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24-03-12, 20:11
Hi, ive restarted my tabs a feel like crap. Its been two weeks now. Im hopin the feeling will go soon cuz im finding it hard.

03-04-12, 14:58
After my last post I ended up having a massive panic attack because i had worried myself so much about getting the awful side effects again if I started the meds.
So the next morning I decided I had nothing to loose and started taking 5mg a day.
It took me 10 days to recover from the heightened anxiety that I felt due to my worry and I have only started to calm down the last few days.
I have now been on 5mg for 14 days and so far its been ok. I am unsure if the heightened anxiety over the last 10 days was due to starting the low dosage or just as a result of how worked up I had made myself, im telling myself it was just me (as it can take me a week to recover from a panic attack at the best of times) and not the meds.
I am now wondering how long I should carry on at 5mg before I increase the dose and how I should go about it.
I was thinking maybe carry on another week at 5mg and then every other day take an additional 2.5 mg for a few weeks?
I'm so worried about side effects that I am only trying to work my way up to 10mg for the time being to see if that is suffcient for me. I don't mind if it takes me a few months to get there, i'd rather do that than go through the shakes and wired feelings i got in the past.
I'm generally heaps better than the 8 years ago when I was given the dosage of 20mg and so I'm thinking maybe 10mg will be OK as I'm quite petite and I can find "normal" dosage of meds too strong for me at times.
Any feedback from others who have been through the same would be appreciated.


24-04-12, 10:07
I'm on my 4 day and feel dreadful had a terrible nights sleep woke at 1.30am sweating and shaking managed to get back to sleep after what seemed hours to wake this morning feeling sick light headed and tired. I no I need to stick at it but I honestly feel worst than i did before I started could even get out of bed to take kids to school my husband is being so good about it.
I just hope the side effects don't get any worse I don't no of I'd be able to carry on taking it.

Drew Thomas
05-05-12, 13:32
Hope i'm not repeating anybody elses post but I couldnt find an answer to my question. My doctor has prescribed me Citalopran (20mg) and I took one the other night and about an hour later I started to feel sick, dizzy, spaced out and shakey, it was nothing like a panic attack iv ever had and I was just wondering if it was a panic attack because I was expecting to get side effects or whether they were genuine side effects? Im too scared to take anymore incase it happens again.
Thanks for any advice
Suzy xx

Suzy keep taking them I felt like poo for 3 days but they do work in time.

---------- Post added at 13:28 ---------- Previous post was at 13:27 ----------

Keep taking them they do work but for a few days you will feel like that. Same happened to me :)

---------- Post added at 13:32 ---------- Previous post was at 13:28 ----------

For three days I felt bad and my mouth was like I was Chewing rust. I started for a month on 10mg and then went to 20. After a month I started to feel normal. These meds take time but keep going with them.

08-05-12, 13:42
This drug was gunna mess up my life, I wouldn't be able to do the things that makes my life so gr8. So after having a bad side-effect from taking the 1st one I have decided to never take anymore. I know that I don't even need them. I'm finding life wonderful without this drug because the side-effect was so horrible!

09-05-12, 16:34
Hi everyone, thought I'd join in - I took my first citalopram this morning. I have health anxiety, OCD and mild depression. Been like this all my life really but just getting to the end of my tether - tried cbt twice, and propanalol, finally gave in and asked for AD's.

So an hour after i took my first I felt really sick - so much so I had to come home from work as I thought i was going to puke. I drove home praying i wouldnt throw up all over my car. I felt a bit shakey, I had some odd twitches in my left jaw, and kept clenching my jaw and feel tired, oh and no appetite, dry mouth, tight throat and some odd surging sensations all over my body - like when you have a panic attack. I can cope with most of these its just the nausea which is debilitating - cant really function well with that - hope it goes soon,

11-05-12, 11:12
the nausea wore off for me after about 10days , but i am on day 23 and having a really bad day , woke up feeling dizzy and the whole body adrenaline thing again . i hope it settles down soon its feeling neverending.:weep:
also iv not been able to sleep past 5.30am since starting the cit .

11-05-12, 21:46
Hmm i didnt knw about starting off at 10mg my doctor didnt mention it so ive been taking 20mg now for 7 days. I had a few side effects like staring at walls a rushing sensation whenever i yawned. I didnt sleep too well at first and the other night i had a panic attack had like a video tape repeatdly being played in my head for 24hrs it was horrific BUT 7 days in im feeling calmer. Im willing to give it a try as ive never been on meds b4 but have suffered for years since childhood with depression n i cant take feeling like that anymore. So for anyone worried about the side effects if there mild stick with it it will pass. If there severe then see your Doc and change meds there are other meds out there maybe more suited to you.

13-05-12, 14:09
Iim 19 I've been on Citalapram since December, it made me feel amazing, no more depression and anxiety my life was on the rise. Then I thought to myself that I don't need them. I stopped cold turkey for nearly 2 weeks. My depression had come back I felt sick, lightheaded very dizzy was like I had a major head cold. I went out last night for a meal with my girlfriend and my body explded, I knew something was going to happen, because I've had blackouts and fits in the past but this was my first since november last year. My body blacked out everything got to much and I feel unconscious. Everything went black again, and I woke up with my partner and the emergency services around me, This happened because I was having withdrawal symptoms off citalapram. Please, if your on this drug DONT STOP COLD TURKEY!!!
Thanks for reading,
Emma x

ann campbell
19-07-12, 10:46
can citalopram cause nightmares

19-07-12, 23:07
This is quite common Ann .I have very vivid dreams, but rarely have nightmares anymore .How long have you been taking it ? Sue

20-08-12, 11:15
Hey All!

Thought i'd add my post. Been suffering on and off for a couple of years with anxiety attacks, get nauseas hot sweaty faint that awful "knot" in the stomach every morning but the past 2-3 weeks has been awful. Nearly everyday.

So doctor prescribed 10mg Citalopram which I shall start taking tommorrow morning. Bit nervous for the side effects but will let you all know how I get on!

Miles x

20-08-12, 11:17
Hey All!

Thought i'd add my post. Been suffering on and off for a couple of years with anxiety attacks, get nauseas hot sweaty faint that awful "knot" in the stomach every morning but the past 2-3 weeks has been awful. Nearly everyday.

So doctor prescribed 10mg Citalopram which I shall start taking tommorrow morning. Bit nervous for the side effects but will let you all know how I get on!

Miles x

Good luck, I hope you start feeling better soon! :hugs:

22-08-12, 11:54
Hey All,

So Day 2 and have hardly noticed any side effects. I've felt a bit spaced out and finding it hard to concentrate, had a slight headache last night but that's been about it.

