View Full Version : I need help

14-07-11, 15:09
I've posted quite a lot on this forum in the last few weeks, i hope you arent getting sick of me.

Basically my depression and anxiety has got very very bad lately. I tried Citalapram last week but could only manage 2 days as the side effects were unbearable.

Now it has got to the point where i am thinking that i cant carry on anymore. I have a wife and kids, and i never thought that i would be feeling this way again now i have people i love and that depend on me, but i do and that makes me feel even worse.

I really really don't know where to go from here. I can see no hope for me, i really cant see it getting better.
I have an appointment tomorrow with my gp, but all he will do is give me more meds to try, which scares the hell out of me.
I have an appointment with the local mental health team, but that's not until September!

I have tried to get an emergency appointment with them but they don't seem to care. I know i need to see someone quickly but i don't know if i can, or who to talk to.

I feel constantly sick, fuzzy headed and tense, i cant eat and i cant even have a ciggy as it makes me feel even more sick and light headed.

I really do not know where to go or who to turn to.

14-07-11, 18:49
Hi brit,

Have you read any books on anxiety/depression before? There are a good lot of them reccomended on this site and the shop even sells some, those also might be worth a try.

There's also some good audio books on itunes about anxiety/depression. These include relaxation techniques, which also sound like it might be of benefit to you.

14-07-11, 19:17
its good your going to the doctor dont let him fob you off make sure he knows just how you feel .maybe then he will give you the right meds ,be strong for you first

14-07-11, 19:28
Hi Brit

Have you read this at all?


14-07-11, 19:59
Hi M8,

You sound like me 18mths ago, trust me theres light at the end of the tunnel, Iv gone through the mill with all sorts of meds, the ones Iv settled on are Estialopram the brother/sister versions of the ones you have tried!!

Chin up, theres plenty of good advice on here!!

15-07-11, 15:06
Thank you guys.

I saw my doc again today, he thinks some of what i'm feeling maybe still due to the 2 doses of Citalpram i took.
He has given me 2mg doses of Diazapam to take to calm me down a bit and i'm going to see him again early next week.

The real bugger though is that i'm worried to take the Diazapam (that is supposed to calm me down!) in case it makes me feel worse! :doh:

I'm also concerned that i have a family wedding to go tomorrow and i cant see how the hell i'm going to manage it...

absolute nightmare
15-07-11, 15:32

there is no need for you to be scared to take the Diazapam it is really good in calming you down

absolute nightmare
15-07-11, 15:33

there is no need for you to be scared to take the Diazapam it is really good in calming you down

17-07-11, 10:44
Hi brit, I hope today's a better day for you :) It sounds like you could be suffering from adrenal fatigue (as most of us here probably are)... We live a life of excess, with a lotta stress and worry thrown in... then BANG!! It all catches up with us, and our bodies start to rebel :( Sometimes I wonder why my body was so kind to me for so long! I didn't deserve it the way I was behaving... We smoke n drink n eat crap in our teens and twenties, then into our thirties our bodies start to need something positive, something more nourishing :) If it doesn't get it, then it starts going wrong :( Who's to blame? We are, because we thought we were indestructible! The trick is to stop taking our bodies for granted and change the cycle now :) Only you can do it, and maybe now is the time to start :)

17-07-11, 12:10
Thank you guys, Kibbutz i think you may be on to something there.

I have always been 'depressed', but last year and the start of this year were very stressfull.

The good news is that i managed to go the family wedding yesterday with the help of the Diazapam. Although i was still anxious at times it definatly took the edge off things.

I am seeing my doc again on tuesday, he wants to discuss trying some different anti-d's. At least now with the help of Diazam i am a fair bit calmer.

18-07-11, 03:26
Hi Brit

Different meds work for different people. There's no easy way of knowing what will suit you without trying it. See what your doc suggests next and give it a go. There are often side effects to start with, but if you can find something you can stick with it usually does get better. I felt terrible for the first four weeks on Sertraline, but am now pretty much recovered.

Tyke :)