View Full Version : Hello

14-07-11, 17:07
Hi, I'm Joe- I joined No More Panic yesterday, spent a few hours looking around and realised that you are my kind of people:D

I'm early 40's, married for 3 years, no kids.

Now comes the awkward bit, describing past history and where my head is at, at the moment.

Ok, I'll be brief, because if I'm not this could take a long time!

Medical history first, I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis in 2002/3, and have been on all sorts of medication since then. Had lots of colonoscopies/endoscopies over the years. When I found out I had U.C (ulcertaive colitis)I was a very angry man- I think there still be some unresolved issues which I need to work out, but we'll come back to them.

I've been in remission for a couple of years now, so all is good. I'm on a boatload of tablet for this and other illnesses to, but thats the main one. Oh yes, there is one great thing about U.C, its how I met my wife
(another story for another time!)

I was always a loner when I was younger, and would say that I was prone to mood swings and depression, but never really noticed it. After my diagnosis of U.C, I began to notice things more. My wife and her mother both work in the health area and have more experince than me in these areas so have helped me recognise things I wasnt aware of.

So, if you've made it through all that, well done, time for where I'm at now...citalopram 20mg for depression currently. I had 2 panic attacks a few days ago, and I know I have self esteem issues. A few months ago I was having suicidal thoughts/dreams, but the citalopram seems to have stopped them.

Treatments I've tried in the past, person centred counselling...which helped me realise what my isses were...basically hating myself. CBT- didnt take to it at all. Hypnotherapy, which worked for a while and has helped in a lot of situations but isnt a cure all, and now citalopram.

Currently waiting to see the doctor tomorrow as panic attacks a few days ago had me unable to move with fear, and I have no idea why.

Glad I found this site, even though I know I'm not alone, its good to talk to like minded individuals.



14-07-11, 17:13
Hi heyjoe

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

15-07-11, 14:28
Hi Joe,

Welcome to NMP.
Wow you've been through a lot!! You're really brave & it's great you have such an understanding wife & mother in law.
Good news is this site is full of more understanding people so you can now surround yourself with them!

It's been a great help to me & I hope it will be to you too.

Keep fighting Joe!

Emily x