As for the anxiety that is still here with a vengeance but I haven't noticed it get a huge amount worse.

Just going to ride it out like previous posts have suggested and hopefully get my life back soon.

Miles x

23-08-12, 16:35
hi everyone,

Thought id add my input on how ive found Citalopram so far.

First 10 days i didnt feel any different anxiety levels were the same as before taking it and i didnt really have any side effects apart from maybe slight brain fog. When day 11 came I woke up with my body tingling, weak limbs, twitching. Felt so fuzzy and foggy, in a constant dream world. I am now on day 19 and still feel like this, it is so horrible. I also have nausea that comes and goes. Im not 100% sure its the citalopram or something else going on in my brain but this is how i feel. So no benefits for me so far.

14-09-12, 20:57
Hi when i first took a 10 mil i had the same symptoms, good luck.

17-09-12, 13:25
Hi all, i have been suffering from moderate depression and aniexty for years. I've always been put off by anti-depressants and been reluctant to take them. Last week i felt so awful so i went to the doctors and they have prescribed me with Citalopram (10mg) to start with. I have never taken any kind of anti-depressant and to be honest i am really worried about the side effects....i was going to start taking them from today but i cant seem to build up the courage to take them.

i've heard a lot of good things about people taking Citalopram which is comforting but i'm still unsure..part of me wants to give it a try because you never know..

Also my mood is slightly better than last week, just feeling so tired all the time...

x Isla x

17-09-12, 13:44
Nothing ventured, nothing gained. I say give it a go and see what happens. Side effects wear off after a few days and then you should start to feel better. :)

19-09-12, 21:20
Hi there I really hoping some one could help me here.... I have been getting this strange feeling for months now in fact would say approx 2 years. If I go out anywere I can be walking then all of a sudden I feel sick think I'm going to pass out my legs feel weak and I panic my self I always think I'm going to pass out never have.. now it have even started happening at home I dread if someone is coming up even a family member I have always worked I'm a 20 year old mail have 2 children.. I hate how I feel as I can't even takemy children to the park or anything my partner don't really understand but I feel sorry for her as we never do anything no more. I no longer work or anything. Also I am always tired so I sleep a lot during the day time. If I feel sick I always make my self sick to feel better. Sometimes when I am drifting off to sleep IsI wake feeling like I can't move or anything ( I can ) I just want to know is this really anxiety???? My doctor gave me 10mg of colitrpram but made me feel really bad after 1 day of taking them so I stoped. Please some one reply just so I know and so I can talk to someone thank you. Ashley

01-10-12, 16:11
Hi there I really hoping some one could help me here.... I have been getting this strange feeling for months now in fact would say approx 2 years. If I go out anywere I can be walking then all of a sudden I feel sick think I'm going to pass out my legs feel weak and I panic my self I always think I'm going to pass out never have.. now it have even started happening at home I dread if someone is coming up even a family member I have always worked I'm a 20 year old mail have 2 children.. I hate how I feel as I can't even takemy children to the park or anything my partner don't really understand but I feel sorry for her as we never do anything no more. I no longer work or anything. Also I am always tired so I sleep a lot during the day time. If I feel sick I always make my self sick to feel better. Sometimes when I am drifting off to sleep IsI wake feeling like I can't move or anything ( I can ) I just want to know is this really anxiety???? My doctor gave me 10mg of colitrpram but made me feel really bad after 1 day of taking them so I stoped. Please some one reply just so I know and so I can talk to someone thank you. Ashley

I am in the same boat as you but I have been suffering in silence for 10 years. I managed to cope up until recently.
It all came to a head with me when I passed out at a family event. Before then the anxiety was bad and stopped me going certain new places and meeting new people, but after it was terrible. I started feeling as if I was going to pass out when I went anywhere
My partner was very understanding and persuaded me to go see my GP. They prescribed me 10mg of Citalopram and reffered me for CBT sessions. The first few days were almost unbearable, but after reading the helpful posts on here I decided to stick with it.
I am on day 8 now and most of the side effects have subsided (apart from the headaches) I don't feel better than I did before as yet, but I know I'm on the right track and am determined to beat it for my partner and kids and start enjoying life rather than just coping

Stick with the meds, you may feel terrible to start, but the side effects will go!!

Good luck

02-10-12, 13:24
I've also just noticed this morning that the constant knot of nerves in my stomach has gone and the 'sinking feeling' I got when I thought of going anywhere doesn't happen. things are certainly looking up.

On another note, I haven't had a drink whilst taking the tablets, anyone know if it is safe to do so after being on them, say, a month or so?


had a mini relapse yesterday evening. Thought I was ok to play squash, half way through felt like I was going to pass out. I'm hoping that this is due to the side effects as I felt quite dizzy still before hand and never had any problems playing sqaush.
Now I feel like I did on day 2 of taking Citalopram. got in a right state this morning before going for my haircut and almost had a panic attack while sat in the chair (never been keen on getting my hair cut as it is!)

as i say, i'm hoping it was just a case of doing too much too soon after starting the meds. may leave it until next week until i try exercise. Anyone else had this problem?

04-10-12, 13:31
Hi all just took my first citalopram couple of hours ago then read the side effects then found this forum lol sounds like a rough ride ahead of me but if it helps it will be so worth it
Suffering from anxiety and panic attacks for the last year starting cbt soon but went for the meds as well to cover all bases
So far feel a bit sick stomach growling though just eaten lunch head feels mashed and mood swinging up and down every 5 mins
Worst thing is meant to be starting some delivery work tonight for local takeaway as I'm a gardener and need an income over winter, can't even think about driving at the moment so might have to call and let them down
Anyway will keep posting on my journey

04-10-12, 14:15
I had terrible SE's even from one pill from Citalopram but stuck with it and it does get better in time, though it took about 5 months for me to be 100% perfect. I always found mornings a little hard for a good while.
The main SE's I had was increased anxiety and even panic attacks, I couldn't sleep and my head felt like a pressure cooker. Gradually and with the help of Lorazepam things got much better until one day I felt like the old me.

04-10-12, 21:19
I've also just noticed this morning that the constant knot of nerves in my stomach has gone and the 'sinking feeling' I got when I thought of going anywhere doesn't happen. things are certainly looking up.

On another note, I haven't had a drink whilst taking the tablets, anyone know if it is safe to do so after being on them, say, a month or so?


had a mini relapse yesterday evening. Thought I was ok to play squash, half way through felt like I was going to pass out. I'm hoping that this is due to the side effects as I felt quite dizzy still before hand and never had any problems playing sqaush.
Now I feel like I did on day 2 of taking Citalopram. got in a right state this morning before going for my haircut and almost had a panic attack while sat in the chair (never been keen on getting my hair cut as it is!)

as i say, i'm hoping it was just a case of doing too much too soon after starting the meds. may leave it until next week until i try exercise. Anyone else had this problem?

