help yourself, because anxiety/panic is a medical condition it is a chemical imbalance in your brain, or atleast that was the way i was explained it by my DOCTOR.

Very true!

It's not normal for a person to feel so depressed and anxious to the point where they can't even step out of they're front door or speak to people...and it's not as if we feel like this every now and then, it's ALL THE TIME!

Sure, the average person might also feel the blues and be stressed but they also have the occasional good day...i personally cannot remember the last time i felt good about myself before taking this medicine (from brand name TEVA UK of course!) and i'm sure that applies for most of us!

If medication is the way to give us our lives back and help us cope then that's not a bad thing at all! So be it! :D

01-02-09, 19:45
So its day 12 on Citalopram for me. I have felt quite shaky and on edge today but much better than last week - having read some others experiences on here, I think am doing ok not as extreme as some, but its very up and down, I take it I am still getting the side effects??
I know I'm improving but how long does this go on for - would like to hear our experiences, I 've anything from 1 to 6 weeks until it eventually settles down, is that right?

02-02-09, 07:18
I think I've realised why the side effects came back...my period. Couldn't remember when I was due but it appeared yesterday and I feel fine again! I always usually get bad PMS, usually making me forgetful, sad and irritable for a few days and a bit run down. Be warned...if you are prone to this and it makes you a bit weak then you might become vunerable to the side effects of the tablets again for a few days. :unsure:

02-02-09, 11:05
Iam now on my 3rd week of 40mg, yesterday i had quite a good day even though i felt slightly anxious in the morning and headache till 2ish by the afternoon it cleared up and today i have felt the same. my appetite is coming back and i am doing a bit more even went for a walk yesterday, does this mean they are working?

02-02-09, 11:09
Hello everyone!

I have just registered,

Just took my first citalopram tablet, finally got some answers with my anxiety issues.

See how things go. xx

02-02-09, 14:34
Hello! I've just registered too..and just this second took my first citlopram tablet..! I'm a little scared about the side effects :/ My fingers are crossed! :)

02-02-09, 15:35
Iam now on my 3rd week of 40mg, yesterday i had quite a good day even though i felt slightly anxious in the morning and headache till 2ish by the afternoon it cleared up and today i have felt the same. my appetite is coming back and i am doing a bit more even went for a walk yesterday, does this mean they are working?

Well it sounds like it, I am on day 13 and I would like to move onto where you are, it sounds like the next step. Currently quite fuzzy and a little edgy from time to time throughout the day. Keep us posted how you get on


02-02-09, 18:07
Hi Gemma, Karen et al

I too have just registered. Just returned from seeing the doc and have been prescribed the Citalpram 20mg tablets as well. First instinct was to check what I had been given online, and having done so, just feel like flushing them down the loo !! More bad stories than good ones ? For the next week or two at least I just cant afford to endure bad side effects, and mega sleeping sessions

Simon x

02-02-09, 19:15
Iam now on my 3rd week of 40mg, yesterday i had quite a good day even though i felt slightly anxious in the morning and headache till 2ish by the afternoon it cleared up and today i have felt the same. my appetite is coming back and i am doing a bit more even went for a walk yesterday, does this mean they are working?


02-02-09, 21:27
Hello! I've just registered too..and just this second took my first citlopram tablet..! I'm a little scared about the side effects :/ My fingers are crossed! :)

Hiya Gemmalou x

Keep in touch and we can see how they are working together, pm me if you want

and you simon x

02-02-09, 21:49
Hi Suzy, hope your right , today has been quite a positive afternoon so hopefully they are working, sooo glad they worked for you keep me posted Lucy x

02-02-09, 22:11
Risk of suicide - BEWARE!!!

I have posted stuff on here before and have now been on citalopram for 5 weeks, on Saturday night having drank some wine I found myself taking copious amounts of pills, my husband walked in on me, which I was not expecting as it was 2 am and I thought he was asleep, had he not walked in I woud be dead now., I totally wanted to kill myself on SAturday, I am not that kind of person, I would never normally think like this, so I have stopped taking them, even though I know I should diminish gradually as I feel they are dangerous and I would rather feel a bit low and cry a bit than to walk around feeling like my head is covered in cotton wool and trying to top myself. Be careful, read the medical articles on google, the drug company has with held alot of the negative results of this drug which is increased suicide risk and so many gp's are unaware of how unsafe they are. I have one sore stomach now but thanks to my husband I am able to still write this, otherwise I would have died on 1st FEbruary at the age of 34, not the way to go guys, chuck these crap tables in the bin... I have !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

02-02-09, 22:17
Another thing get emdr and stop the tablets , the former is fab and works and no side effects either, xxx

02-02-09, 22:18
Had you drank wine with them before? Maybe it was the combination of the two things and not just the tablets that made you act in such a way? Was this the 1st time you had felt so bad? Hope you feel better really soon....x :hugs:

02-02-09, 22:57
Hi, had drank with them before, infact most nights so no it was not that, thanks for your kind words, xxxx

03-02-09, 10:36
Morning Karen, Simon and everyone..
I've woken up with a stinking headache..and my appetite isn't huge..but whether thats Citalopram related i have no idea! How are you feeling?
I thought about chucking them down the loo after reading peoples comments too Simon but i guess they effect people differently, so gonna give them a go... with caution :/

03-02-09, 10:58
That is probably why your meds werent working because Citalopram and alchol do not mix well together at all (one is outweighing the other) this is what i found anyway. I had a few glasses of wine one night and the next days found myself right back where i started so its just not worth it for some people, now i have one glass of wine and soda and thats enough for me take care Lucy x

03-02-09, 11:06
Still got slight headache this morning Day 20 i think on 40 mg, no anxiety when i woke,but after taking tablets at 8ish went slightly spacey and flu like symptons, hope afternoon is better again

03-02-09, 12:51
Morning Karen, Simon and everyone..
I've woken up with a stinking headache..and my appetite isn't huge..but whether thats Citalopram related i have no idea! How are you feeling?
I thought about chucking them down the loo after reading peoples comments too Simon but i guess they effect people differently, so gonna give them a go... with caution :/

Hiya Gem and all x

Just very thirsty took some water to bed with me last night. Felt abit foggy yesterday but not sure how quick they get into your system?

Feeling positive though, hubby is watching me too and my friend is checking on me.

03-02-09, 19:06
I'm now on day 14. Today I went to work (tablet at 8am) and the day went pretty well and by the end I was in a pretty good place felt a bit shaky in the background but not bad at all. Got home and almost on the stroke of 6pm I got quite an upswell of anxiety which lasted for about 45 minutes. Ok - in the scheme of things it was managable and nothing debilitating but annoying none the less. Overall I think I'm improving but two things;

1. I rang my GP for reassurance, who kindly spoke to me on the phone and stated that what I was experiencing was 'common side effects' which patients can experience for anything up to 4 - 6 weeks (when he first prescribed me Citalopram what he actually said "they may take a week or so to settle down"....tsk). How long before yours "settled down"?

2. Can any of you relate to the side effects? How long before you became aware that the side effects had gone?

04-02-09, 21:24
Well, I'm half way into week four now and ALL of the side effects have finally disappeared, even the fuzzy head, loss of concentration and yawning that was still bothering me last week. What's more, I feel really good! If anyone is worried about taking these I would definitely say go for it. Prepare yourself to feel yucky and weird for a few weeks. It's not easy to get through that stage but if you try to keep in mind that it is just the meds and not you, it makes it a bit easier. Once the side effects wear off it is definitely worth it!

05-02-09, 07:49
Well, I'm half way into week four now and ALL of the side effects have finally disappeared, even the fuzzy head, loss of concentration and yawning that was still bothering me last week. What's more, I feel really good! If anyone is worried about taking these I would definitely say go for it. Prepare yourself to feel yucky and weird for a few weeks. It's not easy to get through that stage but if you try to keep in mind that it is just the meds and not you, it makes it a bit easier. Once the side effects wear off it is definitely worth it!

Thats really reassuring Tricky, thank you very much. Last night I had my first uninterrupted sleep for weeks and now some optimism :yesyes:


05-02-09, 16:39
Hi All
Am new here and its my second time on these pills. First time side effects were to severe but this time I asked for the 10mg dose and I am coping.
I do feel tons better than a week ago but I get some days when I dont feel down but just flat, like nothing much interests me or makes me laugh etc. Just cant be bothered. Also the lack of sleep is very much getting to me.
After reading this site and seeing that most of you take the pills at night I also started doing so and it does help as you sleep through the worst of the effects.
I guess today I just feel flat and fed up and I dont know just fed up. Are these the pills or my depression resurfacing?

05-02-09, 17:06
Tracy that sounds suspiciously like side effects and lack of sleep. You don't say how long you've been taking them

As for me its day 15 today and I have felt pretty good all day but still a bit...umm well, p*ssed (or fuzzyness as Tricky called it) to be honest and a very slight shakyness. The anxiety/depression has definitely gone so I'm hoping to be over that wall in the next few days - I'll let you know

05-02-09, 18:33
hiya all

Day 4 for me, I still feel abit lightheaded but so far thats the only side effect.

I am not sleeping well but I never usally do so not sure the pills are effecting that too.

Think I may ake mine at night though from tomorrow see what that does.

05-02-09, 21:26
Hi this is my first post. I have been on citalopram since May of last year, i was on 10mgs until september and had to go to 20mgs as i had dipped. I have felt really good and my old self on them, they have been really good for me. Apart from i find myself being very muddled at times and memory problems. I decided to go back to 10mgs just after christmas. As the memory/focus I felt was interfering with my work. I have today gone back up to 20mgs as my mood dipped this last week but i am worried i might feel like 'cotton wool' head again. As when i went to the 10mgs i felt this had cleared.

