View Full Version : Great night out and no gremlin!

Two heads
30-04-06, 01:03
Just thought i would let you all no i had agreat night out with out the gremlin present!Where it went i dont no and dont care!
I felt like me for the frist time in months.And i havet laughed so much in about ayear!!xxx

30-04-06, 08:20
Hi Bong

Well done :D
I love to hear of the gremlin getting beaten.


Sometimes I give myself the creeps, Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me, It all keeps adding up, I think I'm cracking up, Or am I just paranoid ..... Billie Joe Armstrong

30-04-06, 08:50
Great news - I'm sure this will be the first of many nights out without the gremlin!!
Love Helen

30-04-06, 10:29
That's really good to hear :D Well Done.

Take Care,


30-04-06, 10:42
Wayhey you go BONG!!

May it be the first of many.

Take Care

Love Pinky:D

30-04-06, 11:40
I know I have already said it but a big well done to you:D

Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

30-04-06, 11:44
oh yes you lucky thing. let us know how you are today. did you have a drink?

happy days are here again or what


Two heads
30-04-06, 12:57
Hi all!Thanks for the on going surport.
Yes jackie i had a drink all two,in fact 5 halfs of lager.I like white wine but i didnt want to drink that out as it goes to my head on these meds!I had a meal then went to the pub entil 12.30 it was great!!
i just so felt like my old self,i really hope i will beat this gremlin once and for all.
So far to day ok at moment,i tend to get worse when i get tired.love to you allxx

30-04-06, 20:27
Great news Bong.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

30-04-06, 20:45
A big well done to you!!

Shiv x

30-04-06, 20:52
Well Done Bong! Heres to many more of the same for you! :D

Two heads
01-05-06, 21:13
Thanks you all are so lovely!xxx

01-05-06, 21:31
Hay sweety

That is wicked , i am so glad you could go out and be yourself and have a laf.. with the dragon not present .. im so happy for you.. and will drink to many more like that night for you..bless.
Did you drink much.. and out of curiosty how did that affect your medi.

Well done

ashley xxx

02-05-06, 11:25
Hi Bong

Well done hun. Really pleased to hear the night out went well.

Excellent news

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

Two heads
03-05-06, 16:49
Hi ash,alex!Thanks for your replys.I drank about 5halfs of lager and was fine ash.I didnt want to drink wine as it goes to my head quick on these meds.Its ok in doors to drink the wine but dont want it bringing on panick out!I think as long as you dont go over the top you will be ok.Even my cardio said acohol is good for the heart within reason hun!xxxx