Yes I've been feeling lethargic more easily too. I need an extra hour's sleep a night in order to feel my normal self. I haven't felt like doing any exercise recently, but once I've got my sleeping patterns sorted out I'll start exercising again, as my CBT Stress Control class has said it's very helpful for the mood.

05-10-12, 10:32
Im just hoping I will be ok for next saturday
supposed to be going to a sporting event, but the last time I was in a big crowd is the time i passed out so it's getting to me quite a bit

05-10-12, 13:48
I think you need to tell yourself that even though you were in a big crowd when you fainted, that doesn't mean you'll always faint when you're in a crowd. In cbt we call this generalisation
I hope it goes well.

10-10-12, 10:43
How long are these side effects supposed to last?
i have been on it for 16 days now and I am still worse than before I started taking it.
The dizziness and feeling like i'm going to faint are happening all the time whereas it didn;t before.

Just now i felt as though I was going to pass out at work anf that has never happened before. It usually only happens when I am going somewhere new

25-10-12, 19:38
Ive been on citalopram for nearly 6 weeks. the first few weeks were awful neagtive and disturbing thoughts. i was only citalopram for a month last april and had no side effects at all. so when my dose finished i left it. but my anxiety started coming back. i had to go back on them because my next door neighbour hanged himself in the flat next door. i was at the door when they found him, i also lost a friend 4 months earlier.
the side effects were awful i ended up the hospital having an anxiety attack, but was told to stick to the meds (10mg)
just back from spain and felt rather relaxed, so decided to have a bottle of strongbow at the resturants only 3 nights, but since them it felt like im back to square one again, has anyone felt like this? i work alone with my own business so my head completley races with negative thoughts and i feel im going mental. have i had a relapse cos i had a couple of bottles of cider??

25-10-12, 19:49
Yes, they do say that alcohol can cancel out the effects of citalopram, so it's not a good idea to mix the 2. It does sound like you've been through a rough time recently, with losing your neighbour and your friend, so it's not surprising you feel anxious. I hope you'll start feeling better again in the next few days.

25-10-12, 21:14
Thank you i didnt realise just a bottle of cider a night would do much, but i guess i know now:D thank u

30-10-12, 14:52

i was prescribed Citalopram 20mg today

i am only 26 and have an active working life and social life but struggle with stress, anxiety and paranoia

i have been reading about the side affects of this drug and i am scared that i will end up worse rather than better which is not ideal as i am a ticking time bomb already

has anyone had any positive effects? :shrug:


Laura x

little scientist
30-10-12, 16:34
Hi Laura, many here will be able to say how good citalopram is once it has had time to get into your system, including myself. Before this current round of anxiety and depression (following coming off citalopram at the wrong time really), I had had the most stable 18 months of the last 8 years thanks to this medication! I am 8 weeks into my second time on it, and aftere a slightly more rocky start up period, I believe this medication is beginning to work for me well.

With any medication, there can be side effects, but that doesn't necessarily mean you will get all of them, or even any of them, and most often you will only read about the negative things associated with something (that goes for anything in life really.....have you looked at reviews for say, a kettle or a toaster you are about to buy? 90% of the time people only bother to report the negative things about something, very rarely do people say how good something is!). Also, if it is the side effects listed in the product leaflet that concern you, it again doesn't mean every one will get them. If a side effect is reported enough, the manufacturers have to list it. Those leaflets can be scary things to read!

On my first time on citalopram, I had next to zero side effects. This time round it was worse, but like I say, after riding them out here I am on the other side, working on my recovery with a much more positive outlook :)

If you are worried about side effects, you could start on 10mg (cutting the tablet in half) for say a week, then go up to 20mg so it's a much less harsh start up. Side effects for most people last a couple of weeks at most, in my case up to a week ish.

But most importantly, whatever you experience, you are not along in this and people are here in the forum with a wealth of experience from taking this medication :) so feel free to ask questions, or keep us posted with how you get on with taking citalopram. Every person's experience is slightly different and adds to the information for others to read :)

Little scientist x

---------- Post added at 16:34 ---------- Previous post was at 16:33 ----------

PS love the halo kitty picture lol

30-10-12, 17:12

i was prescribed Citalopram 20mg today

i am only 26 and have an active working life and social life but struggle with stress, anxiety and paranoia

i have been reading about the side affects of this drug and i am scared that i will end up worse rather than better which is not ideal as i am a ticking time bomb already

has anyone had any positive effects? :shrug:


Laura x

Hi Laura, I've been on 10mg citalopram for 11 weeks now. For the first 5 days or so I had insomnia and loss of appetite, but then these side effects wore off and by Week 3 I was feeling much calmer and happier. I didn't sleep much at all for the first 3 or 4 nights and even though I felt hungry I just didn't feel like eating much (if I did try to eat too much, I would gag).

Other early side effects I had were a rapid heartbeat and feeling fidgety, but again, those wore off after a couple of weeks or so. I feel a lot better now, my anxiety has pretty much gone and I don't get so many intrusive thoughts. If you want to read the positive effects it's had on me, please see this thread. (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=123640) :)

31-10-12, 12:02
I have now been on the meds for 5 weeks. 3 weeks 10mg, 20mg the last 2 weeks.
I still feel worse than before I started taking them. constant dizzyness and headaches which I never had before. unable to go to the gym because of the dizzyness and obsessing about it all day everyday.

has anyone else found it took a long time to see any benefit from taking this or felt dizzy all of the time (usually more severe when I'm feeling anxious)?

31-10-12, 14:26
Hello everyone. I've been registered on the forum or a while but haven't posted until now. I've suffered anxiety and depression for a long time, but just lately it has got really bad. I was prescribed citralopram on 2004 but I never took it due to the possible side effects. I went back to my GP last week in a bit of a state and I've been prescribed 20mg of citalopram and he is arranging CBT. While I was there he got me to do one of those questionnaires (HADS I think it's called) and I scored 18/21 for anxiety and 16/21 for depression. Not sure how accurate these things can be though.

The bottom line is I want to take the medication, but I just sit and stare at the box too scared to take one because of the possible side effects. Reading the posts on here, it seems side effects are more common than not.

little scientist
31-10-12, 15:54
side effects are common road runner, but vary for different people, and are often short lived :)

31-10-12, 16:28
Reading through the threads could i ask two questions.

Why are so many people on Citalopram ?

What is the main difference between all the SSR1 drugs as as far as I know they are all used for the same disorder, though every individual maybe moe anxious than depressed or the other way round.