06-02-09, 09:29

after a long while umming and ahhhing i am finally back on meds..5years off them..but ive had the worst year ever and started to not cope! so the doc has put me on citralopram, ive been on them before but never really stuck with it because of the side affects, this time i am determined to stick with it!!

i read through lots of your posts and found them really helpful, i have a very supportive partner i can talk to but he does not 'get' mental health, doesnt understand it and thinks antidepressants are just a mask...so i came here..more useful i thought!!! lol..thankyou all.

so i took my first pill last night, i slept very well, infact couldnt wake up this morning. i am very tired, and very hungry...and feel slow and like i ought to just sit or sleep or something.. i dont really mind feeling like this, but am really scared its going to get worse.

i feel like i should keep a log on how i feel, this is like a journey for me, i have lived with depression for so long...20years..and right now i feel excited that these pills might..just might lift me out of it, make me feel normal .......

anyway..i just had to write and join you crazy guys (please know that was a joke)..i feel part of a family here!!!!

take care. xxxx

06-02-09, 09:35
Good luck with the meds ladylady, you just have to take each day as it comes, What dose are you taking . Take care Lucy x

06-02-09, 09:46
i am on 20mg but chopped it in half cos i am a chicken!!

thanks lucy. xxx

06-02-09, 09:49
Hi Bob
This is my 7th day, I do feel better but also feel weird. Like drugged weird, I have noticed since taking them that my fingers are swollen, does anyone else have this problem. Cant wear my ring right now as its to tight.
Very tired today, need a good nights sleep but its just not happening. I guess feeling very is a good thing though and I just have to hope the rest of the side effects dissapear in a while.

06-02-09, 17:12
...................oh my god i feel like shhhhhhhiii..my head is killing and i am sooo tired!!!!

06-02-09, 17:18
Hi Lady - everyones journey is slightly different, but from what I have gathered the general message is - you will get a lot of ups & downs and sideways for the first 2- 4 weeks when you'll get the effects kick in. Its not like taking an Asprin for a headache.
The vast majority of posters I have read seem to have said if you can ride it out its worth it.

06-02-09, 20:08

I have been suffering from panic attacks and anxiety for about 5 years now and have finally decided to start taking medication for them. I was prescribed Citalopram last year but as a lot of people on here have, I decided not to take them because I was scared of the side effects. I always thought I would be able to help myself and never took the medication. I have got to the stage now where I can't talk myself round anymore and have become depressed and started avoiding a lot of things in case I have a panic attack.

I was prescribed Citalopram which I have no been taking for 3 days now. I'm really glad I found this site, spent a lot of time berating myself for avoiding things and letting my panic attacks take over but it really helps to know that people have similar experiences to me.

I have been prescribed the 20mg of Citalopram. The past couple of days my anxiety has been a lot worse and yesterday although not sure whether this was a panic attack or a side effect my whole body felt cold and shaky and I felt like I was going to be sick. On the whole I have just felt like sitting down and not doing anything and more on edge than usual.

A lot of people on this site have said it's worth it if you stick with it so that's what I'm planning to do. Also seeing a counsellor for an assesment on Monday so I am hoping that will help too.

Read your post ladyladybirdy and I have also been sleeping really well since I started taking them. I used to wake up a few times in the night and have quite vivid nightmares but this has stopped. Sounds like we're in the same boat ladyladybirdy so let me know how you're getting on.


x x x

07-02-09, 13:52
hi vixx,

i had to reply ,,your post could have been writen by me, i am totally the same, 5years of avoiding situations where i might have a panic attack, trying to deal with it myself....nothing has worked, hypno, tapping, herbal remedies, CBT,....tried pretty much anything so i didnt have to come back to medication...but if it works then its worth it i spose.

i agree totally with the sitting and not doing much approach to taking this!!..i know not everyone can do that, i am glad i can..i feel totally fuzzled, one minute i feel sick and shakey and the next i feel like i might pop, like a surge of energy has just been pumped into me!! hahaa, i danced this morning in the kitchen to girls alloud!!!!! i'm only on day 2 so i do still feel poo most of the time but i'm really possitive about the future.

oooh sleep, i could sleep all day, my children and partner got up earlyish so i thought i better get up but i soo could have stayed where i was!! and when i wake up, normally i go a few hours before i eat, but i'm waking up starving! so not only will i be depressed, and feel crap cos of the side affects,, i'll be fat too!! great! lol..

thanks to you all for your kindness yesterday, was feeling rubbish..i will keep on, as you all do i'm sure.

be well. xxxx

07-02-09, 21:49
Please help if anyone has experienced this...
Hi, I have been on Citalopram for 3 weeks and I am experiencing serious chest pain, right where my heart is, it radiates down my arm a bit and I my breathing is not as comfortable as usual. I really appreciate the previous posts, and any experience with this. I am in good health, early thirty's and either its this medication, or I have another problem, this has persisted for three days, I know what anxiety is like and I don't think this is anxiety. I also have had heart burn years ago and this doesn't seem like that either.... any help or support?... thank you
http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/images/misc/progress.gif http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/images/buttons/edit.gif (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/editpost.php?do=editpost&p=454499)

07-02-09, 22:15
Hi Tella,

I think you need to see your doctor asap just to make sure..these can be anxiety based symptoms but i would check to be sure...you will also feel much better knowing its ok too...let us know how you get on...
Take care,Jen5218


07-02-09, 22:21
Hope i'm not repeating anybody elses post but I couldnt find an answer to my question. My doctor has prescribed me Citalopran (20mg) and I took one the other night and about an hour later I started to feel sick, dizzy, spaced out and shakey, it was nothing like a panic attack iv ever had and I was just wondering if it was a panic attack because I was expecting to get side effects or whether they were genuine side effects? Im too scared to take anymore incase it happens again.
Thanks for any advice
Suzy xx

Hi Suzy,

I have been taking Citalopran for nearly 6 months and am just about to start gradually coming off of them. The first couple weeks, I did fell stange and felt a little sick,but stick with them as I am now back to my old self . I was tatally against tablets before but now realise that we all need a little help sometimes to get that little bit of sparkle back.

08-02-09, 13:46
Hi Guys
I dont feel to good today. I started over the last few days to feel really shaky and sick and I am so so tired. Getting around 4 hours a nights sleep and just lay in bed reading until its time to get up. Could quite easy go to bed now but whats the point as Ijust lay there listening to my rapid heart rate and just cannot settle into sleep.
The plus side is I do feel so much better but constantly feeling unwell is beginning to drain me.

08-02-09, 15:09
hi tracy43..i didnt sleep either last night so i know how you feel, try to fight the urge to nap today though and fingers crossed tonight you'll sleep well.

how long have you been taking the pills?

hope youre feeling alright other than the tiredness, best wishes...x

08-02-09, 15:22
I'm going to make it a trio as I didn't sleep last night either! :hugs:

I'm really hoping I will be able to sleep tonight, I havent had a good sleep all weekend and don't want to go to work feeling worn out at the beginning of the week :unsure: But I know I'm started to freak out about it, so if its a side effect I know my own self is making it worse which doesn't help :doh:

08-02-09, 15:42
well it must be something in the water today...after a good day yesterday (maybe the best yet) I've been quite shaky today, BUT in fairness, feel overall much better than a week ago

08-02-09, 16:25
Hi, everyone, this is my first post on here. Started taking these tabs 3 days ago, hour after taking them last night I started shaking, felt like I was gonna faint, felt sick, and felt like heart was jumping out of my chest, couldnt sit still, had long waves of extreme panic come over me, was pacing the floor struggling to breathe, rubbing my hands together, tense and going hot/cold - this went on for 4 hours in total. That kind of experience was new to me as I have only mild anxiety due to PND - my little girl is 6 months old. 10 mins into my 'funny turn' as my mum calls it, i phoned my hubby out of work - Lucky i had someone to call as had my baby in the house alone with me - she was screaming and i couldnt (due to the state i was in) look after her. I'm annoyed at the Doc - he knew I had a baby to care for, for long periods on my own so should really have discussed the side effects with me. I did ask about them but told they are few and far between and rare. Its a shame as yest day my anxiety seemed less and I felt a lot calmer but now too scared to take them again!! So im off to Doc's in the morning to get somethin else to help me x:mad:

08-02-09, 16:32
Can the docs prescribe anything to go with these pills t help us sleep? Or will the side effects will just as bad. I do feel good ( well compared to a week ago) but I feel strange and exhausted. Like everyone else on here I hate the side effects but keep thinking hold on in there and see if it passes. This is my tenth day on them.
Taking them at night was one of the best things I did as I now sleep through the worst of the effects.
As for napping during the dya I just cant even if I wanted to. Ilay there with my eyes closed but thats as far as it goes, the sleep just wont come. Oh well guess we cant have it all :shrug:

08-02-09, 17:33
Its day 19 and the slight trembles & agitation has returned today. My better half seems to think the last few days have been good day/not so good day in turn since about wednesday, but I hang on to the fact that I AM better than I was a week ago and even better than the week before that. I know people have posted here - "...hang in there, it gets better" - I could use somebody reminding of that about now please!

If its any use Tracy I may still be getting side effects but its better than day 10 - I'm now getting whole days without any

08-02-09, 17:46

08-02-09, 17:47
you're a star

08-02-09, 17:59
Your Welcome !just Call Me Twinkle.

