View Full Version : Pain in head on exertion.

14-07-11, 16:28
Hi, does anyone else get a pain in their head when they do certain things? Like if I heave myself up from a deep chair or something, the strain of it gives me a momentary pain in my head and I know it sounds stupid, but I worry a vein will pop and I'll have an aneurism or stroke *sigh* Argh, I hate HA. I've been feeling ok for a couple of weeks, but something's set me off again today and I feel so cross with myself for going 'back there.' :weep: Thanks guys. x

15-07-11, 12:17
:unsure: I guess no-one else gets this. Eek!

15-07-11, 12:18
I get more of a pressure sensation in my forehead if I lean over or get up quickly. I have sinus problems so put it down to that x