---------- Post added at 17:28 ---------- Previous post was at 17:26 ----------

make that three questions.

Why do they all have such bad side effects.It is clear some can cope after the initial period, others can't ( including myself) and actually increase anxiety.

31-10-12, 20:00
Hello everyone. I've been registered on the forum or a while but haven't posted until now. I've suffered anxiety and depression for a long time, but just lately it has got really bad. I was prescribed citralopram on 2004 but I never took it due to the possible side effects. I went back to my GP last week in a bit of a state and I've been prescribed 20mg of citalopram and he is arranging CBT. While I was there he got me to do one of those questionnaires (HADS I think it's called) and I scored 18/21 for anxiety and 16/21 for depression. Not sure how accurate these things can be though.

The bottom line is I want to take the medication, but I just sit and stare at the box too scared to take one because of the possible side effects. Reading the posts on here, it seems side effects are more common than not.

By reading the posts on here, it makes it sound that side effects are worse and more common than they really are. That's because people are far more likely to post when they're having a problem with the medication than if they're doing well.

Please don't suffer through this any longer - the medication has really helped me and I really hope it will help you as well. :hugs:

01-11-12, 08:25
I have now been on the meds for 5 weeks. 3 weeks 10mg, 20mg the last 2 weeks.
I still feel worse than before I started taking them. constant dizzyness and headaches which I never had before. unable to go to the gym because of the dizzyness and obsessing about it all day everyday.

has anyone else found it took a long time to see any benefit from taking this or felt dizzy all of the time (usually more severe when I'm feeling anxious)?
Yeh i been on them 6 weeks at 10mg very slow progress for me, just when im at work is the worse part of the day. racing thought, slight mood swings tiredness. but my anxiety seems to be going. im finding comfort from the site. stick it out dude, everyone is different, you will get there :D

01-11-12, 08:34
[QUOTE=ricardo;1065674]Reading through the threads could i ask two questions.

Why are so many people on Citalopram ?

What is the main difference between all the SSR1 drugs as as far as I know they are all used for the same disorder, though every individual maybe moe anxious than depressed or the other way round.

---------- Post added at 17:28 ---------- Previous post was at 17:26 ----------

make that three questions.

I don't accept that people post on here only because they have bad side effects.
Put two people on the same drug and it is more than likely that it will effect each one differently.

01-11-12, 08:48
I never said that people only post on here if they have bad side effects, what I mean is that people are more likely to post if they have bad side effects. A lot of people find this forum by googling for help when they have bad side effects.

01-11-12, 09:50
I have had the worst muscle and joint pains the last couple days so much so my hand is strapped up and I am taking paracetamol.

01-11-12, 09:55
I never said that people only post on here if they have bad side effects, what I mean is that people are more likely to post if they have bad side effects. A lot of people find this forum by googling for help when they have bad side effects.

I must have misunderstood you,apologies.

03-11-12, 16:17
Hi its my first tome doin this:( im really worried about taking my citralopram ive been prescribed 20mg for my anxiety an panic more anxiety im really worried ive done a bad thing a read up online about it an saw things thay it can stop ur heart cause seizures ive scared myself:( i just want tp be again can anyone give some hope .

03-11-12, 16:51
Hi its my first tome doin this:( im really worried about taking my citralopram ive been prescribed 20mg for my anxiety an panic more anxiety im really worried ive done a bad thing a read up online about it an saw things thay it can stop ur heart cause seizures ive scared myself:( i just want tp be again can anyone give some hope .

Hi, 20mg is a safe dose. That heart seizures thing you read about only applies to people taking 60mg. That is why the maximum dose in the UK has recently been reduced from 60mg to 40mg. :)

03-11-12, 17:13
Hi sparkle so i have nothing to worry about they are safe:( im just worried tjank u for gettin back to me:)

03-11-12, 17:39
No there's nothing to worry about. :)

04-11-12, 22:10
Thank you for the responses to my query from last week.

I was going to say that I was going to start the citalopram tonight, but reading the posts about possible heart seizures has set me right back.

05-11-12, 08:52
Please please trust me, 20mg is a safe dose. It is only people on 60mg who need to be concerned about heart seizures. Please speak to your doctor for reassurance, as I know it can be hard to trust a random stranger on the internet like me lol! Or you can try asking a pharmacist for confirmation. :)

05-11-12, 09:24
I took half a one (10mg) before I went to bed last night. I slept okay although I did wake up in the early hours for a while, but I often do that. I feel rough this morning though. I can only liken it to having a hangover, but I've been full of cold the last few days and ran a 10 mile race yesterday so could be dehydrated as I didn't really drink much afterwards.

05-11-12, 19:01
I was on 60mg citalopram for the best part of a year (Nov 08 to Oct 09) and I'm still here :)

05-11-12, 19:38
Well the side effects (if that's what they were) had more or less worn off by early afternoon and I've felt okay since. I'll take the next 10mg before going to bed tonight then I might just take the prescribed 20mg after that.

05-11-12, 21:37
It sounds like you're on the right track RoadRunner. I hope you start to feel better soon. :)

07-11-12, 22:30
Im startimg my cit on friday as ive been to scared to take it i just hope i dont get any horrible side effects im on 20mg so its a safe dose i hope:( has anyone had anxiety like mine im toscared leave my house i get really bad if i have to be on my own or out but for the 1st time i went to the doctors last fri which my family an partner said was a positive step just want to be me again X

07-11-12, 22:38
Hi Emzymoo, I know its scary taking medication but think of it this way.Can the side-effects (if you have any) be any worse than anything you are experiencing now? And if you can hang in there,the benefits of anti-deps (I was on cit for 7 years) can be immense and life changing.Good luck and hang in there.

07-11-12, 23:42
Thank u for the support fishman:) X x

---------- Post added at 23:42 ---------- Previous post was at 22:41 ----------

Oh yeah i forgot to say ive been dedcribed diazepam 2mg with my cit does this help too doctor said just to take wen needed would like ro hear other peoples experinces an advice X

08-11-12, 08:40
Thank u for the support fishman:) X x

---------- Post added at 23:42 ---------- Previous post was at 22:41 ----------

Oh yeah i forgot to say ive been dedcribed diazepam 2mg with my cit does this help too doctor said just to take wen needed would like ro hear other peoples experinces an advice X

Yes I was prescribed diazepam in case the side effects got too bad, but I never needed to use it. I've kept it just in case I need it in future though.