08-02-09, 18:03
No seriously Suzy, as you know, you can get wrapped up in your side-effects and, as you say, when you have an off day it can be very wearing. It does make me feel much more positive to hear posts like yours - thank you again :yesyes:

08-02-09, 18:20
Hi everyone,

Been reading through your posts and glad to see that it does get better. I've been taking them for 5 days now and to be honest it feels like the whole 5 days have rolled into one, I've felt really strange. It seems a few people have said they have felt tired but can't sleep, I've felt like that too and generally a bit fuzzy and shaky.

It's nice to read comments that are positive as I think the more bad things I have read the worse I've started to feel!

Thanks everyone x

08-02-09, 18:24
Suzy you really are a star, I agree with bob! :shades::D Your replies have really kept me going :hugs:

Gosh, I'm having a difficult day today, I feel so depressed/anxious right now :scared15: I'm feeling quite upset and tearful, too. I think its like, I've started to get panic feelings and its all spiralling a bit - I'm getting worries about medication, about life, career, etc etc. My head is fuzzy and achy! And I've been clenching my jaw too much :blush:

Hopefully tomorrow will be better, its another day!!

08-02-09, 18:47
Hi everyone,

Been reading through your posts and glad to see that it does get better. I've been taking them for 5 days now and to be honest it feels like the whole 5 days have rolled into one, I've felt really strange. It seems a few people have said they have felt tired but can't sleep, I've felt like that too and generally a bit fuzzy and shaky.

It's nice to read comments that are positive as I think the more bad things I have read the worse I've started to feel!

Thanks everyone x

It actually makes me feel a bit better when I look back to day 5 and think 'I'm so much better than day 5' even if I've had a bit of a rough one today its all about perspective. I can look back to the first week and say 'keep going it gets better'!
How long have you been on it Budgie?

08-02-09, 19:21
Today is day 10 for me, bob :)

In some ways I know I am feeling better compared to this time last week, and definitely compared to recent months. I haven't felt this weird since starting the citralopram; I think its going to be a day-by-day thing for now :shrug: In a way though, how I feel today is not so much different than how I can get on a bad anxiety/depression day in general, so it isn't too much of a loss!

08-02-09, 19:27
Its funny because when you get a headache you take an Asprin and wait for the headache to lift. As I understand it, Citalopram will give you heightened anxiety/depression while it takes effect, and it will come & go before going altogether - what a weird med!
My GP said when prescribing it - ' it'll take a week or so to settle down' - how suitably vague! I rang him up to talk side-effects on day 10 and he slid to 'well it will actually be about 4 weeks before you get the full benefit, your side effects are quite common'....thanks for that

08-02-09, 19:53
Suzy you really are a star, I agree with bob! :shades::D Your replies have really kept me going :hugs:

Gosh, I'm having a difficult day today, I feel so depressed/anxious right now :scared15: I'm feeling quite upset and tearful, too. I think its like, I've started to get panic feelings and its all spiralling a bit - I'm getting worries about medication, about life, career, etc etc. My head is fuzzy and achy! And I've been clenching my jaw too much :blush:

Hopefully tomorrow will be better, its another day!!


08-02-09, 20:04
hi suzy, i agree you are a star!!!!! Today for me has not been soooo bad, woke ok this morning then about an hour after taking my meds felt spacey and not quite with it and had the odd vague stupid thoughts ,then as the day went on feel better. I am now thinking that as i wake up feeling ok are the meds toooo strong that is why i still feel spacey or is it still anxiety, any advice please lucy x

08-02-09, 20:36
hi suzy, i agree you are a star!!!!! Today for me has not been soooo bad, woke ok this morning then about an hour after taking my meds felt spacey and not quite with it and had the odd vague stupid thoughts ,then as the day went on feel better. I am now thinking that as i wake up feeling ok are the meds toooo strong that is why i still feel spacey or is it still anxiety, any advice please lucy x


08-02-09, 21:53
thanks suzy, will just keep battling on and see how it goes, i too can not cope with late nights. Just cant understand why some days are better than others . TAKE CARE LUCY X

09-02-09, 15:17
Hi Everyone
Well last night on some advice I decided to try taking my tablet in the morning not at bedtime like I usually do. I started in the beginning with it in the morning but found the side effects affected me to bad where as they do not at night time ( apart from not sleeping) anyway all today I have felt ill, really bad headache that wont shift and feel worn out and grumpy so I decided to go back to night time taking. Ok so the sleep is not as good but I prefer to be able to get through the day not feeling so rough.
How is everyone else doing today?

09-02-09, 21:44
Whoops...decided not to take a tablet two nights ago as had two glasses of wine. Not the greatest idea ever! By the following afternoon my mind was starting to race with obsessive thoughts and worries and I was jumping at my own shadow. Took a tablet last night but all day today I still felt anxious and frightened. I'll not be missing any doses from now on...or drinking alcohol.:lac:

10-02-09, 07:44
Sound move!
I am day 21 today and for some reason I was awake at 5am really quite agitated (not anxious) here's hoping for some signs of improvement as I'm just off to work

10-02-09, 08:52
good morning all..have been reading through all the posts since i was last on, i hope you that were having a rubbish time are ok now, it is so hard i know, and hard to stay positive at times, but we must..because apparently it'll be worth it in the long run.

well i am on day 5..i havent slept for 4nights...i am poorly and take many painkillers that usually zonk me but for the past few nights and days i have been out of this world with the combination of painkillers and citalopram, have spoken to the doc and she said they were fine to take together but jeeez i was tripping !!!
i have a really dry mouth and feel like i'm in slow motion most of the time, i havent really felt panicy, but i havent left the house on my own!! but that was a huge part of my problem anyway so heres hoping i do it soon!!!

i really hope everyones having a great day..and any hints on a lovely nights sleep..please tell me! xxx

10-02-09, 09:26
Day 12 (I think!). I've been at work for a couple of hours and I think I'm calming down, but earlier I was SO ANXIOUS :ohmy: My heart has felt like its going to pound out of my chest! I've felt so scared and strange and I don't know why. I've been awake since 2:45am. I had really restless legs, and felt really anxious, and just, well, weird and wrong. On the plus side this morning I don't have the grotty sicky headache I had all of yesterday. I'm glad about that because it was hard to concentrate on my work because my eyes were aching (my eyes felt sick, if that makes sense? :blush: :roflmao:

10-02-09, 10:49
I took 10mg on sat,sun & monday i don't like the way its making me feel,i'm shaky,feel very down and Anixety is awful
ive only took 5mg today because i'm in 2 minds as what to do(don't want to much in my system) thinking of trying a heathy eating no sugar or white carb diet,ive heard this works wonders
i also think ive took it for 4 days do i carry on and see ??
should i take it for 6 weeks and see ?
i'm 41 now so need to sort something out for the better
just hate the way this drug makes me feel its awful & also some of the storys ive heard scare me.
i'm on my own with 4 kids,no family(kids at school) so its hard dealin with these side effects on my own
i also work partime and find that hard enough as it is with my Anxiety never mind these side effects

god what do i do ?? hate this !

10-02-09, 10:57
Today is day 27 i think of my increased dose of 40mg, yesterday had weird intrusive thoughts in the morning and spacey all day so went to bed early but kept waking. This morning i only took 30mg and up to now haven't had the weird thoughts but still spacey don,t know wheter to take the other 10mg later or stick with 30mg x lucy

10-02-09, 15:39
Hope i'm not repeating anybody elses post but I couldnt find an answer to my question. My doctor has prescribed me Citalopran (20mg) and I took one the other night and about an hour later I started to feel sick, dizzy, spaced out and shakey, it was nothing like a panic attack iv ever had and I was just wondering if it was a panic attack because I was expecting to get side effects or whether they were genuine side effects? Im too scared to take anymore incase it happens again.
Thanks for any advice
Suzy xx
Hi Suzy,

I haven't suffered from panic attacks just general anxiety so my doctor also put me on Citalopran (20mg). I took the first one this morning and have been feeling terrible. I have never taken antidepressants before when like this so I have decided not to take them after all. Why should we feel bad for two or more weeks before the medicine might work? It doesn't work for everyone. I feel like a zombi only after one tablet apart from other niggles.

I have decided to do what I did when I was last like that a few years ago now. I have got a CBT Therapist and I will also start doing yoga + long walks when I can. Maybe a couple of massages here and there. Meditation is good.

Good luck.


10-02-09, 18:14
I started taking citalopram a week ago. I had been on various antidepressants for several years in the past but have been off of them for the past three years.
I needed to start in conjunction with counselling recently. The GP gave me a prescription for 20mg citalopram but after reading up here, I have been halving the pills - I will continue taking halves for at least another week before I go up to 20mg as in the past I have had horrible, horrible side effect experiences when starting anti-depressants.
The first few days on citalopram I didn't sleep at all - I had terrible sleep disturbances, tossing and turning, being exhausted but just lying in the dark. I also had really bad dry mouth, and a general feeling of nausea and complete loss of appetite.
I called my GP and he wasn't helpful at all as the insomnia was starting to affect my work. Like I said it has been a week now on 10mgs and while I still don't feel right (dry mouth, nausea, loss of appetite), I've found that I now am very sleepy most of the time and fall asleep fairly easily, I wake up really early and have sleep disturbances. I hope that it gets better as at least the side affects have distracted me from my anxiety and depression.

