View Full Version : Success Today

30-04-06, 00:08
I went to a big local event today which attracts lots & lots of crowds. The main reason I went was that my son was doing a play there so had to go and support him. I went with my daughter & husband. Hubbie dropped us off while he went to park. There I was, in the heat & sunshine (yes we did have that today in Scotland), with tons of people about. All of a sudden the usual thoughts & worries started to hit me. However, I just stopped myself & told myself so what....if you pass out or go crazy - who cares? You are staying. This happened 3 x & each time I told myself I was staying no matter what. You know what? All 3x the panic went away quite quickly & after that the panic never came back. I was there for 3 1/2 hrs. It felt great!!!! I'm quite pleased with myself.

30-04-06, 00:41
Hi diva

Well done and you have every right to be chuffed with yourself.:D

In my area of Scotland it was like a Summers day too .... lets hope it lasts.


Sometimes I give myself the creeps, Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me, It all keeps adding up, I think I'm cracking up, Or am I just paranoid ..... Billie Joe Armstrong

Two heads
30-04-06, 01:05
Hi diva
well done hun!It feels great when we beat that nasty gremlin doesnt it?
You should be so proud of yourself!xx

30-04-06, 08:52
Well done - rightly so you should be pleased with yourself!
Love Helen

30-04-06, 10:24
That's brilliant :D Well Done.

Take Care,


30-04-06, 11:41
Nice one!!!! :D:D:D:D

Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

30-04-06, 20:28
Well done Panic Diva.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

30-04-06, 20:43
Well done. You did a brave thing today. It'll make it easier the next time!

Shiv x

30-04-06, 20:54
Well done! Know you know you have done it one you can do it all the time :D:D:D

30-04-06, 21:12
Thanks for all your kind words everyone!!! Means alot to me.