08-11-12, 23:39
I stuck to 10mg all week, but tonight I've just taken a full 20mg. I've had no side effects so far so I hope they don't start now. I've also noticed I'm sleeping a lot better now and not constantly waking up during the night. Is this normal with citalopram after just a week?

little scientist
09-11-12, 14:10
It sounds like you have chilled out a bit which is good :) onwards and upwards eh?

09-11-12, 14:12
I spoke a bit too soon. I woke up at 0450 this morning and couldn't get back to sleep. I feel a bit on edge and my head is "fuzzy".

little scientist
09-11-12, 19:58
Hopefully a one off Roadrunner :)

Does anyone else experience headaches with their citalopram?

09-11-12, 23:41
Up until today a mild headache was all I'd had.

Today though I've felt as if I've been hungover all day. It's not nice. I took 20mg last night before bed but I'd only been taking 10mg until then so I'm putting it down to that.

09-11-12, 23:50
Ive got my cit an its sat on top of my fridge i want to take it but im scare it doesnt cause fits does is i read the leaflet which i shouldnt i need to be positive just need some advice its 20mg sorry to be a pain i suffer from health anxiety as u can tell X x x

10-11-12, 00:48
Emzymoo I sat and looked at the packet for over week before I plucked up the courage to take one as I suffer health anxiety too. I started by cutting them in half and just 10mg per day. I didn't have any side effects apart from a mild headache in the morning which wore off by lunchtime. Last night I upped the dose to the prescribed 20mg and today I've felt as if I was hungover all day (fuzzy head, headache, nauseous). It's not the nicest feeling but I can just about live with it.

Perhaps you could start of on 10mg per day for a week or so and see how you get on.

12-11-12, 13:19
Hopefully a one off Roadrunner :)

Does anyone else experience headaches with their citalopram?

yes. i'm 7 weeks in. been on 20mg for the past 4 weeks. My concern is dizziness that turns in to headaches.
I have just been prescirbed escitalopram (20mg) which has less side effects but apparently they dont prescribe it as it costs more to make (my counsellor suggested that I asked my doc for this as he felt I wasn't getting the benefit I should with normal Citalopram)

I haven't had many headaches in the last couple of weeks though. How long have you been taking it?

14-11-12, 18:43
hi all i been on cit now for 12 weeks,,, i change brands half way thru and had a bad time so back on onl brand ,Still waking up is the worse and still feeling a bit woosey headaches at times... should all of these have passed by now ?

little scientist
14-11-12, 19:00
I haven't had many headaches in the last couple of weeks though. How long have you been taking it?

9 weeks ish I think, maybe 10. But funnily enough I've not had any either the last few days which is good!

18-11-12, 12:45
my 9th week coming up on 10mg due to anxiety. i had a really good 2 weeks, felt great, dancing about and stuff and feeling a lot of love for everyone lol. but since friday 16th, i feel i am slowly dropping again, but i try not to think too much about it which helps. i say to myself "it is what it is" which strangely helps. my problem is that i work by myself and just think i think way too much and have no one to talk to at work so my head races. i have been through every side effect. but nowadays i just get a little sicky, fuzzy head. just keep taking them ppl, things cant get any worse :)

19-11-12, 11:31
hi there i am also on 30 mg and have been on various doses over 5 years but at the mo i feel so spaced out my memory is terrible too. im actually just on auto pilot. side effects when u start def are horrible with sickness dizziness and tiredness but they do pass however for me when i forget to take my tablet i feel sick and dizzy. hate it. im acually coming off it hopefully it has helped me greatly tho so bear with it. good luck xxx

21-11-12, 18:05
hi all i been on cit now for 12 weeks,,, i change brands half way thru and had a bad time so back on onl brand ,Still waking up is the worse and still feeling a bit woosey headaches at times... should all of these have passed by now ?
i still feel rubbish at times. 9 weeks on 10mg. sleep is not at its best, i get the shakes at times, nausea, headaches, tiredness, dizzy. i guess everyone is different with the citalopram.

22-11-12, 14:02
after 7 weeks on 20mg of cit, my counsellor suggested the doctor prescribed me 20mg of Escitalopram. It is the apparently the same but with a lower side effect profile. i am starting to feel the benefits after being on this for almost 2 weeks. not as anxious and the side effects are quite rare. odd dizzy spell and headache but much better than before.

this is the best I have felt in some time after suffering with GAD for 10 years and I know its only going to get better with a course of CBT coming up shortly.

i would strongly recommend anyone suffering with bad side effects after 2 couple of months to ask for Escitalopram

22-11-12, 15:57
well i been on cit for 13 weeks changed brands which didnt think would effect me but how wrong i was , i even spoke to consultant who said changing brands can effect lots of people..... its the coatings and the fillers, the an cause soo many side effects.. any way still feeling ropey this week ,,, speaced out , woosey too ,,, i read on here some cn take 4 to six months to get it right

28-11-12, 12:30
Had the same experience myself when I went to a different chemist. Told my Doctor and she confirmed this to me. However, this stubborn old git persisted with his prescription until running out, very stupid, but just another example of ingrained poor thinking habits that got me in this position in the first place !! Try mindfulness meditation to add to your recovery, cit' works if you give it a chance but build in some other lifestyle changes too.... and when you do make a full recovery.. because you will.... remember where you came from !!
Good luck,.... oh and to end on a slight downer... cit' tends to make you put on weight just hang in there because it soon falls off, and getting rid of it is one the pluses of being able to get outside again when coming off after your recovery !!

29-11-12, 09:07
with me it's been the opposite.... I have lost weight

30-11-12, 13:38
Hi, are you saying that the weight will come off once you are off the drug? I aim to come off now, I have put on 1.5 stone - yikes!! I am now exercising every day.

30-11-12, 14:04
Have the people that put on weight exercised whilst taking Cit?
I didn't feel up to doing anything the first couple of months when I normally go to the gym 3-4 times per week. just started getting back into now I am feeling a lot better and was suprised that I had lost a few pounds.

I dont see how a drug makes you put weight on??
as long as you have a balanced diet and exercise regulary it shouldn't be a problem.....should it??

04-12-12, 11:26
Hi I have just been prescribed 20mg citalopram. Had my 1st pill last night.. Within an hour I was feeling ill. This morning I woke up feeling extremely tired and stil ill. After reading afew posts I'm starting to feel nervous about proceeding with them. I'm starting a new job next week.. I'm worried I'm gonna start and be a mess. I have suffered with depression and anxiety for years and have finally got myself to the doctor for help.

04-12-12, 13:51

I've been on citalopram 20mg for the past 5 weeks for anxiety attacks. I take my tablet at 5.45am-6am every morning but I am finding that when I wake up around 3-4am in the morning that I am experiencing panic attacks and shaking. I do not sleep very well, only 4-5 hours of good sleep per night.