10-02-09, 18:17
I can say with some confidence that what you are describing is almost exactly what we all have been through/are going through in the first few weeks. You will get FAR more useful advice from here than the Dr's. Persevere its worth it - it all starts to dumb down as time goes on

10-02-09, 18:39
Yes the side effects do wear off,it helps too if you eat small ammounts of foodr regularly throuout the day.Not easy when you feel sick i know. If your worried about side effects i would advise you to stay on the 10mg for 4-6 weeks as they take that long to get in the system & stabilize.wishing you all the best :hugs: sue

10-02-09, 19:41
I have been prescribed Citalopram today and, after reading some of the posts above, am a bit worried about actually starting them. Can anyone post a more "encouraging" story please? I was planning to start taking them on Friday evening as I'm not working next week because it's half term and it would give me a week to adjust to them. Any advice please? I assume that some people don't get any side effects at all. :wacko:

11-02-09, 10:41
Hi, I have been on these for around 3 months now, with very little side effects. I am currently on 20mg. Only side effects I have noticed are memory can be a bit vague but this is probably an effect of the only other noticeable side effect, broken sleep which settled down after a few weeks. I really don’t think I have had any other side effects and they definitely do the trick…..

11-02-09, 13:42
Could I ask something, its a little embarrassing but... we're all good friends here :blush: :whistles:

Well, one problem I've had for some time, related to my anxiety I think, are ibs-type symptoms. I get a lot of griping pains and trapped wind etc. My GP feels that taking the citralopram will help my ibs issues in the long term because I will eventually be more relaxed etc. However, since I started to take the tablets, I've noticed I've been getting a lot of discomfort all over my abdomen, and, well, lots of trapped wind (and not so trapped! :blush: :roflmao: )

Is this a recognised side effect or is it just me? :roflmao:

11-02-09, 14:12
Budgie I am on day 10 and I have not really had any side effects, one defiate one though is trapped wind, constipation. Not been eating much fruit though so maybe its a combination of the tablets too??? xxx

11-02-09, 14:13
Nearly forgot also lack of sleep but I have never slept that well so sort of used to it now!!

Definately feel more relaxed though so thats a good thing!

11-02-09, 15:00
Hi All
Well I went back to taking the tablet before bedtime last night and feel fine today, I even have my time of the month due in a few days and have no problems with the severe pms I usually suffer.
The only problem is still lack of sleep, I think if this tablet was taken during the day I would have dropped it by now as its to much to feel ill all day.
Just the fact that I am not ripping my hubbies head off shows me its really working :yesyes: he seems pleased to :roflmao:
How is everyone today


12-02-09, 14:11
Hello everyone,

I have decided to stop taking my tablets. Cant be doing with the insomnia!!, I am worn out, and my kids waking up in the night is not helping either!

I am not sure how much they have been chilling me out but hopefully I can find some other way of relaxing more and not caring so much about what others think too will help. I have my friends and family so dont need to worry what a stranger thinks about me.

12-02-09, 15:21
karen...~ good luck , i hope you do find a way of getting through your troubled time..keep us informed.

best wishes for a very happy future. xxxx

12-02-09, 16:43
Thank ladybird xx

Its more nervousness I suffer from in new situations. The doc put me on citalopram for my anxiety though.

Will see how I go and maybe take up yoga again and look at other alternatives to anti d's

14-02-09, 11:01

I hope everyone is having a better day today. I was prescirbed 20mg Citalopram 4 days ago and bout to take my 4th tablet. Let me tell you its been a rollercoaster, but i keep teling myself it will be over soon. I have the same side effects of sleep disturbances, feeling more anxious, heart pounding, cold sweats that burn and so forth. Reading this forumn has made me feel better and helped my worries in thinking ok "Its not just me". Im not happy with the side effects but figure anything for a few wweks has to be better than I was feeling before I went to the docs. It took a week of the same feelings to get me to go to the docs for help. Its up and down all the time and have period through the day that it feels ok. The worst times are first thing in the morning and at a night. Fell asleep on the couch last night and I gave my partner a fright when i woke up all anxious and disturbed. He was looking at me in shock asking if i was ok, I was dripping in sweat and hadn't even realised. He has been a star and always makes sure i am ok. I am currently jobless (one of the reasons i am in the state i am today, along with other things, but believe after reading all the posts, good and bad, that this will be for the best.

Im a little fearfull however as to how long I will be on them and from reading posts it seems to be a hard thing to come off!!!! How long has everyone been on them and has anyone been able to come off them ok without side effects and live a normal life with out them????

Thank you all for the support and I am wishing everyne has a good day, Today at the least.

It has def taught me to take 1 day at a time....

14-02-09, 12:41
Hi Everyone
Ok I am a quitter, three weeks in and I cannot handle feeling so dreadfully ill anymore. The panic attacks are reaching around 15 a day and I feel so ill. I know I will most likely regret it but I have to see.

14-02-09, 13:21
tracy....dont call yourself a quitter, youre doing what you feel is right for you. sounds like youve had a total mare with the pills, as i know loads of people have, and i was totally dreading taking them..but i am on day 9 and am totally ok, no panic, feel on top of the world.
got to admit that the sleep was really bad for the first week but alright now, and i do sweat loads whilst asleep, but can cope with that! i am a lot more tired on an evening but thats ok too, i just go to bed a bit earlier, morning are a bit woozy but nothing too major. i was prescribed 20mg and have only been taking 10 so that might be why...i think as it is half term and the children will be home i might increase my dose on sunday, but part of me feels like sticking with 10...hmmm!!???

jazoole..good luck with everything hun, and we're all here for support or rants! and tracy too, good luck. xxx

14-02-09, 14:53
Tracy - it sounds like you're doing ok - if it ain't broke don't fix it!
I'm on day 25 and without doubt I am much better than I was but I am very aware of the side effects day to day. They just seem to become more managable. This week I have had 4 good days out of 6 and while I stlll get a bit agitated, I still have some very mild tremors in my hands and occassional spaceyness I think I am going ok. The first three week were a trial but it 'seems' to be coming together
Another poster on here says '...being on Citalopram is like driving down a road that has speed bumps that you can't see...the bumps get lower as you get further down the road and you're not entirely sure when they will end...at some point you just realise your on the flat road again'

14-02-09, 17:47
I am so scared to start taking my citalopram which were prescribed 3 days ago. I think I could cope with any feelings of sickness or shaking but I dread feeling dizzy. I meant to start last night but didn't. They are only 10mg. Maybe tonight ......

14-02-09, 18:45
see thats the point on the whole I do feel better but I cannot take the panic attacks anymore. I will see, I will most likely take again tonight as I have been taking for a while now and it might be stupid to just quid. Its just this morning I felt very bad
Anyway we will see :)

15-02-09, 12:28
ok so I didnt take it last last but decided to do so tonight. Your right I should not give up when I am so close to the side effects not being a problem.
My hubby mentioned last night that I never seem to be in "the" mood anymore and he is mostly right. This tablet certainly does rob us off things.

15-02-09, 20:02
I started on 20mg last night and I've never taken any type of drug before - I felt kinda ok just really woozy, sick, dry mouth, shakey but strangely ok but I feel like 20mg im maybe a bit to much to start on and im worried about how i'll feel tomorrow. Should I start taking half of it rather then the 20mgs? Feel totally out of it. :hugs:

15-02-09, 23:22
Hi mormie,

I started taking citalopram 20mg 12 days ago. For about the first 7 days I felt totally out of it aswell, the first 5 days I found were the worst, spent a lot of time sitting staring into space. I also found my anxiety was a lot worse.

I found as the days went on I felt better and now I don't seem to notice many side effects apart from the anxiety is slightly worse than before, but this just seems to be in the mornings now, and people have commented that I seem more upbeat.

I really scared myself by reading the side effects and also reading on here how other people had reacted to them. The thing to remember is that everybody reacts differently and that you were prescribed them to make you feel better. Just stick with it and if you're still getting side effects in a couple of weeks then speak to your doctor. I have also cut out alcohol and tried to be a bit more healthy so I don't know whether this has had a factor.

This website is really good to support you and let you see that there's a light at the end of the tunnel. Good luck x

16-02-09, 08:30
Morning all
Well I did take my tablet last night and am glad. I have got a appointment today for doctors in the hope he can help as I am so anxious its doing my head in. I hate this pill taking lark but if I can get the depression and anxiety under control I hope its then cracked.
Hope everyone is having a good day or at least coping.

16-02-09, 09:17
Morning Everyone

I hope the doctors go well Tracy and hopefully they can help more to remove that horrible feeling. It definately messes with the mind somewhat.

Mormie I started with 20mg and ill be taking my 6th tablet this morning. The beggining was horrible but I am happy to say that yesterday was a really good day and I have had 2 good nights of sleep so far and woke up feeling only a little anxious this morning which now seems to be passing. I was happy to be myself for the day.

I still get a little tired later in the afternoon but am still able to function.

So it seems to be working pretty good for now.

Wishing everyone a good day

Stay strong everyone as I think eventually when we relax our minds and breath and let it work, it should definately aleviate some of the anxiety affects and side effects.

16-02-09, 12:19
Good afternoon guys :)

I decided to only take half of my 20mg tablet last night, but I'll take them properly tonight as i'm going to stay with my mum for a week until these side effects pass :) I feel a little sick and shakey but apart from that im good :yesyes:

16-02-09, 20:31
Into week 6 now. Started taking these for depression but never used to have the physical symptoms of anxiety. Now I seem to have developed a nervous over-reaction to some things. For example a neighbour has started psychotic screaming in the street sometimes at night. I think he is harmless (known schizophrenic, comes a bit unbalanced after a few too many drinks but otherwise fine) but the blood-curdling screaming has really freaked me out. I have to wear ear plugs in bed as I can't even stand to hear it. If I do I verge on a panic attack and I spent the whole night panicking in anticipation him starting. I'm also terrified I'll bump into him outside during one of his 'episodes'. I also found out today that a colleague had died after a long illness which was a bit of a shock, but I didn't really know him, yet I got really upset and it made my anxiety levels shoot up. When I have this heightened state of anxiety I start to panic about all the things that were originally making me depressed. I feel as though my depression has gone but it has been replaced by anxiety. Has anyone else had a similar experience to this?

