View Full Version : like everyone else

14-07-11, 15:55
hi i am maria ,i am sure most of you on this site look at other people ,and think i wish i could be like them going to school picking up my kids , shopping even going for a nice long walk,,, but your brain is saying no ,you believe you will never see a light at the end of all your pain panic anxiety,,,but please believe me you will get better ,,,,i was like all of ,didn't get out of bed even for 8 months,didn't want my family seeing me in this awful state .so pushed them away ,,i was ringing the doctor ,checking.my tablets wouldn't interact ,,, i had every pain electric shocks through my body ,,,no sleep or too much ,well in the end i found this site ,,i posted all the time looking for answers ,,i made a lot of good friends and caring people who understood how i felt ,what a relieve ,, its now nearly 3 years on ,i still get anxiety but i can carry on... i just say to myself its anxiety it will pass and after a while i am ok ,the only meds i take are propranolol 10mg o keep adrenaline rushes at bay ,and thyroid tablets ,as i found out thyroid can make depression and anxiety so much worse if not working properly ,anyway i would just like to say a big thank you to all who run this site for being there ,and all the great people who take the time to care thank you if you need any support pm me glad to help maria xxx god bless you:bighug1:

14-07-11, 16:08
They are great the people who run this site, thank goodness they are there so a big thank you too from me.

I love your positive attitude wish i could be like that.


14-07-11, 22:11
Hi gypsywomen,I hope you don't mind me asking but do you have a thyroid problem? I do and am always interested in how people cope .congratulations it looks like you are winning the battle it is hard to be so positive.Well done:yesyes:

saffy f
14-07-11, 22:20
well done Gypsywomen you should be very proud of yourself,

07-09-11, 15:59
Hi gypsywomen,I hope you don't mind me asking but do you have a thyroid problem? I do and am always interested in how people cope .congratulations it looks like you are winning the battle it is hard to be so positive.Well done:yesyes:yes i have tyroid problems ,had it a long time but i thought i would be clever and stopped taking my tyroxine 3 years ago. and as you can see it made me ill ,but now i take them never fail...it is very impotent gland in your body ,,thank you for reply take care maria:bighug1:

07-09-11, 17:05
Agree with Maria, well done. It does get better. You will feel alive again. Never give up