After taking citalopram at 6am for the next hour, I am experiencing dizzy spells and tingling down my arms. I still feel very anxious during the day until around 3pm and I feel normal again.

Do you think my dosage is right? I am really worried about the side effects and don't really want to up my dosage or will things get better as I continue on the course?

04-12-12, 13:55
Lillaws, it might be better if you start on 10mg for a few days (cut the pills in half) if you are finding the side effects too intense. I can understand you not wanting to feel unwell when starting a new job. Once you're more settled, you can then move up to 20mg if you need it. It's best to speak to your doctor though before adjusting your dosage.

04-12-12, 15:12
Thank you:) I'll definately contact my doctor about it. Have you done the same? Also i don't know if someone has asked already, is it safe to drink on them? X hope everyone's doing well

04-12-12, 16:02
All perfectly normal and 20mg's is a high dose to have started on as I always started out on 10mg, all I can say is things will get better and better xxx

04-12-12, 17:16
Lillaws - I drank on citalopram (too much some times) and I was okay. Some people react differently, so I would advise if you want to have a drink to just try one drink first, ie; don't go drinking a bottle of wine in one night straight away. A lot of people with anxiety/panic/depression find they have a spike in their symptoms the day after, so just monitor it closely.

04-12-12, 18:26
Thank you:) I'll definately contact my doctor about it. Have you done the same? Also i don't know if someone has asked already, is it safe to drink on them? X hope everyone's doing well

I was prescribed 10mg to start with, but I never needed to go up to 20mg. However I know several other people on this forum who were given 20mg by their doctors, but they cut the tablets in half because they were too nervous to start on the full dose because of the potential side effects.

As for drinking on them, there seems to be no consensus about this. The patient information leaflet says alcohol should be avoided, but some people's doctors have said it's safe to drink in moderation. I personally haven't drunk on them because I've been afraid of giving myself a setback (particularly in the early days).

04-12-12, 19:31
Ok. Thanks:) struggling to eat now aswell, don't know if that's the pills or the depression. its really nice to know there's other people out there with the same thing happening in their lives! I've just moved to the uk from nz do feel slightly alone at times.

04-12-12, 19:52
I had exactly the same side effect when I first started - I could hardly eat any food for the first few days! Thankfully my appetite was pretty much back to normal within a week or so.

Did you move to the UK for work? Maybe there are some social clubs or evening classes you could join in your local area so you won't feel so alone.

05-12-12, 09:03
I basically lost my appetite for the first 3 weeks. Hardly ate anything. Lost over 15 lbs. I am now on week 5. Now eating a bit more and not losing anymore weight. I feel really sick in the morning after taking 20mg, so haven't eaten breakfast since.

Starting to sleep a bit better 5-6 hours as oppose to 3-4 hours. Completely different from my usual 8-9 hours.

05-12-12, 21:20
I had bad insomnia for the first few nights, but since then I seem to be sleeping better than ever before! It's interesting how it affects people in different ways. I think that as your mood and anxiety improves, your sleep will improve too.

06-12-12, 09:42
Feeling very low today despite 5-6 hours sleep. All alone in house, now that DH gone to work, DD & DS gone to school. Can't face the housework. May crawl back into bed soon.

Will it really improve?

06-12-12, 12:35
YES darl, I promise it will, I was on Citalopram 3 times and each and every time finished being perfectly back to my old self. Citalopram isn't an easy ad to start, I'm on Escitalopram this time around, the newer version which I am finding a lot more easy to tolerate. Hope you feel better soon, it's 4 years ago since I last started Citalopram so I can't remember when it exactly starts to get better and better, you will just find that you start having more and more good days and less bad ones hopefully though (:

06-12-12, 13:44
I'd say to give it a bit more time. It took me 11 weeks before I began to feel the full benefit. If you don't feel any better in a few weeks then I'd suggest going back to your doctor.

06-12-12, 15:06
Thanks for that. I am 5 weeks in. I will have to go back to the doctors in a fortnight to get a repeat prescription and a review. I notice a lot of people are mentioning escitalopram. Do people notice that escitalopram really helps with anxiety attacks?

06-12-12, 19:30
Does anyone else experience random muscle jerks/twitches/spasms in their legs and arms? I'm about 6 weeks into my 20mg dosage and can't tell if it's residual anxiety or a side effect of the citalopram.

06-12-12, 19:36
I am 5 weeks in and I get twitchy muscles/shakes in the legs around 3am - 6 am in the morning before I take my daily dose of 20mg citalopram at 6am every morning.

However, I feel numbness in the arms throughout the day.

I am still feeling panicky during the day but less panickly in the evenings.

06-12-12, 19:41
Escitalopram is just a newer version of citalopram -there's information on it at Wikipedia here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Escitalopram Some people on this forum have found it more effective, especially if the older version stopped working for them, or if they had too many side effects. As escitalopram is still under patent, it is more expensive for the NHS to provide it, which is why it's not as commonly prescribed as citalopram.

eaamesnyc (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/member.php?u=49237) -I remember in the first week I had a few random muscle twitches (which was annoying if I was trying to get to sleep). I think it's probably a side effect rather than residual anxiety.

06-12-12, 20:56
-I remember in the first week I had a few random muscle twitches (which was annoying if I was trying to get to sleep). I think it's probably a side effect rather than residual anxiety.

But you got it just the first week right? I'm 6 weeks in .. wondering if I need to up my dose? I still can't sleep (had severe insomnia before I started citalopram) and I have these jerks throughout the day which are pretty annoying. I am only at 20mg right now. It's helped a lot in other areas but these two are the only side effects I'm experiencing right now. (No weight gain or libido problems either).

Or...should I wait a few more weeks to see if they subside? I know sometimes it takes 2 months for someone to reach their "therapeutic level."

06-12-12, 21:02
It's probably best to wait a few more weeks to see if the side effects subside. It took me 11 weeks before I began to feel the full benefit.

08-12-12, 16:11
Has anyone noticed having their hands turning greyish-blue? I'm a bit worried. They still feel warm. Thanks

09-12-12, 10:54
I have recently started taking Citalopram 20mg for anxiety (depression also, but mostly anxiety). I delayed starting thr course because I was terrified I would feel constantly nauseated and lose my appetite. I am on my fourth day and I am relieved to find that I have been feeling much better than I anticipated! I am sorry to read that many have had negative experiences. I have been on medication (not anti-dps, this is my first and hopefully last time) that have made me feek horrid and I completely sympathise! So far I have only had a headache, and last night I had trouble sleeping - felt a bit 'out of it' and stomach felt unsettled. I have been taking the tablets at 10.30am, so good. I am interested to read the experience of others. It is good to know I am not alone in this battle. Keep safe everyone.