16-02-09, 21:22
I feel as though my depression has gone but it has been replaced by anxiety. Has anyone else had a similar experience to this?

Hi Trickyvee
I can totally get what your saying as I am exactly the same. Everything is causing panic attacks, even the thought of a panic attack is causing a panic attack. Everything that never bothered me before is now freaking me out to the point I am terrified of going out/seeing anyone/answering the phone etc.
I am only sticking with it because my depression has so lifted and it feels great but the anxiety is getting to the point of not being able to handle much more.
So yep I am right there with you, am going doctors tomorrow to see what they say as I really do not want to quit and go back to feeling suicidal and depressed but also cant take this much more
Hang in, lets hope it gets better :hugs:

16-02-09, 22:36
Hi Trickyvee
I can totally get what your saying as I am exactly the same. Everything is causing panic attacks, even the thought of a panic attack is causing a panic attack. Everything that never bothered me before is now freaking me out to the point I am terrified of going out/seeing anyone/answering the phone etc.
I am only sticking with it because my depression has so lifted and it feels great but the anxiety is getting to the point of not being able to handle much more.
So yep I am right there with you, am going doctors tomorrow to see what they say as I really do not want to quit and go back to feeling suicidal and depressed but also cant take this much more
Hang in, lets hope it gets better :hugs:

That's good to know! I was starting to think that the way things were going I'd end up in the street screaming with him! :scared15:

17-02-09, 15:16
hey guys, just to provide some encouragement for those of you deciding whether to take these tablets or not, or whether to stick with them in the horrible first few weeks. I have now got to week six of taking citalopram - and after five weeks of horrible side effects, with everything feeling worse than it did before and fearing that i'd messed everything up and wouldnt even get back to feeling like my old depressed/anxious self - over the weekend i had a real shift in the way that i felt. Can't really explain it, but seemed like all the bad side effects had gone and worn down and that all of the good aspects were beginning to kick in. I felt more relaxed in situations that would normally have terrified me than i can remember feeling in years. And i actually met friends and found myself smiling a smile that felt like a real one and not one i was having to force because my mood inside didnt feel like smiling. Im not cured and im not out of the woods, plenty of hard work ahead - but just have faith - timescales will vary for everyone as to when these changes happen - so dont feel that you have to feel better within three weeks or even two months. Just with every bad day, know that good ones will come. Hope this helps people a little. Good luck!

17-02-09, 17:16
I have just finished week 4 and while *in general* I am doing ok, have had a rough afternoon with a surprise dose of anxiety (after a good morning) and your post was just the shot in the arm that I needed - thank you for posting, its encouraged me today

17-02-09, 19:22
Thank you Ryan for a well thought out post, I am one of those who has been on the edge of quitting due to feeling so ill with the side effects so reading your post helped me.
Its been a weird day as I have been strangly calm, the last few days have been bad with high anxiety but today its weird because there is nothing. No highs no lows just calmness, numbness.
But thank you for posting.
It did help

17-02-09, 21:02
Thanks Ryan i have also felt like crap for the last 5 weeks ,but after reading your post earlier i will keep battling on with my 40mg...... Today has not been too bad after a rocky start. take care lucy x p.s hope everyone has a better day tomorrow!!!!!

18-02-09, 00:26
hey everyone, i am on day 12..i think. i have upped to 20mg which i was worried about because i felt lousy when i first started the 10mg..but i'm okay, fuzzy and a bit spaced, very tired but there are other reasons for that too....i started HRT this week, i am only 30 but have to go through the menopause and have some awful injections too which can affect my mood~just what i need!!! so all in all i'm doing ok, i have slept better than the first week too which is a bonus!!

ryans post was amazing, i think we have all got to the stage where we think sod it we'll deal with it in a different way, i am glad istuck with it past the sickyness and stuff, i really do feel different, apparently thats me imagening it though as its so soon after starting....i dont know, can it work this quick?

also, i always enjoyed a glass of wine, but havent had one at all ..is drinking ok on these? i really dont want to rock my steady boat!!

i hope youre all okay. xxxx

18-02-09, 01:05
Hi everyone,
I'm a newbie hear so please bear with me. I've just been precribed citalopram 10mg by my doctor. After losing my job 7 months ago and thinking I was dealing with it pretty well, I had to come to the realisation that I just wasn't. I felt permanently guilty and just a complete "waste of space". I felt like I'd let everyone down and the sorts of jobs that were available were soul destroying giving what I'd previously been doing was just soul destroying.

Anyway, moving on, I'm on day 2 now and so far things seem to have gone well (especially given some of the experiences others on this thread have had). My main worry is that next week I'm going ona snowboarding holiday with my brother in law and some of his friends. I really want to try and enjoy it as best I can and I'm concerned that these tablets will prevent me doing that. I really need to have all my wits about me (for my own safety, and others). My head's beena little fuzzy the last few days and I'm concerned some of the other side effects might mess me up a bit next week.

Also, as is often the case with boys on holiday, there's going to be a bit of drinking. I'm really worried what drinking alcohol might do to me if I'm taking these tablets. Is it safe and if so how much is safe? I also don't really want to have to explain why I might not be drinking all week.

Thanks for any help anyone can offer.

18-02-09, 01:10
Hi everyone,
I'm a newbie hear so please bear with me. I've just been precribed citalopram 10mg by my doctor. After losing my job 7 months ago and thinking I was dealing with it pretty well, I had to come to the realisation that I just wasn't. I felt permanently guilty and just a complete "waste of space". I felt like I'd let everyone down and the sorts of jobs that were available were soul destroying giving what I'd previously been doing was just soul destroying.

Anyway, moving on, I'm on day 2 now and so far things seem to have gone well (especially given some of the experiences others on this thread have had). My main worry is that next week I'm going ona snowboarding holiday with my brother in law and some of his friends. I really want to try and enjoy it as best I can and I'm concerned that these tablets will prevent me doing that. I really need to have all my wits about me (for my own safety, and others). My head's beena little fuzzy the last few days and I'm concerned some of the other side effects might mess me up a bit next week.

Also, as is often the case with boys on holiday, there's going to be a bit of drinking. I'm really worried what drinking alcohol might do to me if I'm taking these tablets. Is it safe and if so how much is safe? I also don't really want to have to explain why I might not be drinking all week.

Thanks for any help anyone can offer.

tell them u on antibioctics and really shouldnt be drinking alcohol

18-02-09, 09:04
Hi all,
Well I am on day 4 and having a bit of a cop-out day! I've decided to take my tablets in the morning so last evening I missed my bedtime dose and enjoyed the calming effects of the meds without the agitation. Slept better than I have done in years! Today I have some big deadlines so I drove in and cipped off a bit of a 10mg tablet. That leaves me currently on about 4mg and I'[m feeling quite agitated but in a good, productive way.

After lunch I will stop beeing a big jessy and take the rest of it!

18-02-09, 11:22
Felt quite good after a few deep breaths. Went and took the rest of the tablet and I feel pretty darn good. Looking through the posts there seems to be a 'magic day 4' thing. A lot of people say they feel a bit better on day 4. I felt the calming effect kick in last night. I would normally have had anxiety problems with the way my partner was acting, but something seemed to make anxiety physically impossible. Light at the end of the tunnel maybe???

18-02-09, 12:34
Well, reading through these posts was really eye opening. I've just been perscribed 10mg of Citalopram by my doctor for anxiety, depression and anxiety attacks but feel that I cannot take the pills. Mostly because I am so scared that I will have side effects, I have a sickness phobia so if the pills make me nauseaus or sick I will severely struggle to cope and if they make me tired, dizzy, disorientated, confused etc, I worry how I will cope looking after my very active two year old and my five and a half month baby.

The doctor is going to refer me for some Cognitive Behaviour Therapy so I think that I will just try to cope without the meds until I get the therapy and see whether that helps.

18-02-09, 19:17
Hey guys

10 mg of Citalopram is the lowest dose just to get the body used to it. Not everybody experiences side effects and very very rarely they are severe. In most cases its mild side effects which go away after a few days.
Bear in mind that these tablets take 10 -14 days to start working so persevere with them and for gods sake dont attribute every feeling you get to the tablets.

Best of luck


18-02-09, 20:13
In fairness I am 4 weeks into 20mg Citalopram (it would have been better to start on 10) and am still experiencing some side-effects. I have been on them before and they worked but only after a good while - but maybe thats just the way I work. Having spoken to a lot of Cit users on here it can be anything up to 6 weeks for things to truly level out. But as you say you have to persevere

19-02-09, 10:31
You know what, I feel good :yesyes:
The last few days have been ok and I have been calm but today I feel different and well and fine and happy and no side effects.
This is good :D

19-02-09, 11:22
Welcome to the other side Tracy43! :yesyes:

19-02-09, 13:37
I'm into week 5 and have now had two blips - tuesday afternoon and now last night. I went to bed around 11pm (without the aid of Zopiclone) and woke up with a start around 1am and that was me wide awake for the rest of the night feeling quite agitated and restless - *not anxiety* as I recognise it though, I should add. In between times I am getting better I'm convinced of it and today, despite only 2 hours sleep, feel ok. Saw the Dr this morning who convinced me to persevere.
I have also just realised that knowing the difference between good times & not so good shows that you are breaking the pattern...
Anybody else get these 'hurdles' in their path - oh and some optimism would be nice please! :-)

21-02-09, 15:40
I am now 1 week into citalopram and I feel fantastic :) the first 3 days were hell but now I am calmer then ever yay :) I am very sensitive to medication so I guess that is why it has kicked in so quickly x

21-02-09, 17:50

11 days in and Im feeling a lot better. Have managed to do some normal things, like get out of the house and feeling a lot calmer and more positive. Its true that the first week or so feels like hell, but it is definately worth it in the end. I started on 20mg and thought it might have been too strong in the begining but stuck with it and oh so very glad I did.

I hope everyone is finally starting to find their old selves again as I am now. It feels great to be able to go buy groceries without everything caving in on me before I even got out the door. It feels good to be human minded again.:yahoo:

I would say to everyone to stick with it. The advantages in the end definately outweigh the horrible begining.

Wishing everyone a anxious, depressed free weekend, I know I am going to.

21-02-09, 22:39
hi, im on day 10, everything been much better, but today seems i have gone back a step...is that normal...i thought i was cured. today has just reminded me of how bad i was before taking citalopram. has anybody else had this??

21-02-09, 22:48
Hi !Yes thats quite normal! dont let it throw youinto despair.At the beggining it s like two steps forward and 1 step back .You seem to be doing well,Stay positive!ITS WORTH IT IN THE END LUV SUE:hugs:

22-02-09, 16:50
hi, im on day 10, everything been much better, but today seems i have gone back a step...is that normal...i thought i was cured. today has just reminded me of how bad i was before taking citalopram. has anybody else had this??

Hiya yoyogirl :D:hugs:

I can relate to what you're saying, as I've been having a blip this weekend. I'm a few weeks into taking citralopram, and about 10 days ago I uped my dosage from 10mg to 20mg per day. I think I'm still adjusting to this.

This past couple of days has been exactly the same as how I was earlier in the month (when I was about 10 days into taking 10mg). I've felt really depressed again, and edgy, and like I want to stop taking the tablets because I'm feeling so strange and tired. But I'm going to persevere, I know in a few days this should settle down again, and this time next week I will most likely feel different!

Keep going, you're doing really well :hugs:

23-02-09, 11:12
Well nearly 4 weeks in and this morning I woke and said wow I feel pretty darn good.
How cool is that

23-02-09, 11:25
Alright guys. On my 3rd day of 10mgs. Feeling the same as usual, but I know these tablets take time, only experiencing the stomach fluttering and fatigue. Glad to have finally found a website where I can relate to people.


24-02-09, 00:12
Hi I have been on Citalopram for a year and the only side effects I have experienced are very vivid dreams, I now dream every night which can be a bit of a pain. I also need to go to the toilet (pee) a lot I get up about 3 times during the night and seeing as i'm only 19 I can't really blame it on age! I don't recall having any major side effects when I first was prescribed them when I was 14 though.
Do stick with it, it really is worth it in the end. Do I feel 100% anxiety free everyday? NO but everyday is better than before.
Good Luck x

claire m
24-02-09, 11:01
When i first started to take 20mg i felt awful I felt sick dizzy bad head and i could not sleep, I started to take them in the morning and was still feeling that way so my gp took them down to 10mg and i feel i can handle that dose although we both agreed it wasnt strong enough so next week i will be up to 20mg I also take amitriptyline at night for insomnia but will be changing that to zopiclone next week also. i must say though as each week goes by the side effects lessen.

24-02-09, 14:01
I feel rough today, not good at all. So Bob dont worry we are not passing you by I must of just had a good day and today is a bad day :(

24-02-09, 14:35
Weird isn't it - end of week 5 today. Crappy day Sunday - good day yesterday - hot & uncomfortable today...oh for some consistancy!

24-02-09, 15:17
hi everyone, i too felt quite good yesterday and better as day went on.......but today feel crap spacey/ not with it, tired and headachey wish we could all settle down on these meds lucy x

24-02-09, 15:24
forgot to ask Bob and Tracey do you still feel spacey and not with it? A hour or so after taking my tabs in a morning i get a weird feeling in my head and feel spacey till late afternoon... what about you ?? lucy x

24-02-09, 15:30
Hi Lucy
Thats exactly the reason I take mine at bedtime. That way I sleep through the worst of the effects. But yes I do get spaced out and heady.
Today I feel very unwell, I feel puffy and hungry. I think I will come off them as I cant stand this up/down lark all the time. No I dont want to be so down I am suicidal again but I seem to swap from one lot of problems to another and I am so tired of it all. I almost feel pree menstrual but without the menstrual :) i am eating rubbish and cant be bothered with much.

24-02-09, 15:36
tracy, i feel sickly as well today, i have reduced mine to 30mg instead of 40mg for the last 6 days, so maybe they need to settle......I also cant be bothered to do much.

24-02-09, 15:53
Am gonna stop mine from now, well might cut them in half for a week and then thats me done. Cant be doing with it all anymore, I would rather be up and down and be me then up and down and be drugged. Lets hope its not a wrong move

24-02-09, 16:24
Not sure thats a good idea without seeing the doc first, Tracy. But I know what you mean - the up & down is very draining. How long have you been on them Lucy?

24-02-09, 16:52
I know but I cant do it anymore, I cant even wear my wedding ring as my fingers are so swollen. I feel ugly today

24-02-09, 20:41
Bob, i have done 5weeks at 25mg, then upped to 30mg for 3 weeks, then upped to 40mg for 5 weeks, went to see dr. last week told him felt spaced out and not with it with horrible intrusive thoughts and headaches all the time .....so i have reduced back down to 30mg and will see him again after 2 weeks on this dose..............So far i have been waking ok taking tabs at 7ish, getting the med rush about an hour or two after taking them , but still feeling spacey, tired with slight headache and eyeache hopefully this is just because i have reduced my dose and it will settle in time:huh: lucy x

24-02-09, 21:04
sounds like you have have bounced around a lot Lucy, your symptoms sound the same as mine (except for the eye thing), I think I need more time...well I hope thats all it is

25-02-09, 11:00
Bl--dy hell Bob, as i have posted in the other thread we sound exactly the same, think we need less meds not more time, what do you think??? lucy

25-02-09, 11:12
You both sound like your going through it. I guess reading all the posts all over the forum is shows that even when on the pills long term many eople still have problems.
I decided last night not to take my tablet which was a mistake as this morning I had the worst headache and feel very sick. So cut my tab in half and took it a while ago, still not brill but I do feel slightly better. Seeing doc on Saturday so will chat to her. Am not looking forward to the next few weeks but I would rather do it now then in 6 months when I am truely stuck on them.

26-02-09, 13:41
been on citalopram for 3 months now. i had no side effects but i have also had no positive effects. im on 20mg. Doc said to stick with it as it can take time. How long will it take. Im tempted to up the dose myself but i dont like going against docs orders

26-02-09, 14:05
I decided not to stop my pills, it was a stupid idea :)

Flying freely
02-03-09, 13:52
Hello all,

I have just recently begun taking citalopram - 20mg, last wednesday, and am so worried about it. I'm a 3rd year PhD student and am aiming to finish this year. It seems I have put so much pressure on myself that I have no concentration anymore as my anxiety runs quite high.
I am currently unable to sleep properly and feel drowsy all morning... can't help but think if this is the right thing to do... especially with so much work I need to do. I used to cry a lot and since I took the 1st pill, I haven't shed a tear... even in really senstive situations. Is this normal? It feels really awkward to me and I feel almost numb.
Has anyone gone through the meds whilst studying? How did it work for you and what future can I be heading towards?

Thank you to everyone who has posted thoughts and feelings. They are helping me get to grips with being officially diagnosed as 'depressed' for the 1st time.

Hugs n kisses.

03-03-09, 11:05
Hi all...
I started Citalopram last week. My gp started me on 10mg progressing to 20mg over the next 2 weeks. However as I hate taking any tablets, (cos I think I am going to choke to death on them! lol) I broke the tiny tablet in half and take 5mg a day. I have noticed that I get massively tired and yawn non stop, however even on 5mg a day I can tell that I dont feel so anxious - its like a feeling of I cant be bothered to even think about anxiety! I have suffered with over 20 years of anxiety and this is a first time for me with medication. My gp said the tablets will make me feel pretty rough for a few weeks before the real benefits are felt so I am sticking with it. I have noticed that I get a bit headachey too. Has anyone had a real transformation with their anxiety by taking this medication?

03-03-09, 20:47
Hi Poppy, its my first time on ssri's i had depression and acute anxiety.After the initial dose and some bad side effects , these tabs have made me feel like i have my life back.I have just had my dose increased to 40mg as my waking anxiety was worse, but that usually the only anxiety i get & thats nothing like it used to be .I still have a few fears to face! but am working my way thru them one step at a time .I havnt had a panic attack since the end of november ,:yahoo: Iwas having them every day before i started on the cit,that was the beginning of october.Stick with it im sure itll be worth it .All the Best sue :hugs:

03-03-09, 21:05
yawning all the time, i know the feeling poppy! just past my two week marker and I'm not as tired as at first but still pretty sluggish. Have started having coffee in the morning to get me going.

I agree, feeling spaced out is much better than feeling how I did before. Am on them for depression.

Have been posting on another thread, just found this one.

Good luck wiv it.

03-03-09, 21:33
has anyone here felt good for the first couple weeks on this and then had icky side effects hit, like feeling faint and really foggy?

04-03-09, 14:20

yes, thats what has been happening for me, bluewoman.