09-12-12, 17:28
The emergency doctor at the walk-in centre has advised that my blue hands are due to cyanosis that my body is not metabolizing citalopram (20mg) properly resulting in an accumulation of citalopram resulting in citalopram associated toxicity and that I must stopped taking it immediately with follow-up with my regular GP next week.

Just a bit of a warning if anyone has blue hands/feet!!! Apparently it is very rare.

09-12-12, 18:33
The emergency doctor at the walk-in centre has advised that my blue hands are due to cyanosis that my body is not metabolizing citalopram (20mg) properly resulting in an accumulation of citalopram resulting in citalopram associated toxicity and that I must stopped taking it immediately with follow-up with my regular GP next week.

Just a bit of a warning if anyone has blue hands/feet!!! Apparently it is very rare.

Oh dear! :scared15: I hope you are OK?

09-12-12, 19:23
Have a bit of an headache but I am now panicking about the nasty withdrawal side-effects and the irony of the situation was that I was put on citalopram for panic attacks!!

The emergency doctor seems to think I have plenty in my system to keep going for a week or so...

09-12-12, 21:41
I have recently started taking Citalopram 20mg for anxiety (depression also, but mostly anxiety). I delayed starting thr course because I was terrified I would feel constantly nauseated and lose my appetite. I am on my fourth day and I am relieved to find that I have been feeling much better than I anticipated! I am sorry to read that many have had negative experiences. I have been on medication (not anti-dps, this is my first and hopefully last time) that have made me feek horrid and I completely sympathise! So far I have only had a headache, and last night I had trouble sleeping - felt a bit 'out of it' and stomach felt unsettled. I have been taking the tablets at 10.30am, so good. I am interested to read the experience of others. It is good to know I am not alone in this battle. Keep safe everyone.

I, like you, scared myself by reading online forums and all of the horror stories but I was feeling so not in control that I threw in the towel to try citalopram.

Aside from the first 5 days which caused heightened anxiety, I felt much better after a week. It hasn't cured my insomnia but I've been 6 weeks anxiety/panic free with only a few jitters here and there. Luckily I've had no other side effects, not even the weight gain. The decreased libido happened the first 4 weeks but it got better. I consider myself lucky.

11-12-12, 15:48
I have been put back on citalopram having been on cipralex and I hate it. My anxiety is so much worse, total loss of appetite, paranoia. Has anyone had a similar experience when switching back to citalopram?

05-01-13, 09:40
I been on citalopram for around 12 weeks on 10mg, and still get a relapse now and again, does it really matter that im not taking my meds at the exact time, maybe an hour or so in time difference., or maybe i need to up my dose, really hate feeling rubbish and negative thoughts stuck in my head which i struggle to shake, answers apreciated :)

06-01-13, 11:00
An hour shouldn't make any difference - it doesn't for me anyway. It's probably best to go back to your doctor if you don't see any improvement, they may suggest increasing your dose.

09-01-13, 17:42
Just a word to maybe help those who have just started taking citalopram, whatever the dose. I've had problems in the past with anxiety and depression, pretty bad, pretty isolating and life destroying.

I've had a relapse after 3 clean years after coming off Cit, taking the medication helped me to get to that stage before, and I'm back on it again now

Alot of what I've read through these posts mention the side effects, I'd forgotten about those.. ! I'm 3 weeks in, I've had the tiredness bit this time round, appetites been ok, little bit of buzzy feeling days 1 -4, lost it a few times too over christmas and the new year, seemed to remember I could still drink alcohol like normal, but no, bottles of wine not a good idea, off that now to give the cit a chance to settle in.

I think varying levels will effect people differently, but while the balance is being worked out chemically, rememebr that what you're doing is very brave, and not everyone is able to sum up the courage to reach out for help and take steps.

For those of you who may be reading this and have yet to ask for help in any way if you're having problems, then I can only say do it, see a gp, see what they think, for some cit is a benifical treatment over time to get you back to where you know you are happy to be. It does take time, as do other ad's, and there will be ups and downs, but long term, cit has helped me before, and I've turned to it again now to help me through this spell. There's no shame in asking for help, and then trying something different, don't be scared of the side effects, if they occur you'll be able to cope, if you feel you can't, speak to who issued you the medication, presumably your gp, they will help you

Good luck to everyone whose going through the transition stages at the moment, it does get better, stick at it, and if things don't end up feeling right after 4 - 6 months (it is worth giving it this long, even though that might seem a ridiculous amount of time, can well imagine it works differently for different people), then see your gp to talk and you can discuss alternatives. Don't give up on it, there's no shame taking it, and it's just a helper to help you find your feet again

Ps. they should be at the bottom of your legs if they're proving hard to locate.

I will be using the site to help me, and am here if anyone wants to ask anything about citalopram experiences, all be it they'll be my reactions or experiences only

Thumbs up to everyone that add's their thoughts, its appreciated

Good luck

11-01-13, 18:51
I too am on a relapse of anxiety after 10 years being on the tablet I stopped for 4 months.
I forgot what the starting side effects were like. I'm on day 3 and my concentration is close to zero, I want to sleep, got diarrhoea, weird appetite, heightened anxiety, increased depression.
I can barely read alot of these posts as my eyes are fuzzy and my concentration is so bad.

The only thing getting me through this is the fact that in time I know this pill does work for me and gives me my life back. Just not enjoying this but I know it will get better.

Best of luck to everyone. Do stick with it! I'm struggling to want to stick with it right now but I will.


11-01-13, 22:12
Sorry to hear about your relapse Steven. I hope you will start feeling better soon. :hugs:

12-01-13, 11:51
Thanks Sparkle.

I've been through the 'washing cycle' once before so round two shouldn't be so bad. Hopefully soon I can get back to where I was when I was on the tablets! Pretty much panic free for years!

06-04-13, 14:10
When I was first diagnosed with Bi-polar II I was put on citalopram and then a bit later seroquel as well. Citalopram made me feel like a narcoleptic zombie
and my short-term memory got trashed. One day I withdrew R1000(about £80
or $90) from an ATM and just walked away without taking the money and
not surprisingly 30-seconds later when I realised my error...it was gone(meaning the person that took it must have known it was MINE).
Another time two friends and myself drove to the mountains for in my car where we parked next to the mountain pass that is frequented by many people. We went for a hike for about 3 hours and on the way back I realised my car keys were not with me!
Anxiously we kept our eyes open for them(yeah right, like finding them in the
river water and all that). We eventually reached the parking spot to find that
I had just placed they keys on the roof after locking it! It was just my luck
that no one helped themselves to my car...
So I realised that it wasn't working and it also did not work for my anxiety
at all, I went to go see the psychiatrist and he told me "I think in this case
less is more" so I stopped the Citalopram and kept the Seroquel...