When I started on 10mg, I had side effects but they didn't go on for very long, however, since I went up to 20mg recently I've found myself having a few more hazy moments where I feel weary and a bit woozy. My main issue seems to be with upset tummy pains. I have experienced ibs type symptoms for a long time (I think related to my anxiety/depression), and I am feeling that its natural for them to get abit sharper while medication gets into me. Its uncomfortable and I get anxious about it, but I have to say, since I started the cit, I have found that while I get this discomfort, all the horrible conti[pation and trapped, painful bloating/wind I always used to get has started to, well... move :roflmao:

05-03-09, 13:50

iv been taking citalopram for 6 months now and i dont seem to know if im coming or going half the time! to say im tired is an understatement and the non stop yawning is driving me crackers. i dont feel sick on them anymore which is good but my head feels like a ball of cotton wool, i tend to feel drunk sometimes. my doctor has just upped my dose to 30mg which im a bit nervous about, i never used to get anxious or panicky before i started taking my tablets but i seem on edge all the time now.


05-03-09, 18:17
I have now discovered that the chlorpromazine that was prescribed to combat the effects of the citiapram has caused the side effects of jerky muscle spasms..... So now taking procycline to combat the effects of the Chlorpromazine that was supposed to help with the mega effects of the citilopram.

I feel awful.... edgy, muscle spasms, anxiety and agitated... headache and feeling sick.

Ho hum.... drugs eh?

05-03-09, 18:23
I also became suicidal on citalopram and nearly succeeded in doing away with myself so I would say be very very careful of many of these antidepressants Doctors are often ignorant of their dangers and we trust Doctors too much. I do not take any now I rely on cbt therapy which is a hundred times more effective. Please read as much as you can about these drugs, why do we resort to them so easily?

05-03-09, 19:08
In the last six months i have tried suicide twice, horrible feeling everything so black nothing matters. however since being on meds, although still feeling black, its not been black enough to go back down the road of ending the pain.

05-03-09, 19:11
I have been on 40mg of Citalopram a day for the last 7 years and the beginning was awful. I was much worse for a couple of weeks, I stayed in bed, I lost weight, I felt depressed...

Eventually I started to feel much better though and it helped me to recover from agoraphobia almost completely...

So ride it out, maybe get some benzos for the first couple of weeks and eventually the side effects will subside and you will feel much better!

08-03-09, 12:22
Morning everyone.

Hope everyone is getting on better?

I have been doing great for the last two weeks and was feeling better than I have in ages. However I woke up this morning feeling great, stood up a little too quick I guess and had a bad head rush where I almost fell over and now feel completely ick again. Have that horrible feeling of something is wrong, sweaty and shaky and all sorts. Not good. Im trying to keep my mind busy so not to think bout it too much. Its so strange to go from great to feeling really low again. Why does it do this, leaves you thinking your getting better and then smacks you back down again. There has to be something better than this.

Who is still getting this after months of taking the meds? I know I have only been on them for a month but i'd like to try work out how long this is gonna happen for?

Hope everyone is getting on better and good for you with sticking with it Tracy.
I think we have to be strong people just for sticking with the meds. And a big thanks to everyone for sharing their experiances with us all, it makes us feel less alone going through something that you definately do not want to feel alone in. It makes a big difference.

Thank you all once again....


08-03-09, 13:24
What you describe is called orthostatic hypotension and it means your blood pressure drops for a moment when you get up quickly

It is normal and happens to everybody at some point, but it is also made worse by certain medications.

It is not a sign of anything dangerous and you should just look at it as what it menas: nothing.

DOnt let a simple feeling that lasted a minute make you think you are worse, you are not. You just think you are because something punctual has affected you. Try to look back and rationalise and realise that the only thing that has changed is that you are getting upset about a symptom that you have had. You will prtobably experience that symptom again, but what happened? Nothing. It is as bad as it will get! You have gone through the worst that this symptrom does and you are still here!

So chin up! Ignore it and realise that you are well your way into recovery...

Three steps forward and one back is still two steps forward!


08-03-09, 16:22
Sue I'm on 20mg now but have just been told to go up to 40mg...I had really bad side effects starting citalopram so I am scared the increase will bring back my really bad panic attacks but it sound slike in your case upping to 40 didn't!????
20mg's just isn't strong enough for me though and I am still really poorly. I am still having milder panic attacks about 4am and can't even sleep beyond 2am most nights! My GP has taken me off zopiclone now too.

08-03-09, 18:13
Sue I'm on 20mg now but have just been told to go up to 40mg...I had really bad side effects starting citalopram so I am scared the increase will bring back my really bad panic attacks but it sound slike in your case upping to 40 didn't!????
20mg's just isn't strong enough for me though and I am still really poorly. I am still having milder panic attacks about 4am and can't even sleep beyond 2am most nights! My GP has taken me off zopiclone now too.

Hi Karen,i wasnt good either at the start of taking these,and have only upped mine 10mg at a time ,starting with 5mg extra for a few days then another 5mg until stable.I have never had bad side effects doing this.I started on 10mg and am now on 40mg.You could always start increasing by 10mg and see how you go for a few days ,the drug is in your system ,so side effects arent always bad. All the best sue:hugs:

08-03-09, 18:48
Thanks Sue, I think that's what I'll do. (0:

12-03-09, 11:57
Well I've taken 10mg extra for 4 days now and haven't had any really bad side effects, just heaches really and I actually am sleeping better! I still feel really quite low on a morning though and shakey but miles better the rest of the day. The extra citalopram won't really kick in for a few weeks will it either. I'm gonna up to 40mg next week and hopefully again, I won't have any bad side efffects which really scare me despite knowing they don't kill you!
I'm off zopiclone now without any probs, so fingers crossed all is good really!

12-03-09, 14:09
Thats good to hear Karen,It will take abt 4-6 weeks for the dose to stabilize.Good luck ,sue:hugs:

12-03-09, 23:20
has anyone here felt good for the first couple weeks on this and then had icky side effects hit, like feeling faint and really foggy?

God thats so weird you say this- i too was feeling better almost immediately -well 3 days in, and my fmaily noticed the difference and said i seemed happier..but then- by the way ive been on these tabs 7 weeks now, well last say 2 wks a too have had a sense of fogginess and quite a few times have felt very light headed and almost faint..also - had quite a few bouts of feeling very low but then it passes..im on these for anxiety - and im STILL getting horrible anxity attacks-in fact worse than b4 and they seem to last ages - a cpl of hrs ill be feeling terrible...How long is it b4 the have helped your anxity peeps?? i need some feedback here..do i need to increase my dose? also - STIL finding it very hard to sleep -the yawning thing is still there but not hlaf as bad as it was though....thanks in advance!
Jen x

13-03-09, 14:38
God thats so weird you say this- i too was feeling better almost immediately -well 3 days in, and my fmaily noticed the difference and said i seemed happier..but then- by the way ive been on these tabs 7 weeks now, well last say 2 wks a too have had a sense of fogginess and quite a few times have felt very light headed and almost faint..also - had quite a few bouts of feeling very low but then it passes..im on these for anxiety - and im STILL getting horrible anxity attacks-in fact worse than b4 and they seem to last ages - a cpl of hrs ill be feeling terrible...How long is it b4 the have helped your anxity peeps?? i need some feedback here..do i need to increase my dose? also - STIL finding it very hard to sleep -the yawning thing is still there but not hlaf as bad as it was though....thanks in advance!
Jen x

I agree with you and still wondering when it will settle. Was feeling fine after the first 2 weeks and then had 2 weeks of feeling great. For the last week though its been up and down. Faint and foggy and almost on the verge of having an anxiety attack at least once a day and it takes a lot to relieve it. I am starting a new job on Monday and just hope I make it without any hiccups.

Hope you feel better Jen. Im guessing the best thing to do and what everyone keeps telling me to do is BREATH.

Take Care

13-03-09, 22:34
I've been on citalopram for just one month today, the first week was aweful I couldn't do anything but one month on I think going on citalopram was one of the best decitions I have ever made. I am so much more calm, relaxed, no longer dizzy or anxious, I am taking the bus places and my agoraphobia is subsiding :) I am so happy yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. The only downfall in that im having nightmares but my dr said that it could be my subconsious sorting through everything that was making my life worse and I think maybe its true :yesyes:

14-03-09, 10:26
I think you could be right Mormie - well done on the improvements too!

I am in week 7 and the improvements are really good but there are still some minor lingering symptoms. Like last night I was popping awake at fairly frequent intervals after some surreal dreams and when work gets stressy (which has a *lot* lately) I get a bit of derealisation but over all I am well on the way. Patience is definitely a virtue with Citalopram!

14-03-09, 19:21
Im new to this site and I have been on Citalopram for about 3 weeks or so now.The first week I was on only 10mg whilst still taking Fluoxitine following Doctors orders, I then went onto 20 mg for a week still taking fluoxitine at the same time. I am now on only 20mg of citalopram with no fluoxitine. I am still having certain side effects sometimes feeling dizzy, not being able to sleep hardly and my concentration, well its none existent which is pretty bad seeing as though I am only just finishing University and it is affecting my work! Can anyone tell me if they had quite a few weeks of this, responses i've read have seemed to read that only the first week or so is bad but mine still is.Is this normal?

Thanks for any responses

14-03-09, 19:37
Hi Laura,what you are feeling is quite normal.I felt really bad for 3-4 weeks.It settled down for 3days then i upped my dose.The side effects werent as bad , but i did feel tired and spaceyfor another 4 weeks. Good luck with your studies. luv sue

15-03-09, 13:16
Thanks very much!
Laura x

15-03-09, 18:34
I've been taking Citalopram since three days ago. This is my first time taking any medication for depression. The first two days I was ok, accept for being sleeping worse and dry mouth. Today I'm feeling sleepy, anxious and dizzy. I'm a little scared reading about the side affects in these posts. I would like to ask some questions: if it doesn't work well to me, can I stop it? how long will it take me to feel like myself again? My doctor said I have 50% of chance to be cured in one year. Is it true? I don't eat carbs or sugar. Is it a problem taking these pills?
tks and best wishes

15-03-09, 18:35
It took a good 5 weeks for me to feel 'normal' again

18-03-09, 11:59
The first time I was on them I was pregnant and had so many hormones buzzing inside me I never felt truly well at all on citalopram but it did help me muddle along the 9 months as at first I was even unable to comb my own hair I was so ill. The mo my Son came along the depression just left me and I weaned off my pills soon after.
About 11 months later I got pnd and had to go back on citalopram but I got better on them really quickly but stayed on them 3 years as I really think I came off them too soon the first time. I didn't feel like I needed them though at all.
I eventually came off this time last year but ended up back on them in December when I lost some one close and I started with panic attacks again. I don't know if I'd have been ok if this hadn't happened of if I am now some one who just needs to be on citalopram forever. One of my doctors thinks I have a chemical imbalance and the other says I don't need the pills and the tramua has caused my depression/anxiety to return. This time it does seem to be takign a wee while to feel well though...it's been 3 months now and I'm still having terrible days bu have upped my dosage and today I feel wonderful, so hopefullly I shall feel like this every day soon! :yesyes:

18-03-09, 20:34
Karen, out of curiousity, what dose are you on that you just upped it to and felt much better?

18-03-09, 21:34
Hi all...

I have now been on citalopram for 9 weeks - 20mg...i cant tell really if they have made a difference - i do think im more positive and hopefull and seem to look on the brightside alot more- (glass half full etc)...

But...im still have panicky do's alot of the time - and just this underlying slight panic that seems to just sit there - i dont understand, i thought this was meant to go...i woke the other night suddenly feeling very frightened and my heart was racing - clearly and in-sleep panic attack...

Also - and PLZ if anyone else has expereinced the following - id be v. interested - im rather more snappy than i am usually - like ive got PMT ALOT of the time...this is really noticable...short tempered and irritable...

So - to finish off will these feeling subside and am i expecting too much after only 9 weeks - was thinking of asking to up my dose to 30mg??

Thanks all
Jen xx :)

19-03-09, 01:32
Ive been on citalopram for about 4 years with a 6 month break 2 and a half years ago. I can still remember those 1st few weeks when i felt really weird, shakey, my anxiety felt through the roof, and i kept thinking why has my doc put me on these when i had not long come off another anti depressant but wanted one to help better with anxiety which is why i was prescribed citalopram.

What i found helped was keeping busy which i know is super hard when you feel like crap depressed and anxiety driving you crazy. However those first couple of weeks everytime i took a tablet i would get my dog and just start walking, the keeping moving helped me not notice the symptoms as much and plugging in my ipod helped me not drive myself mad thinking about every little feeling i got.

I started on 20mg a day then on month 2 went up to 30mg a day then the following month 40mg a day and each time i increased the dose those funny weird feelings came back. They felt so horrible i cant lie, but distraction did take the edge off things. I am now back down to 30mg a day and have been on this dose for over 2 years and find they really help the depression, unfortunately for me they havent helped the anxiety as much as i had hoped but they are doing something to help my moods.

Citalopram is one in a long list of anti depressants that i have tried and i have found that all of them effect people differently. They are all supposed to have an "off label" use where they can be particularly helpful - for example trazodone is well known for being a good anti-d to help depressed people who have a lot of problems sleeping. Citalopram is supposed to be good to help depression with anxiety. I took lustral/sertraline about 5 years ago for a year and it made me constantly hyper and turned me into an exercise freak. Others say it makes them very calm.

They all affect everyone different but i think that initial feeling for the first few days or weeks of weird shakiness, increased anxiety, weird thoughts and feelings in your body are all pretty normal. Ive had weird feelings at the start of every anti depressant ive tried and citalopram is the 6th one i have been on, but the one i have stayed on longest. I do think it has a lot of benefits long term, and although it hasnt made a huge difference to my anxiety it has lifted my depression enough to make me stay on it.

Emma :hugs:

21-03-09, 11:18
My first dose (which I took on Thursday night) was horrible, I thought I'd been poisoned by it and I felt so bad I saw my doctor, who thought I'd had a panic attack as he said the medicine hadn't had time to affect me after just one dose.

Last night I didn't want to take my tablet cos of how bad I felt on Thursday. I took it anyway, then sat up for a while watching a comedy with my family, then went on the No More Panic forums for a while. I had no side effects or weird feelings during this time.

I went to bed about 2 hours after taking the tablet. I did feel slightly strange once I shut my eyes but I feel asleep fairly quickly and had a reasonable night's sleep.

I feel weak, anxious, tired and shaky in the mornings especially since taking citalopram, but I haven't slept properly for a while and my appetite is down (I've lost over half a stone in 2 weeks).

I haven't felt like myself at all for 2 weeks. The doctor says I should start noticing benefits in 2-3 weeks. Most of the literature I've read says side effects tend to wear off after the first week or so. In the meantime, the idea of these strange side effects really scares me.

I really hope this stuff works!

21-03-09, 20:17
Hi poet :hugs::)

You're doing really well to be taking the cit, and conqouring the initial anxiety of the medication - especially so considing thursday night, so a huge well done! :shades:

As for what the information leaflets say, I think its much of a muchness over how long side effects last or what they may be. My gp told me it could be 2-3 weeks of feeling pretty grim before things start to settle, and then there will be blips along the way, too. It doesn't make for very inspiring stuff! But its worth persevering. Its scary to feel so strange and unlike yourself but in the weeks I've been taking cit. just being able to come here and vent and ask if anyone else has felt the same, has been a real help :yesyes:

23-03-09, 15:07
I'm up to 40mg now and touch wood side effects going up not too bad at mo! I've only been up from 30mg 2 days though but fingers crossed.

23-03-09, 17:01
The end of week 8 and I had a blip of anxiety today - the first anxiety I've felt for several weeks. About 5 out of 10 on the anx-o-meter
Damnit! Its really frustrating

I just hope its just a blip. I am beginning to wonder if its the meds or me

23-03-09, 17:07
Thanks Budgie! Yeah my first experience of citalopram was a nightmare, but then again I am a complete wimp when it comes to medicine so I can't pin it all on the pills.

Bob, honestly, if I woke in the morning feeling only 5 on the anxiety meter I'd do a dance. Or something. :) You might just be an anxious person, nothing wrong with that, even on medication you're gonna have the occasional crap moment. I hope things work out for you. Don't let that blip get to you.

24-03-09, 10:30
Last time I was on Citalopram and it was working so well I felt really normal, I too had the occasional blip day which every one gets even people who don't suffer with depression and anxiety, so hope it was just a blip for you and you feel good again now.
I had hot and cold flushing this morning about 5am but was quite cheerful taking my little boy to school today and have come home and done lots of domesticated stuff like THE BATHROOM! ha ha! I feel I am getting there on the increased doasage but it's only been 2 and half weeks so far...right now just feeling a weenie bit weepy but I'm going to stay positive and keep busy!

24-03-09, 13:38
Hi guys :) :hugs:

I also get particularly anxious days even with the help of cit. Its frustrating but ohilosophically speaking, one over anxious day, though hard, is better than 7 continuously highly anxious days :scared15:

I had a really testing moment yesterday. I shan't go into gory details but it involved a bus and an unwell/possibly intoxicated woman :scared15: I think citalopram earned its stripes for me during that!! Today I feel shaky about it all, but not like I have been before

25-03-09, 11:08
Ok - help me out here. Due back at the Dr's on the 1st. I know he is going to recommend that I reduce my meds with a view to tapering them off. I have mostly good days with the occassional 20 - 30 minute 'slightly weird spells' which he and I think is the med. Is this is a good idea, obviously I want to get off this stuff but also I don't want to do anything rash...thoughts?

25-03-09, 12:41
How long have you been on it? Do you feel well enough to come off? Don't let him take you off it if you feel you aren't ready.

25-03-09, 15:38
Been on it for nearly three months. The truth is I wasn't nearly as bad as when I last took it so it was always meant to be a 'sticking plaster'.
I do feel ready to come off it, if the residual 'weird spells' are the meds and not me.
I reckon I can try cutting down aand see how we go?

25-03-09, 19:59
Im new to this site and I have been on Citalopram for about 3 weeks or so now.The first week I was on only 10mg whilst still taking Fluoxitine following Doctors orders, I then went onto 20 mg for a week still taking fluoxitine at the same time. I am now on only 20mg of citalopram with no fluoxitine. I am still having certain side effects sometimes feeling dizzy, not being able to sleep hardly and my concentration, well its none existent which is pretty bad seeing as though I am only just finishing University and it is affecting my work! Can anyone tell me if they had quite a few weeks of this, responses i've read have seemed to read that only the first week or so is bad but mine still is.Is this normal?

Thanks for any responses

I've had 9 days of Citalopram 20mg as prescribed and enough is enough! Have been spaced out for more than a week, wasting my life dozing -thank goodness I'm retired! Nausea, reduced appetite so weight loss (good!) and a bit disorientated. All those I could live with, but the early morning sweats and hallucinations really get me down. I wake and feel extreme tiredness, need to sleep but somehow I am not allowed to. Every morning has become a nightmare. I just can't get up, then when I do I am resting on the settee until midday. So I didnt take the pill last night and felt a bit better this morning but still bad. Anyone know how long it takes for the drug to clear out of the system? I just sense the drug is interfering with my body chemistry in a way which is not good.