19-07-13, 16:21
I've been on Cit now for a few years, and am still really appreciating and enjoying the lack of unnecessary anxiety, and not one single panic attack. My life is so very much better now.

But I remember, oh so well, how absolutely horrible, and what a ghastly place it was, when I first went onto it. I started on 20mg and goodness, I felt so absolutely dreadful in every way, for a vey bad few weeks.

But a friend of mind, who'd been through this some months earlier, said to hang on and give it a proper chance. So I did. And it worked. It works now. It really does.

So, however bad things seem to be, do give it a few weeks - at least four - to start having its effect on you. There is a good place out there, and I really believe that Citalopram helped me to find it.

Good luck and be strong. I know you need that right now, but keep at it.

03-05-14, 20:44
I've only just started taking them yesturday and I WS OK today I take them again and about hour after I was feeling dizziness like my legs was going to give in on me made be scared

06-05-14, 23:48
I was put on Citalopram because of my health anxiety, at first I started on 10mg and had side affects like palpitations and it seemed to make me more anxious, so I quit after one day, but then hit a low day 4 days later, and decided to give it a go again. Did 4 days on 10mg now on 20 mg still having side affects but nothing I cant handle, the worse one is how tired they seem to make me

13-05-14, 22:50
Hi I've been taking them for13 days now has anyone been wakeing up with all there cloths wet

17-10-14, 12:18
I have Depression and Anxiety which i think i have suffered from for a long time.My Anxiety at night keeps me up until sometimes 6 like right now when im typing this due to the nausea i have. I was prescribed Citalopram on Tuesday. I started it the next day in the morning and at first i was fine but within 3 hours i felt dizzy, tired, nausea, weak in a way and just drained and then at night i couldnt sleep so i was up until 6 again. Today was the same thing and I guess what im wanting to know when do these symptoms end and should i try to take them at night instead of the morning? This is the first time i have ever taken anything for my depression and anxiety. :wacko:

17-10-14, 13:10
What strength tablets are you taking, and did you taper them?

Start with an eighth of a tablet for a few days, then a quarter, and so on until you're taking the full tablet everyday.

I've always taken them in the morning. Taking them at night can disrupt your sleep, in my experience.

Good luck, and look forward to brighter and happier days :)

22-04-15, 23:52
I have just been prescribed these by my doctor and after ready your comments i will stick with feeling nauseous .I suffer with panic and anxiety so don't want to heighten my symptom .brilliant site im a new comer so this has helped:)

---------- Post added at 22:52 ---------- Previous post was at 22:49 ----------

Just been given these by my doctor but after ready your comment i will stick to just feeling nauseous dont want my panic and anxiety worsen by these .great site im a newbie; )

ann campbell
23-04-15, 20:52

24-04-15, 02:17
I have just been prescribed these by my doctor and after ready your comments i will stick with feeling nauseous .I suffer with panic and anxiety so don't want to heighten my symptom .brilliant site im a new comer so this has helped:)

---------- Post added at 22:52 ---------- Previous post was at 22:49 ----------

Just been given these by my doctor but after ready your comment i will stick to just feeling nauseous dont want my panic and anxiety worsen by these .great site im a newbie; )

My anxiety did get bad for a few weeks when I first got on these but I knew it was the meds because it wasn't the same type of anxiety as what I'd been dealing with all my life. It wasn't easy, but I knew it was going to pass and I'm so so so happy I went through a few weeks of bad anxiety, heart palpitations, headaches... Now I'm at month 4 or 5 of being completely anxiety-free with no side effects or unpleasant feelings.

To everyone here commenting and saying how hard it is in the beginning, hold on ! You went through years of feeling horrible, can't you take 2-3 more weeks of it? The benefits are well worth it !

24-04-15, 11:55
Thanks for the encouragement, honeycakes! :) I've now passed the 2 week mark and I feel I'm through the worst of the side effects. I still wake in the night feeling very anxious but I'm familiar with it now so I can get through it pretty easily. Probably going to up my dose next week so might have another rough patch to go but I'm looking forward to being anxiety free!

25-04-15, 20:37
Thanks for the encouragement, honeycakes! :) I've now passed the 2 week mark and I feel I'm through the worst of the side effects. I still wake in the night feeling very anxious but I'm familiar with it now so I can get through it pretty easily. Probably going to up my dose next week so might have another rough patch to go but I'm looking forward to being anxiety free!

Just so you know, for me, going up to 20mg was very difficult and I failed the first time and went back down to 10mg and sat there for 3 weeks. Once I no longer had any side effects or anxiety, I went up again to 20mg and though I did notice a few odd things, nothing was as bad as the initial increase to 20mg. My doctor even said I could sit at 10mg for a month if I wanted to, not to rush my body through it and it wouldn't be as difficult.

25-04-15, 21:09
Thanks for the warning. I was thinking about that today actually. People here have mentioned filing their pills down, so I might do that for the first week or two (shave the pills to around 15mg) before going up to 20mg.

26-04-15, 08:17
Well I have been on 20mg for nearly a week and it wasn't as bad for me as starting on the 10mg. The only major thing I've noticed is sleeping. I wake up often and seem to sleep very lightly! I'm hoping this is just the medication and its going to settle down soon when I can feel the full effects of the meds.

26-04-15, 08:22
Well I have been on 20mg for nearly a week and it wasn't as bad for me as starting on the 10mg. The only major thing I've noticed is sleeping. I wake up often and seem to sleep very lightly! I'm hoping this is just the medication and its going to settle down soon when I can feel the full effects of the meds.

Some people on here have said it helps avoid sleeping problems if they take it in the morning. I went straight onto 20mg and suffered a fair bit of insomnia, so I guess a shift to the morning would have helped me with that.

Some people do also say it makes no difference when they take it though.

26-04-15, 10:34
Thanks Terry. I might have to give that ago and see if it helps. I am starting to struggle with lack of sleep now.

26-04-15, 12:44
Sleep is also my biggest difficulty but that's really settled down in the past few days. I'm dreading what going up to 20mg will do to my sleep. I've thought about switching to mornings too, but I'll wait and see how it goes.

02-05-15, 19:24
I first started on 20mg of CIT about 2 years ago, I seemed fine and then I had a massive crash and my anxiety has gone through the roof so they upped my dose to 40 mg about 2 months ago but I'm not feeling any better. Does anyone think I should ask to change my tablets or stick with it? I just don't feel they are working and I want to be back to my old self again